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Your Favorite Character


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I could never pick just one!

Ike because he's Mr. Grumpy McGrumpypants. He's obviously a great unit and i ADORE him as a character. My favorite Lord! Titania because she's a badass team mom, and i love me my sexy paladin ladies. Jill because WYVERN KNIGHTS!!! And her character development gives me feelings. Mist because she's just the sassiest, cutest girl, and i like using her on my team! Also as a little sister, she's relatable for me, and i am so glad they didn't squish her into some dumb anime stereotype.

Edited by vernalbee
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ack, was typing up my response... Already listed my favorites from PoR and RD in my signature, but I guess might as well post them.

Ike - he was hot. And I just love how his personality is too, even if he's no lord but that makes things even better, huh? Less restrictions.

Soren - I don't know, but something about his cold personality appeals to me and I'm always happy when he shows up. He seems like a cynical and closed person, but really, you can't really blame him when you learn of his past. And sometimes, aloof personality really catches my eye than others.

Reyson - Reyson! Everything about him is great, even if I hated what's-his-name that tried to capture my beautiful Reyson. And I love his heron form where he can invigorate 4 people by his side.

Tibarn - He is just manly, even for a hawk.... and a strong unit. During RD where you had to separate into three teams, I had Tibarn and Elincia together and they were practically unstoppable.

Oscar - I love his squinty eyes and just how much of a caring person he is. He's also funny too.

Haar - just hot hahaha. Coming here in all black. And he's pretty funny and laidback, and I love that about him. Granted he just wants some sleep, but that makes me laugh every time.

Ranulf - hilarious, plot saving, and a good unit too... and he's soooo cute. I think it's mostly because he's a cat + the way he is as a ... person? laguz? thing. I love every time he shows up and talks.

Marcia - for all the reasons listed in this thread. I just love her as much as the ones listed above. Probably the only female I can say I love as much as the guy units. I mean, I like Nephenee too, but mostly as a unit. She's kinda funny as a person, but I can't say she is too much of a top favorite.

I think I can say I like almost everyone in PoR / RD. Except Oliver. He can go die for all I care.

Edited by Hariti
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  • 3 weeks later...

Tanith, because Falconknights have cool capes and Reinforce is the best skill.

Also this.

Tanith- "...If it weren't for that imperial order, he'd need a bodyguard to protect him from ME."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gameplay: Makalov, he's just never turned out badly with me. He always caps strength, speed, and defence and has slightly above average skill, for me at least.

Brom: He's always dependable and has good strength, capped defence and skill, and better speed than Gatrie. That and I like his sprite design for no discernable reason

Personality: Brom: He's a very interesting idea, he's, if I'm not mistaken, the first and possibly only Knight to not have any relation to any organised military and is totally out of his element on the battlefield (Though his stats beg to differ)

Boyd: He just loves to fight and is really the typical teenager, he's headstrong, dense, and risk-taking, that and I find it funny that he gains a point of skill with discipline!

Makalov: He just makes me laugh, he has terrible luck but still gambles, he is incredibly thick at times, despite all this, he can actually be a good guy at times.

All are tied in respective categories, yeah.

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PoR and RD are the only FE with so many characters I love.

So I'll just write my MOST favorites.


Soren, Kurthnaga.

PoR-wise, I love Ike so much as he's so adorable here. (I don't really love him in RD as much as I do in PoR)

RD-wise, I love Ranulf so much, he's really, really cool in RD. (In contrary with Ike's case)


Nephenee.. and Leanne.

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My favorite is Soren, by far. I just wish his relation to the Mad King would've been more plot-related in the sequel.

Second favorite would be Mia. Her attitude and support conversations were quite enjoyable and fun.

For looks, though, my favorite would be Nephenee. She isn't as developed as a character as she never gets over her shyness of being a country girl, but she's a beauty.

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My favorite is Soren, by far. I just wish his relation to the Mad King would've been more plot-related in the sequel.

Second favorite would be Mia. Her attitude and support conversations were quite enjoyable and fun.

For looks, though, my favorite would be Nephenee. She isn't as developed as a character as she never gets over her shyness of being a country girl, but she's a beauty.


I even go trough all the trouble to unlock that special scene.

Why just not make it plot-related, IS? D:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mia. I give her Vantage, Wrath, and a Killing Edge, and she becomes invincible (can't get hit because she gets a 100% crit under half health and guaranteed first attack). I just make sure to keep her away from generals and mages can't hit her. Also I like her character, although subtle.

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  • 9 months later...

My new favorite would have to be makalov. He is a paladin that can use swords & bows together (my 2 favorite weapons). He is also is goofy and doesn't really care about anything lol

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After being a member for 2+ years, you'd think you'd know not to necropost...

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