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Poll: Rate the DLC art! Part 4

King Marth 64

Poll: One to Five Stars  

75 members have voted

  1. 1. Est

  2. 2. Catria

  3. 3. Palla

  4. 4. Best Whitewing Sisters DLC art (not actually counting this for the rest for the GM DLC series poll)

  5. 5. Worst Whitewing Sisters DLC art (not actually counting this for the rest for the GM DLC series poll)

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This is the first DLC poll for the Path a Grand Master Series 2, along with the best and worst DLC art questions for the Second Batch characters for the Whitewing Sisters.

Just click the link to see for the full body art!




This is just the beginning for the Second Batch and this will might still continue to giving out the DLC characters later, but we can wait no longer to start this poll now.

I will put the three favorite or least favorite DLC arts to start with for right now.

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To be blunt, I got nothing positive to say about Catria at all. The thing she wears looks more like a dress and the addition of oversized armor plates on random places makes the thing look really messy.

Granted, the Dark Pegasus design is to blame for that one but even ignoring that, her pose lacks any expression whatsoever. Her face is also entirely bland. I know that the middle sisters have the habit of having a neutral expression in this series but it just doesn't work with this pose that looks like she is about to fall backwards.

Palla's armor looks really sexy. Sadly, her body also has a lower half. This panty shot is absolutely uncalled for. If they want to make their own "Fire Emblem Xtreme Beach Volleyball" spinoff, I'm not gonna stop it. I might even actually buy it. But keep stuff like this out of the main series, thank you. That and her small feet are painful to look at.

And the face... That odd surprised looking face is quite irritating. Her face in combination with her pose makes it look like somebody just scared her. But more importantly, it also robs the oldest sister from the mature and somewhat motherly expresses she usually has.

Like this one for example:


As for Est, I'm not really a fan from that "moe" expression. You know, cute girl smiling right into the camera. But unlike her sisters at least it expresses something and it admittedly works with her character.

I don't like her pose much either but it's definitely easier on the eyes then Tiamo's or Catua's FE12 wallpaper that I like to bring up so often. Still, she should probably still put that double blades spear down. Just to be safe.

On the bright side, for whatever reason Est actually gets to keep her old design unlike the others. Now that's some fanservice I actually approve of. But not only that, they actually altered the design in a way that actually makes me like it even more. The usually stockings were replaced with actually boots and tights cover her normally bare legs, making them look more easily one the eyes. The probably took those two things from Thracia. She also has a shortsword, similar like the DS games designs were Shiida had a sword as a secondary weapon in her art.

I can't believe this game's art actually manages to surprise me positively. This one is just awesome. Plus, it actually has some proper fanservice which I would have figured was the whole DLC supposed to be all about.

Edited by BrightBow
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Est looks a tad derpy, but I can appreciate the retro fanservice of using her old design.

Catria looks like a magical girl.

Palla looks pretty good. That blatant panty shot is a little jarring, but otherwise, what she's wearing looks practical enough.

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I was actually thinking of doing this thread today. Thread ninja'd.

Est is a meh for me. It's all good, 'cept the eyes are a bit odd for me.

Catria is also a meh, not as as Est because it's a bit of an odd angle for me.

Palla is Overall pretty great, not outstanding like Leaf or Ephiraim. Still, all the arts are good.

Palla is best, Catria is worst.

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4, 4, 4, best Palla, worst Est. They're pretty much just as likable, IMO. I'd prefer them over most of the ST characters I've bought (particularly Celice and Ike, because they're in the Decisive Battle maps - not interested in the character or skill myself).

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Est face looks more then a little weird. I was never an Est fan and this pic won't change my mind.

Catria is pretty good in my opinion.

Palla is way too much fanservice and like brightbow said she doesn't give the impression of the oldest and more mature whitewing. I don't think the artwork is bad, but I think it just doesn't fit palla very well.

Uh I guess I would say that Catria is the best and Est is the worst

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I'm looking at the votes, then back to the images, then back to the votes, then wondering if I'm looking at the same pictures everyone else is. :huh:

"My taste is better than your taste!"

Is that the gist of it?

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Est : The shading on the leather is weird but honestly I think this picture has a lot of energy and has a certain retro look that I find appealing and different. It's goofy, but it's fun.

Catria: Competently done, but the pose is off-balance to the point where it bothers me. Is she going to faint? The pose just doesn't have enough energy.

Palla: It's good, though the feet at kind of spotty in a way that I feel is mismatched to the style.

I rated them all 3 stars, because they all have their ups and downs. As for best and worst, they're all very close but the energy of the posing is what drives my ultimate decision, moreso than the rendering of the art.

Best: Est

Worst: Catria

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