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[FE8]Skirmish Draft 2


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1. ZM456: Vanessa, Kyle, Ewan, Neimi, Saleh, Duessel, Dozla

Prologue - 2 turns (2)


Chapter 1 -5 turns (7)


Chapter 2 - 5 turns (12)

Eirika gets all the STR, but no SPD. Wha. Vanessa get.

Chapter 3 - 8 turns (20)

Neimi, just SPD in your only level up. Really.

Chapter 4 - 6 turns (26)

Vanessa handles the bottom while Eirika and Neimi take care of the top. So good.

Chapter 5 - 4 turns (30)


Chapter 5x - 8 turns (38)

7 turn is hard to do for me.

Kyle saved a chest key.

Chapter 6 - 5 turns (43)

Could've been 4 turns if Eirika could kill the boss with the rapier without relying on a crit. Steel sword weighs her down.

Chapter 7 - 4 turns (47)

Vanessa has 11 DEF. So pro.

Chapter 8 - 12 turns (59)

Vanessa goes to get the whip with Ephraim and Kyle while Eirika rushes.

Time to grind before C9 Eirika.

Grinding complete:



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Chapter 9 - 7 turns (66)

Could've done this better,but aw well. Vanessa promotes after dropping Kyle to Wyvern Knight.

Chapter 10 - 3 turns (69)


Chapter 11 - 8 turns (77)

Could've been better, but oh well. Dozla time!

Chapter 12 - 6 turns (83)

This draft is seriously the most fun I've had in a while.

Time to grind Ewan's and Saleh's staff ranks.


Annnnnd grinding is done. For now, at least.


Got some SPD, which is nice.


Got MAG in some levels, plus the energy ring. Also got to A staves.



Chapter 13 - 1 turn (84)

Chapter 14 - 7 turns (91)

Grinded everyone to level 10 in the tower just because.

This was really fun. Hammerne and energy ring get, as well as the member's card, which is useless. Poor Rennac.

Chapter 15 - 5 turns (96)

New goal: Get under 110 turns.

Neimi and Ewan went left, Vanessa and Saleh went south, Kyle and Dozla went east, and Eirika, Ephraim, and Duessel didn't do much. Saleh got the boots and Neimi got warp. Could've been done in four turns, but eh.

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Chapter 16 - 2 turns (98)

And the warping begins.

Ewan warps Vanessa and Eirika to Orson. Vanessa pierces Orson luckily, which saves a possible warp use. Time to grind everyone to level 20.

Chapter 17 - 1 turn (99)

Grinded Ewan, Vanessa, and Saleh to level 20 promoted, and I'm in the process of training Dozla and the others. Anyway, Saleh warps Vanessa (14 MAG range FTW), who throws a javelin at Lyon's face. First pierce, then critical.

I :wub: Vanessa.

Annnnd everyone was grinded to level 20 except for Ephraim and Eirika, who were grinded to level 10, Tethys, who's about to get to level 17, and Duessel, who was grinded to level 15. I'll put up stats for everyone after I finish.

Chapter 18 - 5 turns (104)


Saleh warps Vanessa, Ephraim, and Dozla north, warps Duessel to the east, and Kyle to where the boss was. Ewan rescued Tethys, which came in handy later on, and Neimi, Myrrh, and Eirika helped out when necessary. Hammerne was used to repair warp once.

Chapter 19 - 1 turn (105)

Part 4 of warp shenanigans! In this episode, Ewan torches the way so Saleh can warp Fair Nessie down to Riev! Then, his sister dances for him so he can repair warp again. And finally, Vanessa critkills Riev!

Ephraim and Eirika then train to 20/20 in the ruins, and Eirika capped DEF. Wat.

Chapter 20 - 1 turn (106)

Used PKL's strategy for this. Saleh warps Vanessa, who crits Morva with a 9% chance (awesome), then Ewan rescues Eirika (Aw, staff broke. I MIGHT not be able to 2 turn the final because of this.), Tethys dances for Saleh, Kyle rescues Ewan so Saleh can warp Eirika to the throne.

Final Chapter - 2 turns (108)

Part 1: Saleh warps someone after Tethys dances for them to take on Lyon. Was it Vanessa? Ephraim? Neimi? Myrrh? If you guessed any of those peeps, you're wrong. It was...



Part 2:


Aw, Ephraim! That's no fun. :( 1 turn.

And that's that.

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Woohoo, 108 turns! I was aiming for under 100, but I'm proud of this turncount still. Anyway, unit analysis:


Gained some helpful STR early on, but didn't too much after promotion. Still, this is a really good Eirika. Capped defense is pretty awesome.


Being able to train in the tower saved him.


The MVP, unsurprisingly. Nessie is so amazing, I can't even comprehend how amazing she is. Skirmish drafts make her really fun to use.


Ranger!Neimi has never been more useful.


