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My dog is so annoying

Gold Vanguard

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Every night all he does is bark bark and more barking. He bark both in and out side the house. I can't put him out side (He broke his lease). Cage is out of the question. When I let him out his cage all he wants to do is play, he even jumps on my bed to wake me up so I can play fetch with him. I can barely focus in school do to lack of sleep. Any tips to keep him under control?

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Depends on how willing he is to listen to you I guess x3

Well wish my doggy we used to be able to silence him by holding his mouth shut to let him know we don't want him barking but he doesn't seem to listen to that anymore XD

But for my dog (apparently dogs like him are like this naturally) he'll only obey if somebody is in the room with him because in his mind "if they're not around then I won't bother them so I'll just go back to barking/disobeying while they're not around" and so to him he thinks that's fine XD Idk what your dog or its breed is like though.

As for him waking you up... Have you ever considered leaving your door shut to keep him out at night? It should be pretty helpful xb

Dogs can be put in cages if you do it for training too. It should be able to show to them that what they're doing is bad and that every time they do it they'll be punished x3 We actually leave our dog in a room that none of us really use because there are no windows so he can't see anything to bark at XD

Also treats make for decent training as well. I dunno really how it would work to get him to stop barking but maybe somebody else could think of a way?

We rarely have this problem since our dog always sleeps at night though. Does anybody play with him or give him walks during the day? Does he sleep a lot during the day? Because if he does then try changing that so he'll start sleeping during the night.

If I can think of anything else then I'll try remember to post them in here~

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