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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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“Alright, no fish,” Synthia confirmed. She wasn’t particularly hungry for that anyway. Then they stumbled upon Gytha, who gave a message about where the group was meeting up later. “Oh, thanks,” she replied. “We were just leaving to find something to eat, if you wanted to come,” she offered.

Then, addressing Chelsea, “Sweets for lunch?” And she made a face.

OoC: My apologies. Sick, burdened with homework roy can only do so much and... yeah

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The ladies looked at one another, both slightly surprised at the man knowing this exact wyvern, and more importantly who the owner was, although Mushirah had to make sure. "Rina? As in, Katrina? If that's who you're talking about, then yes this is hers, can I ask how you know her, sir?" There was a very small crowd gathering, and by crowd I really mean just a few people scratching their heads and shrugging at the wyvern being so rambunctiousness and then moving on with their oh so interesting lives.

Aneda spoke up, "Well, she does go to some family business guild... thingy... Maybe he's a friend or something anyway?"

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“Yes, I do mean Katrina,” Jerald answered, scratching his head. This whole situation just felt odd. “The name’s Jerald Nomen. And, yes, I suppose you could call us friends. I work- eh, worked for her father, you see. Sounds like she told you about the guild,” he said, the last part directed at Aneda.

By this point Volga had crawled over to the entrance of the butcher shop to wait for lunch. Jerald took note that Katrina was probably inside. Turning his attention back to the women, he gave the two of them a winning smile. “Anyway, any friend of Rina’s is a friend of mine. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?”

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Apparently, Synthia, Nadya and Chelsea were off to lunch and now Gytha was being invited along. Her reaction? "Sure! Sounds like fun!" the mariner happily replied. She was a bit hungry, after all, and this was, in fact, now a total of four of the group spending time together. The situation was most excellent in Gytha's eyes.

"If we run inta anaone else, though, we need t' tell 'em about th' tower. Told Raquel I'd do that anaway, so might as well keep that in mind," she added. And then she was walking along side them, being the only one of the four without a horse and really not caring about that fact at all.

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And now Gytha appeared, bearing a message that Raquel was going to be at the tower-thingy when it was time to go. And Synthia also invited the mariner into the lunch group and Gytha agreed. Chelsea gave a smile at Gytha and said "Welcome to the party Gytha, I'm buying for everyone so no need to worry about money."- the troubadour told the seafaring-lady.

"I say that and I really don't mind Gytha tagging along, but that means more money is coming out of my pocket. *Sigh* Let's just hope we don't run into any more of the group, or else my coin will be gone before the end of this little excursion."

Noticing that Synthia was making a face when Cheslea suggested sweets for lunch, Chelsea gave a pout to the mage and gave in. "Fine, no sweets... for now. Do you know any places that give steaks? Or any meat?"- the troubadour asked her fellow riding companion.

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"Ah, ye don't have t' worra about payin' fer me," Gytha replied to Chelsea wither her usual, happy grin, "I can pay fer meself. Just got paid fer workin' on th' Prometheus, actualla. Nice o' ye t' offer, though!"

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"Anyways, I need someone to repair my books that a certain vagabond ruined. I suppose I should find that... Rack-Quail? Was that it? Woman again to see how she's progressing on that. Do you know where she is? Or do I have to hunt her down myself?"

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Yay, more people were coming, and this time it was people Synthia liked. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she replied about the telling people where to meet thing. Then the money situation got handled, and the mage felt a little guilty for making Chelsea offer to pay for another person. She wasn’t used to people willingly covering her meals in the first place.

“Uhh, steaks?” Synthia wasn’t a big meat eater. She had to think for a moment. “The best bet is probably the north side of town I guess? There’s a butcher shop or two. Maybe there’s a restaurant nearby that buys from them?” If that was even valid reasoning, she had no idea. She suddenly had a thought though. “You’ve been here too, Gytha. Do you know anywhere?”


Well, Valter’s visit to the church had managed to be productive. I’m not even being sarcastic, seriously. Sometimes I am, but not this time. He managed to send off all three of his letters through a mixture of asking nicely and explaining the situation. It of course helped that all three recipients were directly affiliated with the order of Mercy. Anyway, errand finished he started riding back to the last place he had seen the others, namely the docks. The group was slow to move. It would be surprising if they had all left already.

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"Well, I wasn't here long," Gytha replied, "I typically don't eat anawhere fancy either. Just look fer what's bein' sold in th' market 'r buy some food at whichever inn I happen t' be stayin' at."

