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If there is one thing that you could've changed

Esau of Isaac

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<br /><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="green">I kind of agree. While it would be neat, I'm okay with the way they are now.<br /><br /><br />The iDOLM@STER being brought over, more Summon Night games brought over is what I want.<br /><br />And more F-Zero.</font></font><br />
<br /><br /><br />

From what little I've played of Summon Night (fine, Swordcraft Story, but still) it was pretty good.

YES, MORE F-ZERO. MORE AWESOME MUSIC AND COURSES. MORE CAPTAIN FALCON. The minigame in Nintendo land doesn't count

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Well it's looking pretty good so far. The gameplay's pretty solid.

I'm hoping they'll have some way of giving a good lance simulation aspect that the others obviously had with a campaign. I mean team deathmatch is fun and all, but...

...And now I'm going to go play some MWO. >__>

Edit: Also Clan 'Mechs are coming. I want a Mad Cat so bad.

I dunno, man. I never really got into MW3 or MW4 online, but I played the living hell out of MW3's campaign and skirmishes, and even beat MW4's campaign a number of times despite MW4 being objectively inferior.

That said, MWO looks sexy as hell - I just don't know if I'll be able to get into a pure-online-PvP 'Mech game. ;/

And THAT said, a nice lance-simulation aspect (as you put it; i like that), even in the form of something little like Battlefield 3's co-op missions, would make the game an instant boner for me.

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How was the N64 innovative? I thought Nintendo fell back because the thing still used modules rather then CDs, that it was their lack of innovation that made them fall back.

The Nintendo 64's innovation was the 3D and the controller that accomodates it, while being ahead of the competition by being 64 bit.

Nintendo didn't fall back because of the cartridges, but because most third parties jumped ship as soon as a more lenient company showed up, Nintendo being too focused on the 3D, a really horribly designed controller and while the games on N64 might have been of more quality, the Playstation won by sheer quantity.

Your points about PC gaming are true though. It's just that those inconveniences have been creeping over to consoles since at least the Playstation/N64 era... Nintendo consoles included.

Seriously, at this point, the PS3 and 360 feel like neutered PCs by now.

Not to mention that console gaming has its roots in the arcade while PC gaming has its roots in tabletop RPGs and the like.

It's only after re-examining those arcade roots and trying to actively compete with their 8-bit and 16-bit era selves that Nintendo was intriguing and exciting gamers everywhere.

But then Nintendo's overeagerness with 3D kicked in again. ;/

And that's what I mean with them having stayed on track.

It also doesn't change that the PC had the actually leading innovation with the internet, which consoles are still playing catch-up to.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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I'd make it so that Namco localized Tales of Vesperia PS3. Not so much because I want to play it, but because it's singlehandedly destroying the franchise in the USA due to a vocal minority of fans that protesting the series until ToVPS3 comes out and constantly bashing Graces f and Xillia.

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I could go on all night about this. Point is, I think by comparison playing Nintendo games is like paradise these days.

Honestly, all the stuff you listed seems to be technical issues which I'd probably be annoyed about if I had to deal with them, but I never have, so, eh.

And for some reason, even though you have to install the game, it's always required to keep the CD in. You would think that it would be able to read the data direct from the hard drive but nope.

Plenty of PC games don't require a CD to install or play. Warcraft III and diablo II were also patched to be playable without the CD by blizzard, are you sure there aren't games that don't have that feature upon release nowadays? I don't play a lot of PC games off the CD, so I'm not really sure.

Edited by L1049
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I'd make it so that Namco localized Tales of Vesperia PS3. Not so much because I want to play it, but because it's singlehandedly destroying the franchise in the USA due to a vocal minority of fans that protesting the series until ToVPS3 comes out and constantly bashing Graces f and Xillia.

Hahaha. Tales fans.

"Singlehandedly destroyed the franchise", eh?

Their main market is in Japan.

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I'd make it so that Namco localized Tales of Vesperia PS3.  Not so much because I want to play it, but because it's singlehandedly destroying the franchise in the USA due to a vocal minority of fans that protesting the series until ToVPS3 comes out and constantly bashing Graces f and Xillia.

Wow, that sounds insane.

