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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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It was a good offer, but as was becoming her new habit, she immediately warned Mao about the dangers of the group. Of course she was surprised Gabbie or Katrina hadn't already told her. Maybe either had warned her, but Raquel expected most people to turn and walk away once they were warned of the danger. She still expected that, but the fact was it virtually never happened. "Are you sure you want to travel with us? I mean, we have some very dangerous enemies and a lot of weird things happen around us. D-don't get me wrong, I appreciate the offer ... I just wouldn't want you to end up regretting it later ..."

Other Plans

"If the pay isn't good there's no reason for me to work there ... no offense," Suzume replied. "I didn't become a mercenary to help just anyone I could; it was that or perform less respectable work while all of my real talents went to waste. I'm not sure where to look in this foreign country, but at least I have enough money to make it for now with or without work."

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"Not well." said Robin, skeptical of the mans intentions as he slapped her on the back. "I have had a bad week on this boat and am hoping to spend some time with my... new... friend... relieving the stress." explained Robin.


"Hey, I can fight too, and if you give me a safe place to store my books, I'd be glad to travel with you guys for a bit as well. I could even provide magical research help and such if you want!" offered Tia.

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Zach was quite frankly surprised when Marella grabbed his hand and asked him to come along. "Y-yeah... I'll come if you really want me to." He was going to release Marella's hand, but with Robin still so close by Zach felt incredibly uncomfortable, this just happened to be something that helped. Hopefully Mar wouldn't mind too much...

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Mao grinned. "The weirder the better. That's why I approached you after I was already warned. The only things I regret are horrible business decisions and staying cooped up in a house writing letters every day. A bit danger here and a bit of weirdness there is completely fine." It was true, of course. Getting out of that intolerable position was like a bat out of hell, and Mao had never really paid danger too much mind in the overarching sense, so it was all good.

"I insist."

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As Mar grabbed his hand, Robin caught sight of the couple. For a moment she tried to look Zach right in the eyes. We break up and you immediately get with another woman? she thought to herself before stopping. No. You are dead to me and, even if you weren't, you are no longer bound to me nor I to you.

For a moment, the thought of going over to Shadrak and taking him up to make him mad crossed her mind, but then she chided herself mentally. He was dead to her. His actions had no more bearing on her life, right?

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"Uh ..." Shadrak didn't get an answer. Instead, Tia wandered after Raquel. "Was it the 'a little young' comment or something?" He sighed and eventually followed after. The last thing Raquel needed was to be trying to juggle two separate conversations at once, which appeared to be what she was in for if he didn't back her up.

Welcome Aboard

She insists? Well okay, then. I just hope I'm not getting yelled at later. I wasn't being very specific about exactly what kind of dangers we go up against. "Alright then, welcome to the team. I guess it's a team, sort of ..." Raquel trailed off, not knowing exactly what to call the group. They wouldn't be a merchant convoy per say, and the other titles coming to mind were horrendous.

Tia broke that train of thought when she chimed in, announcing that she could fight and help with magical research so long as her books could be safely stored. Raquel had two immediate objections, but only two. Shadrak arrived in the middle of her explanation. "I know you're a mage, but the fights we get into ..." she glanced at Mao during the pause, figuring she was probably listening in just as closely as Tia was. "... are really dangerous. We've lost people, and not to bandits or pirates. Even my safety's never been guaranteed and I'm supposed to be leading this group. I think I've been shot three times and stabbed during our last fight ..."

"Well hoide in the Dauntless then, you whoiny little synthweaver," Gabbie mumbled while leaning against Ringo's side, barely within earshot of the conversation.

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Marella glanced at Zach when he held onto her hand longer than expected, but noticed he wasn't looking at her. Looking in the same direction he was, she noticed Robin standing nearby. She saw the other girl glare at Zach quickly and then look away. She sighed internally but squeezed Zach's hand. "Come on Lightning Head. Cheer up. We're going to be exploring a city! It should be fun." Turning to the rest of the group, she waved to them. "Come on guys, lets go." She started to walk off the ship, still holding Zach's hand. As they passed near Robin, she grinned at Zach. "So then Lightning Head, where do you think our group should go first? What do you want to see?"

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"I know that, but as he just said." Tia nodded towards Shadrak. "I'm a bit young to travel on my own. I have had to until recently due to money issues, but he's right. If you're traveling together I'm much safer with you guys than on my own even if you do attract trouble unless you attract the kind of trouble that knows how to build a magical bomb."

