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Round 62 SF Splicing Comp VOTING



62 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favorite?

    • 1.[img]http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w434/PeppyHare4000/AttemptI-4.png[/img]
    • 2.[img]http://i.minus.com/iCDC1lPWkX5Ts.PNG[/img]
    • 3.[img]http://i46.tinypic.com/4i217d.png[/img]
    • 4.[img]http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/1784/lazyz.gif[/img]
    • 5.[img]http://i907.photobucket.com/albums/ac276/Ecut93/Sprites/SpliceCompetition62.png[/img]
    • 6.[img]http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Aeorys/Requests/Contest/ximir_01.png[/img]
    • 7.[img]http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/9144/round62.png[/img]
    • 8.[img]http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8893/tristanz.png[/img]
    • 9.[img]http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e58/kintehr/Serenesprite/splice62_flat.png[/img]
    • 10.[img]http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/Machuro/SpriteSpliceCompetition.png[/img]
    • 11.[img]http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/7063/sf62.gif[/img]
    • 12.[img]http://i.imgur.com/xV7D3.png[/img]
    • 13.[img]http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/MeqVren/62.png[/img]

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Okay, yea, I voted for myself(I never actually saw the rule that said I couldn't), but there are six other votes that weren't mine. Which is funny, because even if I hadn't, I still got more votes than Vamp's did.

And at least I actually spliced mine, unlike those who think lopping a bunch of pieces together for a "proof" shot and then customing over is splicing.

Also the winning sprite, Anon's, breaks the 16 color limit. It's 17 colors. The extra color is on the upper forehead, an extra second skin tone

So I'm not the only who broke rules. And call me whatever you like, but I'm not the only one who deserves to be disqualified.


Edited by Harbinger
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16 color limit, don't go crazy with your colors. >_> 15 on your mug +1 for background. This might be a bit of trouble for some, so I'll be a bit lenient with this rule. I just don't want to see mugs with like 50 colors with rainbows.

Hey Nayr

it's not against the rules

Don't vote for yourself or I will personally beat the shit out of you.

But voting for yourself is

Be bitter elsewhere.

These are in the splice topic btw. You should check those.

Edited by seph1212
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Hey Nayr

it's not against the rules

But voting for yourself is

Be bitter elsewhere.

And like I said, I never saw that rule. Wouldn't have done it if I had.

Also did you check all the other sprites to see if I was the only one? Or did you guys just jump to single me out?

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Even so, are you seriously complaining about just that?

[19:16:04] Feawture: wow Aeo made a mistake and forgot to recolor that part wow so bad

Really, Nayr?

Yes, if you're gonna go nazi over accidental violations when it comes to me, you gotta do it for everybody, no?

Unless you want to be guilty of preferential treatment.

Edited by Harbinger
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Yes, if you're gonna go nazi over accidental violations when it comes to me, you gotta do it for everybody, no?

> accidental

> in the rules in the splicing topic

okay nayr

sorry but it's not our fault that you didn't read the rules.

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Not to mention that this kind of situation was specifically addressed in eCut's guidelines for the competition forum.

From the "Spriting and Competition Notice" topic: " It is up to the person in charge of the competition to decide who does or doesn't follow the rules, not the participators and other members."

In short, it's not your place, Nayr, to bring this up publically in the thread. PM the contest owner privately if it's an issue for you. But beyond that, you'd be better served by accepting your own rule-breaking with grace and being a better sport about it.

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Also did you check all the other sprites to see if I was the only one? Or did you guys just jump to single me out?

Also did you check all the other sprites to see if Aeo was the only one? Or did you just check Aeo's because you obviously hate her?

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> accidental

> in the rules in the splicing topic

okay nayr

sorry but it's not our fault that you didn't read the rules.

Well I also could have been allowed to change my vote or my vote alone could have been discounted, but in case you hadn't noticed, I haven't been online at all for a little while. The rule didn't say anything about outright disqualification.

And Feaw, yes, I did check others. Also if you read the rule, its lentient for those who lack the ability to properly manage their colors.

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Oh deary me, I smell a storm coming on.

A: Nayr, that could have been handled through pm. if you feel like something is not meeting the set rules then you can notify the runner through personal message, so as to not cause any drama. Vampire Elf, as well as Amelia (since she put this thread up) felt her entry were within the rules. That should be enough.

B: As said, the colours don't matter, so long as it is not a rainbow.

C: Don't vote for yourself! That is against the rules of the competition,

Jealousy is still the winner (congrats, by the way).

Since the voting is over, I am locking the thread (Arch gave me the wonderful idea of locking the voting threads after they were over, which is what I am doing).

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