It probably wasn't very helpful, but it did, at least, show the others some options they might not have thought about yet. "Personalla, I'd rather take th' food served at th' inns. They're typicalla cheaper n' I'm more used t' food like that. It's fun t' shop from the markets, though, if ye haven't been t' that particular port b'fore, though! Hahaharr!!"

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"If you hear anything about Jethro, contact Weyland Enterprises. They've been helping us on the search," Veronika said to Ezio. She didn't figure the old man would hear anything, but she figured it wouldn't hurt to ask before she turned to leave.


"Ooh steaks, that sounds good," Nadya chimed in. Free steaks? I should really spend more time with Chelsea. she thought to herself.

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A Man Called Gar

"Well that was fun," Gar said after all was said and done. "Now that the sales pitch is done let's go get a pitcher of water." Gar paused for a second. "That sounded better in my head. Well either way."

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And Now ...

The next thing on their to-do list was to find a store they would actually be buying from. Raquel wasn't sure why she had visited Ezio in hindsight ... to say 'hi', certainly, but by the end of it, she felt as though she had merely sabotaged herself. She wasn't in high spirits after that reunion and that made the whole endeavor feel pointless.

As soon as the two had exited the shop, Raquel stopped and turned to Veronika. "So ... that wasn't the best idea I've ever had. Ezio deserved a visit since he helped us with that guard situation and he's an old friend of my father's, but I'm not sure why I was expecting to feel better afterward. I really don't ..." She eventually glanced down at the ground and realized she was standing right where the man Chip gunned down had fallen. It was a little disturbing, but there were no old blood stains or signs of the confrontation on the ground. "... I really hope Weyland has some answers for us when we get back. Being back in Sergio is starting to ... really bother me."

"Your name ..."


"Your name is Raquel Valcyn, do I have that right?" It was that hooded figure from before. He stopped leaning against the wall and stood before them with his arms crossed. "And you must be the general," he added, turning his head toward Veronika ever so slightly. "Sorry for eavesdropping, but I think I may be able to help you with that problem of yours."

Raquel was overcome with suspicion rather than hope and glared at the man. "Do you know something ...?"

And Now ... What?

"Hahah, you were close," Anna commented. "Well, I should be off. It's a long way to Europa~"

"You're going on foot?" Suzume inquired, fearing the woman was going to give her a strange or crazy answer.

"Yes and no. I'll hitch a rides when I can, but I'm plenty fast on my own. I'd like to get to Europa before Raquel's group does so we can make a few preparations and for that it's best if I leave right now. Soooo, buhbye!~" And off she ran with that large backpack of hers.

"Oookay ... I guess that's settled. Now, you wanted to buy water or something?" she asked, turning to Gar. Admittedly, she hadn't been paying much attention to the pitcher comment.

And Now ... Decisions.

"'Rah-kel'," Shadrak corrected. "Fixing the books definitely won't be a ten minute thing. I get the feeling you're going to have to come with us for a little bit." Shadrak realized that the group was going to be leaving within a few hours and even those few hours wouldn't be enough time to finish her work and tend to the books, so unless they stayed for a little while so she could finish the repairs while they were in town, Tia would have to tag along. "You don't ... have anywhere in particular you need to be, do you ...?"

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The Magic Word

"What do I know ...? Quite a bit, actually, though I hate to be so forward about it. It's necessary though," the hooded figure explained to Raquel and Veronika.

"What's necessary?"

"It's necessary that I be so forward about this ... frankly, it's the only way to resolve the issue. I don't mean to be cryptic here so let me explain exactly what I mean ... and please ... try to keep a cool head; you're going to need it if you want things to come out in your favor ..." With that, the figure slowly removed his hood revealing Colin, one of Sardis' own men. While Raquel had never met him before, many of the others had met his forces in battle.

"The name's Colin. So enough trying to be dark and interesting. I've got a message for you from Sardis, and yes, it's about your father ..."


"I know, awesome right? Here's the deal ... you remember that old fortress you chased him to when all of this started? The one a little ways north of here? That's where they're holding up for the time being. Jethro is there too and I can assure you he's in good health ... completely unharmed. Sardis wants to speak with you this time, not fight."

"Not fight? All we've ever done is fight! What's his angle?! Is he going to try to make me give him the emblem as a ransom for my father?"

Colin scratched the back of his head as Raquel directed her anger at Sardis toward him. That 'just the messenger' phrase was ringing so loudly in his ears right then. "Put those grievances aside or this isn't going to go well for anyone, especially not for you. I'm telling you right now, it doesn't have to come to blows this time around. Sardis wants a meeting, not a bunch of dead people." Colin sighed. "Well ... you know where the fortress is still, right? Sardis is there, Jethro is there. Please don't come hoping to kill us all and pull off a nigh impossible rescue. Even Jethro wouldn't want that."

