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Realm of the Mad God


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Does anyone else play this game? It's INCREDIBLY fun, INCREDIBLY bullet-hell, and INCREDIBLY rage-inducing (if you're not careful).

You're basically an adventurer who can be a bunch of classes and kill stuff for TREASURE. Well, the good stuff only comes from gods and stuff BUT YOU'LL LEARN IF YOU PLAY IT IDK. The catch with this game is that, if you die, you lose ALL the levels that you've gained (they max out at 20), ALL the loot that you're currently holding, and ALL of your stat boosts. It's cray cray, man! However, if you happen to nab some really rare stuff, you could trade them for an Amulet of Resurrection, which disappears from your inventory and brings you back to life if you die.


I've been playing it on Steam for past couple of days and it has been tons of fun! It'd be even more fun if you SF'ers could play it with me. (We could even make a guild!)

It's free to play and is available for both mac and windows~

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I like bullet hells. This is a bullet hell. THEREFORE, I should like this.

But if there are no lolis then I'm out. Do you need to pay IRL money to join or get anything special?

Um, not really. You can pay money to get gold in the game, but the stuff you can buy with it is mostly aesthetic aside from the additional vault chests which, in my opinion, are the most important thing you should get with your gold if you ever do decide to buy it since with those extra chests you'll be able to store more items. Also, EVERY item in the game is obtainable, some are just more elusive than others and require you to be higher leveled or have maxed stats. You can also trade with people, find kind donators, or wait for people to drop items on the ground (this actually happens REALLY often).


no lolis


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I got a level 19 Wizard, then I died saving my friend. I cried for hours.

I feel you, man. I've lost quite a bit of high leveled characters-- even UT equipment because of stupid mistakes.

When it comes to dying, this game is VERY unforgiving.

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Alright, sounds good. I might sign up soon. If so, I'll probably be Spiriter Kalas, or something similar.

I'll help you level up or something if I see you~

I unlocked all of the characters already. :D I play on and off but yeah I really like this game. xD Funny how you mention this right after a friend at school mentions it earlier. o.o

I'm trying to level up the Huntress so that I can focus on the Mystic. Getting to 20 is really hard, but that's only because I'm impatient and always head for the Godlands way too early. :<

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I rage quited after losing my theif who happens to be carrying some nice equipment that I was planning to keep...

That's too bad. :<

Speaking of losses, I just died as a level 20 Mystic.

And right after I got some T9 Drake Hide Armor, too! ; __________ ;

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God I haven't played this in a while

I enjoyed it though.

So I just kicked up my game again

Lv20 Rogue with 40 fame. Went around and clubbed stuff, found a cool ring that gave a fame bonus and a better armor than what I had. Ended my slaughter spree at 63 fame.

Sitting on Tier 7 dagger, Tier 1 cloak (...), Tier 7 Leather Armor, Tier 2 Defense Ring. Hey at least I'm not dying.

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So I just kicked up my game again

Lv20 Rogue with 40 fame. Went around and clubbed stuff, found a cool ring that gave a fame bonus and a better armor than what I had. Ended my slaughter spree at 63 fame.

Sitting on Tier 7 dagger, Tier 1 cloak (...), Tier 7 Leather Armor, Tier 2 Defense Ring. Hey at least I'm not dying.

Those are some pretty neat gear~

I was given a T9 Sword, a T9 Armor, and a T4 seal for my Paladin character by a very generous user. Unfortunately, I got a little too overconfident in the Godlands and died. I feel so bad because he was kind enough to give me all of that for free-- and out of nowhere, too! But now it's gone because of a mistake I made.


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Those are some pretty neat gear~

Oh it got better: I actually found a T4 Cloak (finally) after some wandering into a death zone... I didn't actually make it out of there alive. ):

RIP 71 fame Rogue, you will be missed.

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Oh it got better: I actually found a T4 Cloak (finally) after some wandering into a death zone... I didn't actually make it out of there alive. ):

RIP 71 fame Rogue, you will be missed.

; _______ ;

This game is so ughgghgh.

I wish Amulets weren't so expensive.

I miss my Hippogriff Armor. :<

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I play this game (haven't recently) a bit and am sitting on a level 20 wizard at the moment with a T9 Staff, I forget the spell and like a T7 or 8 robe haven't checked. Got some decently nice stuff sitting in the vault and maybe I'll help get gear if needed? I'm not too good at the game though so too frustrating for me to get into it.

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Ok, so ATM, the RotMG players on SF are (as far as I know) Esme, Manix, BK-201, DragonBladeSniper, Kramgauh L1049 and yours truly. Esme, DragonBladeSniper, Manix, Kramgauh, and BK-201 all have (some) experience, while L1049 and I are still new, but w/e. Any other people on SF interested/already playing?

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Ok, so ATM, the RotMG players on SF are (as far as I know) Esme, Manix, BK-201, DragonBladeSniper, Kramgauh L1049 and yours truly. Esme, DragonBladeSniper, Manix, Kramgauh, and BK-201 all have (some) experience, while L1049 and I are still new, but w/e. Any other people on SF interested/already playing?

It's worth saying that I have played as all the easy to unlock classes, but I haven't unlocked any of the tougher classes (that require liek 200 fame or w/e).

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RIP Rigels the Knight

He has a UT Shield, a T10 Sword, and some other neat stuff.

All because I was reckless.


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Pro tip: put the nexus key as F. It makes you immortal. :D


omg Im cryinggngngngngng

No, I'm not crying; but dammit this is jostling my breeches!

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