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"I still stand by my words," said Mao. "As long as you guys don't bankrupt me in some way, I'm fine with whatever comes. If things do happen, it'll make for a damn good story whenever I get around to writing a book." She looked at Tia for a moment, who had once again mentioned financial troubles. Hopefully it wouldn't be too much of a problem. "Only thing I'm worried about is if Tia is in debt. Debtors suck."

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Mushirah, well, she was silent, already looking around and scoping the place out, moving on her own but not out of sight or earshot.

Aneda however, was more interested in trying to answer Marela's question as if she was being asked, "We should totally go get some food. Did I mention food? Yeah, still hungry. OR WAIT! Maybe there's something cool and awesome just waiting for us to find it in there! Who knows?!" Keeping pace and dragging Hannah along (willingly of course), Aneda was glad that her stomach's growling was getting drowned out... maybe.

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Zach was about to respond to Marella's question when Aneda chimed in with her own answer. "Yeah... food sounds good. It'd be nice to get something aside from ship food." He waited a moment before squeezing Mar's hand back as well, speaking low enough so she could only hear "Thank you Mar.... What you're doing means a lot to me."

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"Tch, bombs ..." Shadrak wasn't getting anymore specific than that.

"Well, now that you mention magical bombs ..." Raquel trailed off once again, thinking back to when the organization destroyed the ship in the harbor, and then later on when Sardis personally took out Weyland's armored forces which consisted mainly of his prototype Recusant tanks. There was no telling what people like Burke and Naomi could do, and though the chances were extremely low for the moment, she doubted they had seen the last of the Neviskotian rebels. "I'd consider letting you fight, but not when it's looking too dangerous. When it gets that bad, you should take shelter in the Dauntless with Connor ... or whatever other transport Weyland has us testing for him at the time."

"Such good advoice ... why won't she take it?" Gabbie mumbled.

From the sounds of things, Mao wasn't any less deterred by Raquel's elaboration. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but for now it was at least nice to know they had more support, and having another merchant around might make things feel more like a caravan than a simple armed escort. Bandits beware, this was one caravan you do not want to mess with.

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A few members of the group appeared to be going out on the town or something- Nadya had no particular desire to join them, she had seen them enough on the ship. What she really wanted to do was go riding and both the ramp and the book issue seemed to be clearing up.

<"Try not to jump over anyone this time, all right?"> she said to Luca, urging him to trot down to the port.


"I haven't gotten injured staying in the Dauntless yet. Considering what it's made out of, you'd practically have to use a bomb to make an opening in it," he added to the conversation going on.

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When the man with the cigar came over and asked how they were doing, Gytha wasn't entirely sure how to respond, so she waited for Robin to first. She smiled a little at what Robin said after that. Though it was too bad Robin wasn't doing well, she had referred to her as a friend. Indeed, it was a step forward to Raquel's group acting like a proper crew. Robin seemed a bit distracted after that. Maybe she was just uncomfortable. The huntress had, after all, said she wanted to keep the company few for the trip.

"No use stayin' here, then," Gytha noted before giving a short nod to Rook, then addressing him with a casual smile, "Goodbye, then." With that, she began heading off towards the port, expecting Robin would follow.


"In that case, I guess you'd want to go where there are nobles," Norbert replied, "Look for big houses with unnecessary flourishes. I never worked for anyone like that myself, so I can't help you much on advice. There are bound to be some in big cities like in Europa and Ursentius. Actually..."

He stopped there, unsure of how to say what he was going to say. Well, we're working for Weyland already and he has a big name. I don't think her travelling with us would go over well with either party, though... "Whoever you work for, try to make sure they're not at odds with Weyland Enterprises," he advised, "Since that's who our group is going to see soon. We did a couple jobs for Weyland already, and I don't want to see you on the other side of the field again."

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Marella smiled at Zach. "I don't know what you're talking about. Anything I'm doing here is because I want to do it, not just for you." Switching from a whisper to her normal voice, she said, "Alrighty then. Food it is. Whadda ya think, Lightning Head, your treat? At least for me. Please?" She grinned at him and winked. "I'm sure I'll be able to pay you back later if you do."

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"Thanks anyways Mar..." Giving another squeeze to her hand. Back to public notions however, His brown haired .....friend? Already making him feel better from her actions "Oh I dunno, paying for others has never exactly been my style...." Winking before continuing "I think I can make an exception for you though."

