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I had this weird dream.


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You mean you were expecting it the second time? Sorry, but that's just weird.

Well, the night after I was kinda forcing myself to have that dream again, because it interested me.

Oh, and Shadow, if that was directed at me, then I should mention that the dreams were on two separate nights. If that wasn't directed at me, then forgive me for assuming and ignore this line.

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The heron undid her training bra with a deft snap of its beak. Ohana blushed and covered her budding breasts with her arms as her underwear fell to the floor. "Please be gentle," she said. I haven't done this before, not even with any of my guy friends back in Tokyo. But you make me feel so special, like I'm really sparkling."

The heron tilted its head and eyed Ohana curiously. "Don't look at me like that, I'll feel embarrassed. But if you insist."

Ohana lowered her arms, her nipples hard in the cold night air. "What do you think? Am I mature enough for you?" The heron shot out its neck and stuck out a bright pink tongue. He let loose a CAAAAAWWWWWW and the coitus began.

Edited by Chainsaw Police
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The heron undid her training bra with a deft snap of its beak. Ohana blushed and covered her budding breasts with her arms as her underwear fell to the floor. "Please be gentle," she said. I haven't done this before, not even with any of my guy friends back in Tokyo. But you make me feel so special, like I'm really sparkling."

The heron tilted its head and eyed Ohana curiously. "Don't look at me like that, I'll feel embarrassed. But if you insist."

Ohana lowered her arms, her nipples hard in the cold night air. "What do you think? Am I mature enough for you?" The heron shot out its neck and stuck out a bright pink tongue. He let loose a CAAAAAWWWWWW and the coitus began.

Gaaaa haaaa......CAAAAAAWWWWWWW...in...triumph....you've....

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Do you know that strange feeling in your legs when you have a falling dream?

I hate it

I never have falling dreams

But like, sometimes I have like a random spasm in my sleep because I tripped or was running in my dreams

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I have had two dreams in which I was a girl. They were both a bit, weird.

Been there before. Some of them were cool, others were creepy man. o.O

Also last night I had a dream where weird zombies were chasing me. They didn't look like zombies either, like they had loing point faces ugh. And I got killed by one of them. Also my scream sounded so weird when I realized it was a dream. o.o

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I have just remembered some other weird dreams I have had.

I have had a dream in which there was a dog with a 'basilisk' effect, but it ate your eyes instead of outright killing you.

I have had a dream in which there was a huge giant across a huge room that saw me from behind one of the legs of a huge chair, and it started running at me to squish me.

I have had a dream in which my aunt and my (only) dog (at that time) were werewolves.

I have had a dream in which I had a MetalGreymon (the orange one) that was terrorizing a road that happened to be busy during that time, but I didn't care and went to sleep (in the dream, but the dream ended there, so no dream within a dream).

I have had a dream in which there was a killer rabbit that looked like a normal one at first, but then became terrifying once it was close, and it killed me.

I have had a dream in which I was spying on house, tunneling under it and going up into it with a secret trapdoor or something to that effect.

I have had another dream in which I was girl (it was fairly recent), and it had something to do with 'me' being at some kind of pool party if I remember correctly.

I think I have had another dream in which I was a girl (it's been a while, so my memory is a little fuzzy, and I might not have even had the dream) going to school or whatever.

I also think I have had a dream that had something to do with Amnesia.

Those are the only ones that I can remember at the moment. I'll update this if I remember any others.

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I had this dream about someone who could kill people by kissing them. And it was a recurring dream, but then it turned into a duck who could kill people simply by being in their vicinity. And then later it turned into a pair of rain boots.

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