Good thing the only ones I'm interested in playing (atm) are Phantasia and Rebirth. heh, Link's voice

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Nintendo didn't fall back because of the cartridges, but because most third parties jumped ship as soon as a more lenient company showed up, Nintendo being too focused on the 3D, a really horribly designed controller and while the games on N64 might have been of more quality, the Playstation won by sheer quantity.

Hey man the N64 controller was genius. I think it was definitive Nintendo: The ability to make something completely fucking wack and still have it fun and interesting. I thought the original Playstation pad had some good character to it with the colored buttons, and the later Dualshock has rightfully been Sony's mainstay for years, but I was always a bit jealous of how cool the 64's controller was comparatively. If there was one thing I think they screwed up with majorly on them it'd be whatever was up with the analog stick and its lack of padding (I assume?). I mean damn those things got wrecked easily.

Your points about PC gaming are true though. It's just that those inconveniences have been creeping over to consoles since at least the Playstation/N64 era... Nintendo consoles included.

Seriously, at this point, the PS3 and 360 feel like neutered PCs by now.

Yeah, but I think that's intentional on their part. They've been purposely moving towards a more dedicated home console with multiple tiers much like a PC since the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube days, I'd say.

Anyways, I agree with everything you're saying here, man. I wouldn't say it's sad how consoles seem to be becoming neutered as time goes on, but I will say that it's entirely within the means of the powers that be to change it, it would just require some risk-taking and venturing away from what is now comfortable ground. So they probably won't do it. >.>

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Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within ever being thought of, and Square Pictures ever being formed.

Massive financial loss, lesser money for games (including Chrono Break), closure of Squaresoft studios overseas, and the merger between Square and Enix. Enough said.

Although note that the merger of Square and Enix might have happened anyway, but with Sakaguchi and several other bigwigs from Square back in the day at the helm, there would have been vastly different decisions.

Edited by Keiya
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Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within ever being thought of, and Square Pictures ever being formed.

Massive financial loss, lesser money for games (including Chrono Break), closure of Squaresoft studios overseas, and the merger between Square and Enix. Enough said.

Although note that the merger of Square and Enix might have happened anyway, but with Sakaguchi and several other bigwigs from Square back in the day at the helm, there would have been vastly different decisions.

Oh god all of this. I mean I thought Spirits Within was an alright movie, but what were they thinking when they devoted that many resources to its production? I went through an old Official Playstation Magazine recently while cleaning out my bookcase, and there was an area where they previewed it coming up. Even in that article, months before it came out, one of their bigwigs said something along the lines of "We're actually investing a huge amount into this, if it fails we may be facing serious financial difficulties."

Ugh. Everything went down the drain after they became SquareEnix. What happened? Where is my Squaresoft? WHERE ARE YOU SQUARESOFT ;__;

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Well, I mean, there are still some good games coming out of Square Enix (XII, XIII, KH2 and onwards), but that's mostly from the Final Fantasy team, aka Product Development Division 1. The other dev teams released either duds, or folded. Also, Square Enix had a base case of Re-release-itis, where it released Final Fantasy 1 and 2 in every single console possible, and the rest of the series on at least 1 other re-release. In other words, except PDD1, and the Dragon Quest teams, everyone got lazy. Well, they acquired Eidos, which became Square Enix Europe, but still, gone are the days when SE released RPG's outside of the Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Kingdom Hearts series.

Still, even though I love Sakaguchi, there's no sugarcoating that he ran Squaresoft to the ground with red ink, and if not for the merger, Square would have not existed for us to make fun of today.

Another thing I would have prevented? Osamu Komuta directing a Suikoden game.

*rant mode on, hate speech impending*

Seriously. Who put this guy on that project, and what was he smoking when he came up with Tierkreis? "I want to go beyond the limitations of the old Suikoden world, and the fanbase wants it as well?" Yeah, right. Much like we wanted no towns and uber linearity in Final Fantasy XIII. You take away the one thing that makes a Suikoden game unique, aka the lore, the history, the Legend of the 27 True Runes, and the geography, and use the "Infinity" worlds cop-out to satisfy your stupid artistic sense, which, by the way, blows hard. Would it have sucked to at least have put Viki and Jeanne in some way or another? At least Suikoden IV took place in the original world, and made a lot of sense lore-wise, in spite of having almost no returning characters. What's your excuse, Komuta?