"You don't know my father--don't tell me what he'd want!"

"Neither do you, apparently," Colin countered.

She gave an angry yet inquisitive look in response to that. She hated Sardis with a passion and Colin was telling her to let go of that for the sake of negotiation she was certain would go downhill in the end. How could they come not preparing to launch a rescue?

The Grim Reminder

Gabbie left the Dauntless' interior for a moment to check on Ringo. He seemed ready for the trip up north despite being cooped up on a ship for two weeks. She did consider grabbing some food for him on the way out of the city to help keep his strength up, though; he had been getting by on scraps, snacks, and Gabbie's own rations for far too long now and coupled together with a general lack of exercise and he was likely to be losing a significant amount of muscle soon.

Before she could decide whether to go and get him food right that minute and pray to the gods that the other mercenaries could at least protect for a few minutes, some other sailors emerged from below decks carrying several makeshift coffins. One of them was made out of some spare metal that was around the ship, likely forged sometime during the trip, but on who's request was anyone's guess. The men brought them down from the ship and began carefully hoisting them up to the roof of the Dauntless and securing them to it for the trip. Gabbie just watched with a depressing look on her face while stroking Ringo's nose.

More Upbeat Than Those Other Two

"High-class water ... snrk," Suzume found that comment funny just trying to imagine it. "Well I'm pretty sure this employment thing will work out for me; I've got a feeling I'm stronger than their average mercenaries. Anyway, I guess I'm ready to go ... to this restaurant place ...?"

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Veronika glared suspiciously at the hooded figure at first, one hand on her sword. Someone who knows who Raquel is and the Jethro situation...seems too secretive to be a Weyland employee. Her suspicions were confirmed when he removed his hood.

"You're the one who almost killed Chelsea and Shadrak back at Weyland's estate," Veronika said disdainfully. "How do we know this isn't a trap?" she asked him, with the feeling she'd get an unsatisfactory answer in return.

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A Man Called Gar

Well not stronger than Raquel's guards, Gar kept that thought to himself. But it was too funny not to think about. He kept a straight face though. "There's bound to be a nice eatery somewhere around, nice and close to food stalls so they get it all fresh off the market. Or something, my one trip here ever was to set up an account at a bank. I think." Gar wasn't even sure if he was lying. One good thing about a long job like this was a lack of drinking. No memory loss from that! Just from his usual bizarre memory.

Well, at least he didn't have to flex off all the effects of alcohol on his body. Hurray?

Water was sounding like a fantastic idea all of a sudden.

"Well, uh, looking time now," Gar said without concern because of his distracting thoughts.

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Some of the humans from the ship began sliding some large, heavy things onto the top of this thing she was on. Well, that was annoying. Maw also didn't feel particularly safe anymore. The human she relied on to ward off dangers wasn't around and people were putting things up onto the top of this thing, which was her space. So, the silver tabby nimbly jumped from the top of the Dauntless to the ground and promptly hid under it. It was a far safer place.


Indeed, the first sweep had gone quite quickly and still there hadn't been any sign of Raquel. Norbert was in the beginning stages of his second sweep -- the slower one -- when he just so happened to see exactly who he was looking for. In fact, it looked like Veronika was right next to the merchant lady. And so, without prelude, the pegasus rider directed his mount into a dive which quickly turned into a speedy landing. Rizen took several steps as she folded in her wings after touching down, slowing down as rapidly as safely possible. Norbert, after all, was still showing signs of the tumble he'd taken earlier, not that he was aware of it.

By the time Rizen had come to a full stop, they were right by Raquel, Veronika and Colin, though the last one in that list was ignored. Norbert dismounted, having kept only one objective in his head since he left Erica. As for his impression of Colin, well, there really wasn't one. He didn't even notice Sardis' lackey, he was so focused on the urgency of his objective. Immediately, he addressed Raquel, though in a low enough voice that the standard onlooker would know it wasn't for their ears.

"I finally found you! Look, I just found out that the Wrathites know we're here and will be hunting us down so long as we're in Ursium. Apparently the last guy in charge of them died and someone more dedicated to the retrieval is the head Wrathite now. There's a Major General after us, too. We need to get out of here as soon as possible. Wherever you plan on going from here, we need to be a lot more careful not to be found by them."

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Colin shrugged at Veronika. "Honestly, it doesn't matter one way or the other if it's a trap. The only chance you people have of getting Jethro back is to meet us on our terms. That hasn't changed."

