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Hello Everybody! And Welcome to Let's Play, Final Fantasy VI!


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My goals are this...

1) To try to provide entertaining and informative commentary. I'm probably not perfect, in fact, far from it, so I'm more than willing to listen to constructive criticism.

2) To collect all Espers and beat all optional bosses as well as the main story as fast as I possibly can. It'll essentially be like a speed run, except for point 3), and possibly 4)...

3) No glitches. I'm not using Vanish Doom, Psycho Cyan, or any other similarly cheap maneuver.

4) If you guys request it, I will either talk to every NPC, or will skip most of them.

5) Have videos at least fairly high in video and audio quality. Not absolutely perfect, since that would be far too time consuming, but still.

At any rate, here it is!

If you're interested, would you mind telling me what you think?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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You can't collect all the espers :O

Empty space in bottom right. What's it for? discuss

EDIT: BTW, are you playing FF6 with Terra, or FF7 with Cloud? Sorry confuse the exclamaition point for a roman numeral

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Kalas
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Ok Rag-Esper, Odin (for Speed growth).

I wanna see Relm learn only Ultima, then tackle the Colliseum with it and Gem Box.

Seriously though. I'd like to see as much Cyan use as possible, if not solely for commentary material.

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Hmm...I'm in a bit of a dilemna. I had a few audio issues with the next video I had, but...the commentary, I thought, was really good, and I had a lot of fun doing it. It's just, I forgot to actually put the mic down when I was speaking, so my voice isn't as clear as normal, except for the beginning, which I rerecorded because well...

My mic has this issue where, if I don't wait for something like 30 seconds after pressing "Start Narrating", my voice will, for some reason come out SSEEVVEERRAALL PPIITTCCHHEESS LLOOWWEERR TTHHAANN NNOORRMMAALL, something that I also forgot to do when recording...

So, I could rerecord it, but I'm afraid I won't sound quite as enthusiastic, as this one wasn't scripted unlike the last one. So, what do you guys think?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Is this the GBA version? Because I wanna see you take the those bonus areas on.

Hey, hold on, sorry, I forgot to reply to questions. So, this first one, no, I'm playing on the SNES version for superior music. But, I think I might play through again on the GBA version if enough people ask for it.

Whats the differents between the GBA verison and the PSX? I've only played the PSX version.

First of all, I think I ought to start with the differences between the GBA and SNES versions...

1) A redone translation by Tom Slattery that is, as much as I hate to admit it, slightly better than Woosley's SNES translations, aside from some of the flavor text, and a few lines here and there. Woosley did about the best he could for the time, but due to the fact that he only had one month to translate this game, space limitations (according to him, his original translation was four times larger than what he got in the SNES version), and the fact that this game was apparently programmed in a way that made text editing hard. What this means is that some of the conversations in the SNES version seem a little disjointed.

That being said though, I find the text font in the SNES version more aesthetically pleasing, and Woosley's translation is good enough that I don't think the difference in quality between the SNES and GBA translation is all THAT noticeable. Plus, there's a general quirkiness in Woosley's translation that I think is missing in Tom's version (even though that version had some really awesome lines like "Why do you think oppose rhymes with dispose?"). And it's my belief that Woosley's translation actually makes some minor fixes to things that were wrong in the original version, such as reducing the cartoonishness in a slapstick commedy scene that's played literally RIGHT AFTER another scene where one of the main characters sees the corpses of his dead family...I'm not kidding.

Finally, there's censorship in Woosley's translation, though he managed to find some clever workarounds. For example, "I won't kill you" is replaced by "I won't garrote you" at one point...which according to the Dictionary, means "I won't break your neck with a thin wiry cord"...awesome eh? Unfortunately, other places in the script were not so lucky, hence we have stuff like "puny humans...DIE!!" being changed to "puny humans...GO!!". Religious, sexual, and alcohol references are also censored of course.

So yeah, that's the translation out of the way...

2) The GBA version fixed many bugs, most notably one where one of your characters stats, Evade%...LITERALLY DOES NOTHING in the SNES version.

3) New bonus items, equipment, Espers, dungeons, and optional bosses in the GBA version.

4) The sound quality in the GBA version is much lower than in the SNES version, since the GBA version's sound capabilities aren't as good.

Now, what of the PSX version? Well, the only thing that's unique about it is...

1) It has a few FMVs here and there.

2) It has WORSE loading times than every other version of the game...

So, the PSX version is basically worthless.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Hmm...after thinking about it, I think I'm going to go ahead and upload what I have. I don't think the sound quality is all that bad, and given the way that the video shows me sometimes pausing while trying to think of what to say, and other such things, it's going to be hard trying to match post-commentary to what's happening while still sounding convincing.

But anyways, this video is going to be all about talking to NPC's in addition to exploring shops, status ailments, and the effects of various items. This way, I can get all of that stuff out of the way without making a person who's not interested in that have to sit through it. A person can just skip straight to where I proceed through Mt. Koltz if they wish to!

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