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SSBB Draft


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*Draft is for however many players join.

*Last round will be reverse order.

*We will be battling with our draft teams in Wifi. Round Robin, everyone will face everyone. Try to finish if you sign up please.


*3 stocks

*10 minute timer

*First game is always on Smashville. All games afterward will be played in either Smashville, Final Destination or Battlefield.

*You may pick whatever character you wish to play first from your draft list.

*When one of your characters loses all 3 stocks, you will then choose another one from your team and battle the opponent's previous character. The winner will start with the same amount of stocks he had when he defeated you last game.

*Zelda/Sheik are to be treated as singular character in a draft, so absolutely no swapping between them in match.

[spoiler=Remaining characters]




Momentai (FC: 2924 5171 0611)- Peach, Ness, Lucas, Bowser, Zero Suit Samus, Kirby, King Dedede (3W, 1L)

Lt. Colonel Kalas- (FC: 0388-0480-7828)- Marth, Ike, Sheik, Captain Falcon, Samus, Pit, Wario (0W, 4L)

Knife (FC: 0688-7328-3168)- Link, Mario, Lucario, Sonic, Luigi, Fox, Yoshi (2W, 2L)

*PKL (FC: 0731-5039-7369)- Metaknight, Toon Link, Pikachu, Zelda, Ice Climbers, Diddy Kong, Pokemon Trainer (4W, 0L)

MmmKALL (FC: 2451-5603-6179)- Snake, Falco, Game and Watch, ROB, Wolf, Donkey Kong, Ganondorf (1W, 3L)

Edited by PKL
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This looks interesting.

So um... could you explain to me how the drafting works? How many characters can I pick? I'll start off with 3 until I get the rest of the info. My first choice is Peach. Next is Link, then Ness.

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Oh God, the pikachu in your avatar is disturbing :P.

Basically, we wait until everyone signs up and I randomize the order with an RNG service called random.org. We then take turns picking characters. Like, say, you get first, you pick Peach. Next person picks Metaknight. Next picks snake, etc. Last pick gets 2 then the almost last pick gets 1. Basically, its snake order. 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1...so on and so forth. Until we all have the same amount of characters in our teams and everyone of the characters is gone.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, post your FC when you sign up :P.

Edited by CR-S0I
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It's only been three days.. I think Soul or someone might want to join too. as well as Kaoz despite the lag, better PM them?

Sorry, but I decided that I'm not too fond of this concept. If we did regular crews with free character usage or something I might join, but yeah.

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Eh, what's that? Three tournaments simultaneously during the upcoming weekend..? I wonder how I'll get around with them all!NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Anyway, that means I probably won't be around from thursday until monday. like, in case this gets started or something

Edited by Time to change my name :D
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4 is cool. Maybe reduce it to 2 stocks 7 mins due to the high amount of characters though.. But whatever you choose, it's fine by me!

Mad hype for the SSBB tournament tomorrow, there are people coming from overseas!

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What's up with my name in the first post? It has a capitalized 'M' which shouldn't even be there, and one capitalized 'L' too little. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Seriously, I thought you'd learn by now. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Maybe I'll pick Random and beat you with that just to get revenge. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

..Maybe I can't beat you like that.

Er, yeah. I'll be on for two hours or so and do a quick visit tomorrow morning, but you can't expect posts after that before Monday, I'm afraid. :c Maybe I'll PM some picks to PKL and hope he doesn't steal them or something, hahah.

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You cant beat me, period.

Sorry if i mispelled ur name again but u understood who it was, right? So yeah shut up lol. Also, Im going for characters I like to use. You can leave me a list and I probably wont pick what you want unless its one of my mains that I would pick anyway.

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