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Gen V Competitive Pokemon (Video Game) Thread


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With Pokemon Black/White 2 coming out soon, I'm trying to get back into competitive pokemon, but I know nothing about the Gen V metagame. I've taken a look at the tier list on Smogon, and some other articles and RMTs on there. Here's a thread for people like me who want to learn more about competitive pokemon these days.

My thoughts on things so far:

  • Weather seems to be a really big deal with Drizzle Politoed and Drought Ninetales. It seems that Drizzle + Swift Swim is illegal (yet Chlorophyll + Drought isn't).
  • Metagame seems to be based more on slower, but stronger/tankier Pokemon.
  • Ferrothorn seems to be on every team.
  • Jellicent seems to be the new premier spin blocker.
  • Non-weather inducing leads seem to be more offensive, and not just "put Stealh Rock out first!". Like Anti-Leads almost.

I'll put more thoughts in here afterwards when I learn a bit more.

I have some questions though, if anyone can answer them:

  1. Who are the common physical and special sweepers of this Generation? Are guys like Lucario, Metagross, and Salamence still the most common guys?
  2. Are entry hazards as necessary as they were in Gen IV?
  3. Who are the common threats that, when building a team, you need to keep in mind?
  4. Who are the prominent entry-hazard users? Other than Ferrothorn and Foretress of course.

More questions when I think of them.


Edited by Helios
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As for the weather issue, rain allows its abusers to benefit from both increased speed AND stronger water moves to the extent of being broken, considering that only three types resist water. Sun's benefactors are either grass types (sun and grass types is its own antithesis) or fire types, which have three common weaknesses. I don't really have much else to say on the rest.

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With Garchomp back in OU, as well as Genesect being out, offense is really the way to go. With Garchomp, its ability Sand Veil got banned, but Substitute sets are still really good.

Entry Hazards are really common (mostly Stealth Rock, but Spikes are also kinda common) because they really cripple Dragonite, Volcarona and Salamence, preventing them from unleashing their full potential.

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With Garchomp back in OU, as well as Genesect being out, offense is really the way to go. With Garchomp, its ability Sand Veil got banned, but Substitute sets are still really good.

Entry Hazards are really common (mostly Stealth Rock, but Spikes are also kinda common) because they really cripple Dragonite, Volcarona and Salamence, preventing them from unleashing their full potential.

Wait, what? Garchomp isn't banned now? When was Garchomp unbanned?

Edited by Golden Cucco
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Appreciate the quick answers everyone. I updated the OP with another question to ask, and after some more answers I'll update the OP with a summary of the answers given by the questions.

Also I think Garchomp is still Uber. Says so here

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Smogon's main site is more outdated than their forum is.

Garchomp, with or without Sand Veil will be legal until at least September 27th..

To answer your newest question, Stealth Rock can pretty much be on anything that learns it if you don't already have something who can learn it. Some examples are Heatran, Blissey/Chansey, Donphan, Tyranitar, and Skarmory (but it really wants Spikes more). But as you said, Forretress and Ferrothorn are the big dudes.

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