And he did it TWICE. With that Woven Something Pretentious on the PSP. It's like he's just begging to be hated by the fanbase. Even after Konami gave him what he wanted (directing his own RPG game) and let him work on Frontier Gate, he still wants to do more harm to the Suikoden franchise. I feel that unless they take this guy off the helm, we will never, ever get a proper sequel to the Suikoden series. At least, if anything, this proves that 108 stars alone do not make a Suikoden.

*rant mode off*

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Well, there's that, and then there's releasing Final Fantasy I and II in every console possible. Also, Final Fantasy VII on PC... with Achievements. But yeah, I agree that some re-releases are necessary (Chrono Trigger for the DS)

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I heard the FFVII pc port sucked, and hasn't been improved (officially) other than maybe once. And FFI&II hasn't seen a DS, Wii, XBAWKS360, or PS3 version (to my knowledge).

Here's hoping they remake the original Crystal Chronicles

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Kalas
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I heard the FFVII pc port sucked, and hasn't been improved (officially) other than maybe once. And FFI&II hasn't seen a DS, Wii, XBAWKS360, or PS3 version (to my knowledge).

Here's hoping they remake the original Crystal Chronicles

The re-re-release Keiya's talking about for the PC is actually worse. Soundtrack's all fucked up, background's massacred by being blown up, and ACHIEVEMENTS. I mean really. Wow.

Though they really need to remake VII so badly. Goddamn that's all I want out of life.

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I really question the whole FFVII remake debacle. I mean, really, out of all the games in the world that need to be remade, why always FFVII? I mean, Ocarina of Time was a great game, and so was FFVI, Chrono Trigger, and so many other games. Yet I hear too many people asking for an FFVII remake as if it was the only thing that Square is capable of producing anymore. Although, I agree that it makes perfect business sense, since you've already got an installed base, and people will play it if only to see Tifa's win pose. But personally, I'd rather have the funds for an FFVII remake (and it will be very expensive, since everyone is expecting an FFVII remake with Advent Children graphics) used towards making a new IP (Agni's Philosophy looks amazing, and I'd wanna see that made into a game) or to just get Versus XIII out already.

So, aside from scratching Spirits Within and not allowing Komuta to touch anything Suikoden related, is there anything else I want changed about the past? Well, there's Westwood Studios. Oh, wait, they mentioned that? Then, what about the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro series' rights' going to Universal and Activision? I mean, really. Especially Crash Bandicoot, Sony's answer to Mario and Sonic. He could have been great. He could have been awesome. He could have been in games that were all made by Naughty Dog and could have been amazing. Although, ND having to develop Crash games for years might mean they couldn't have developed the Jak and Daxter and Uncharted series, and they may not have started developing The Last of Us, so I'm really, really mixed about the whole thing. Maybe if they take Crash Bandicoot and have the people at Ready at Dawn handle it; those guys did some awesome work with Daxter and the PSP God of War games, after all.

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Also, Square Enix had a base case of Re-release-itis, where it released Final Fantasy 1 and 2 in every single console possible, and the rest of the series on at least 1 other re-release.

Yes, but that had begun before the Square-Enix merger and before spirits within.

I heard the FFVII pc port sucked, and hasn't been improved (officially) other than maybe once. And FFI&II hasn't seen a DS, Wii, XBAWKS360, or PS3 version (to my knowledge).

The eidos PC port was fine for me...there definitely was a difference in sound between the PC and the PSX versions, but I played it on the PC first and had a total blast up until reaching the world map. Basically, maybe whoever did the port sucked, but FFVII is good enough that the result was still good, IMO.

Oh also, I agree with Keiya about the DS Suikoden being bad. My wish would be more along the lines of Suiko V being more of a financial success so that Konami felt more inclined to make more in the same vein. Because, I assume that the change in direction was motivated by disappointing sales...

(Don't know anything about the JP only one. Also, I don't dislike IV, I just haven't played the full version and got a bad feeling from what I've seen of it and from Suiko Tactics.)

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