Then Bert landed and delivered with him even more bad news. This just wasn't Raquel's day. Not only was the information unsettling in and of itself, but it was coming out in front of one of Sardis' men which could bite them later on in any number of ways. Raquel didn't get up the energy to try and cut the pegasus rider off until Colin was putting his hood back on in preparation to leave. "Bert, that guy right there is with Sardis ... don't talk about the wrathites right now," she whispered.

"Wrathites, huh? Yeah, I think you people should seriously consider the meeting. You've got far more to gain than just your father, Raquel, I can guarantee that," Colin said.


"So you're familiar with this city? Good, because I'm completely lost now that we're off the ship," Suzume informed him. If only they were in Chousokabe ... she knew plenty of places to eat there and felt right at home. The consequences of coming to a foreign land and deciding to remain there indefinitely were starting to become a little clearer. She had a lot of learning to do here.

Edited by Phoenix
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A Man Called Gar

"Vaguely," Gar replied. "It was years ago and ended up as an after-job party, so one of my sharpest memories of the time was me handing over a sack of money to a guy over a counter for safekeeping." Gar's face snapped in cold realization as he said that out-loud. "Did I do that? Did I seriously let myself be robbed like that?" It was almost as pathetic as not even realizing it immediately once he had sobered up. Well, at that time he had more pressing problems. "Well, uh, that aside before everything became a series of blackouts I do remember a nice little place down the road." Why did he remember it? Oh well, if it was important for something other than good food he'd find out soon enough.

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Veronika sighed, Bert's news was both distressing and did not have particularly good timing. She decided to ignore the Wrathite matter for now and focused on Colin. "Considering how many times you people have tried to kill us, we really have no reason to believe this is a peaceful negotiation in the least. If you want to show your boss's sincerity, offer yourself up as a hostage to us. We can take you to the fortress and release you when negotiations are over," she offered to him. How he responds to this should indicate his intentions...

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When Raquel pointed out the man Norbert had ignored and just who he was, the pegasus rider froze for a moment. He was surprised, but along with that was that feeling that usually accompanies the word "oops." Augh, Mercy, did I seriously just do that? Merz, Bert, you blabbermouth! he internally agonized some as he shifted his position to look over Sardis' man. It was embarrassing to make a mistake like that, but he wasn't about to make another one by not helping himself identify at least this agent the next time he was around.

From the sounds of it, that might be fairly often. That is, if this man accepted Varonika's proposition. Sounds like they're organizing some sort of meeting...

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What Could Possibly

I'm not sure how much I'm worth to the boss; I mean we've been losing people left and right since this whole mess started so while I'm more valuable due to the declining numbers, I'm still just a field agent. Ah well, it still gives me a damn good idea and I will NOT pass this up, heheheheheh~ "Well I guess if that's the only way to earn your trust ... but on two conditions," Colin replied.

"Is he really in any position to be making demands? I mean there are three of us; we could probably take him ... maybe." Raquel said under her breath.

"First off, no restraints; you can borrow my sword if you don't want me stabbing anyone," he named his first condition before reaching into his cloak and pulling out his thunder blade. He immediately handed it over to Raquel. "Second ..." The pause was so long that Raquel was about to say something but she noticed Colin looking at her. Solid eye contact. She wasn't used to it as she herself tended to focus on whatever else she was doing during conversations. "I want to get to know Miss Valcyn here a little better, so if none of the other guys mind, I'd like to spend a little extra time with her. Supervised is fine, I know I'm skirting some boundaries here."

"Get to know me better ... w-what like a date or something?!"

"Oh a date sounds perfect! Where would like to go?~"


Go Wrong

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHHH-" Suzume burst out laughing a moment after realizing what Gar realized. "That reminds me of an old saying we came up with. My uh ..." she quickly sobered up as she recalled the memory. She didn't want to dwell on Alexandrina while being this close to Gar, but she didn't want to let it ruin her mood either. She made a choice and ran with it after shaking off her uneasiness. "Alex ... Alex told me that being a mercenary was tough financially even if I was a good fighter ... I said 'easy come, easy go?', and she followed up with 'don't forget, 'hard come, easy go' ... that one tends to happen more often'. I laughed so hard at that one, because I remember working so hard for my gold and then losing it over something really stupid, heheh." She was wondering about this place they were going to but wasn't sure whether to ask for details or not. Worst case scenario she would end up with only a few decent options on the menu for not asking.

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"Just what in Mercy's name do you think you're entitled to?!" Norbert heatedly snapped at Colin. He'd been iffy on the first request -- the guy did hand over his weapon, which was the only thing that made him not outright opposed to the condition -- but the second one was downright out of the question in his mind and he wasn't hiding it. "Back off, numbskull!"

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