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Whoo, food and stuff! That was great, as Kat hadn't had breakfast yet. Keeping he egg tucked securely under her arm, she climbed up on Volga. "I'll wait for you guys on the docks~" she said, getting the wyvern to turn towards the side of the ship. Skipping the ramp entirely, Volga leapt off the edge of the ship and with a few wing beats landed safely on a clear section of the docks.

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"Dauntless? Conner? What is the Dauntless? Is it that weird thing over there? And who is Conner? Is he your bookkeeper? If so, I'd love to see what he has in terms of books!" she said, not QUITE getting that the young boy was Conner.


Robin nodded and walked down off the ramp, following Gytha and trying to get out of Rook's grasp as fast as she could. "So, where do you go to have fun around these ports? Please tell me it is not a bar or something like that."

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Marella grinned at Zach as she started off down the ramp, half pulling him after her. Turning to look back at him, she replied, "Good. I don't really have much money on me. Managed to save my purse, but most of my money had gone into investing in the cargo on our ship. Sooooo, while I *could* afford to buy my meal, I wouldn't be able to afford much else after." Not looking where she was going, she managed to run straight into Robin at the bottom of the ramp. Stumbling, she fell down, pulling Zach with her. The two ended up in a tangled heap right at Robin's feet. Quickly standing up, Marella brushed herself off before offering a hand to Zach. Turning to Robin, she mumbled, <Sorry about that, I should have been looking where I was going, I can just be such a klutz some time. I hope you'll forgive me.> She realized that she was still holding onto Zach's hand after helping him up and blushed a little. <Ah, well, Lightning Head and I should go catch up to the others, sorry again.>

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As Marella and Zach tumbled into Robin the archer girl was sent pitching forwards, barely missing the others in the group before steadying herself. Then, as she rose up, she looked to Marella. "<No, it's fine. But... Thunder Head? Zach?>" Robin looked past Marella to see Zach. "<So, you're over me that fast and chasing after some new girl to protect? Amazing feat for a ghost.>" she said to him, clearly still mad at him concerning their little talk.

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"Uhh the Dauntless is the wagon that's tied down right there, this is Connor," she said, gesturing to him before continuing. "And he's actually an alchemist. I handle most of the books around here myself."

Don't say 'Weyland' don't say 'Weyland' don't say 'Weyland', Gabbie repeated over and over.

"Hey, Miss Valcyn, Mister Weyland, how long til the crane gets here? We can't finish with the harness until we untie the wagon from the deck. It's dangerous though; if the ship rocks forward or backward too much, she might roll."

Wrathdammit ...

"I uh ... I don't know," Raquel answered.


Suzume crossed her arms and leaned back against the rail. "Should I just try to find work with Weyland Enterprises then? That's the only way to be sure from the sound of things ..."


Still agitated, he was disinclined to run, preferring to find some open field someplace first, but with so many large structures and people around, all he could do was trot around for now, giving the evil eye to anyone who got uncomfortably close. Not far away, Anna was leading a group of dock works over toward the Prometheus from the east. They had four large bulls hauling a mobile crane behind them and were making good time. Anna just hoped the Dauntless was prepped and ready for them.

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Zach was surprised when he was dragged down beside her. Thankfully they both seemed to be okay though... but it was Robin that they had bumped into. After they had gotten back up Mar had apologized and Zach had foolishly thought that maybe the incident would be over. "<It's not... Come on Mar, let's just go please...?"> He pleaded with the older girl. Not wanting to have a situation like last night again

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Marella glared at Robin and then turned to Zach. "You go on, I'll catch up, ok?" She squeezed his hand and smiled at him. "Really, go on." When he was still hesitating, she sighed. "Seriously Zach, go on. I'll be right behind you I promise. I just need to do something really quickly. Ok, Lightning Head? For me?"

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Whatever they intended to lift was either incredibly heavy or the ship was flat-bottomed, because it was incredibly rare for a ship to keel over on its side and sink in port. Mao didn't pay it much mind though, most people familiar with their specific boats knew their stuff and she wouldn't question that. However, the name Weyland struck a bell, but Mao couldn't put a finger on where she'd heard that name before.

"Ah, one more thing! I'm afraid I didn't catch your name. It'd be a bit awkward traveling with you guys without knowing your names, hmm?"

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