Bro before C16, where his usefulness dwindled, except in C18. There, he pretty much took care of the right side by himself.






A bit SPD screwed, but who cares? Not much of a warper, but helped with rescue.


Pretty much the worst unit on the team. Sure, Duessel is still pretty good, but since this was a skirmish, everyone else pretty much outranked him. Still bro, just...not as useful this time around as he would be in a regular FE8 draft.


Dragon loli.



Fun draft, the most FUN draft I've participated in so far. Sure, training in the tower got rather tedious, but being able to get such a low turncount cancels that out. Strategies for chapters 12, 13, 14, 15 and 18 were fun to plan out, and...fuck, just...amazing. <3 this draft. Would play in again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, kinda forgot this existed. Anyway, PROGRESS REPORT, GO!

Chapter 0 Prologue: 5 turns

Well... this should be good

Chp 1: 10 turns (15)

Gilliam Tell saved the day with his Thwomp-iness.

Chp 2: 7 turns (22)

Gilliam saves day. No villages were harmed (except the first one).

Chp 3: 19 turns (41)

._. starting to regret not getting a mount until L'Arachel or Gilliam class changes

Chp 4 10 turns (51)


Chp 5 12 turns (63)

Joshua get.

Chp 5x 15 turns (78)

Wow, this is terrible. At least Ephraim's cool.

Chp 6 12 turns (90)

Hate this chapter now. Fuck the villagers.

Chp 7 15 turns (105)

Energy ring! Gave it to Colm because he needs the Str. Eirika ate the shield from idk when.

Chp 8 17 (122)

THE BEAST IS UNLEASHED. Rare footage of Gilliam getting angry. He is a boss now :3

Eirika route, GO! :Eirika:

Chp 9 18 turns (140)

Ocean Seal GET! Colm forgets how to do regular- wait, no. That's Joshua. The houses all asploded.

Chp 10 19 turns (159)

I'm starting to notice a trend, namely how my chapter turn count is twice the chapter number ±1. Anyway, Joshua class changes to F*cking Badass. Tethys get. Marisa get Let the trolling commence. Had to restart once because of the fucking reinforcements killing MOULDER THE BOULDER dead, making me have MOULDER THE BOULDER eat a robe.

Chp 11 15 turns (174)

C-C-C-C-Combo breaker! L'Arachel get. Let the ZM trolling and :Eirika:/:L'Arachel: Yuri fest Thank god for other units being allowed to do whatever, L'Arachel might have died with out it. Marisa got some good levels.

So yeah. Forgot to get unit info, I'll do it tomorrow.

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  • 1 month later...

Prologue: 2/2


Chapter1: 5/7


Chapter2: 6/13

CHARGE also no garcia in this map because he kept missing which made me bad news bears

Chapter3: 10/23

Still don't really know how to use this chapter

Chapter4: 7/30

Garcia goes DOWN because 2 range

Chapter5: 10/40

Visited all the houses so that I can have tier 2 artur by ch.9

Chapter5x: 8/48


Chapter6: 7/55


Chapter7: 7/62

stop sucking garcia >:{

Chapter8: 12/74

Took extra turns to get the whip because that'll be fun for Tana

WE'RE GOING EPHRAIM ROUTE (because why not with Tana and Cormag

Chapter9: 12/86

It's nice when the sleep staves can't hit you. :>

and now we grind Tana and Amelia

Chapter10: 5/91[/b]

Fly Tana down so she can recruit Cormag, then the two of them kill the boss.

Chapter11: 7/98

This wasn't hard at all with strong units.

Chapter12: 7/105


Chapter13: 7/112

Lots of fun for Tana and Cormag here.

Chapter14: 7/119

Hardest part was killing the boss haha.

Chapter15: 6/125

Tana and Cormag go up. Forde and Amelia go right.


Chapter16: 4/129

Go up and Warp. Orson was no match for Tana <3

Chapter17: 2/132


Chapter18: 6/138


Chapter19: 2/140


Chapter20: 3/143

Warp and seize

Final: 2+2/147


This was a lot of fun, so I'm kinda bummed I didn't start this sooner. Might sign up for the next one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Prologue 2/2


Chapter 1 5/7


Chapter 2 5/12


Chapter 3 6/18

Ross busting dem walls.

Chapter 4 4/22

GG Franz too good.

Chapter 5 4/26

Lute get. Destroy everything in path, check.

Chapter 5x 7/33

Orson stomp. check.

Chapter 6 3/36

Franz stomp.

Chapter 7 5/41


Chapter 8 5/46

Franzzz stomp.

Chapter 9 6/52

Hahahaha Ross is the best. Also, Franz.

Chapter 10 4/56

Lute's promo item get. \o/ And Gerik

Chapter 11 4/60

Go right. Go down. Stomp things. Also, INNNNESSS.

Chapter 12 7/67

Ross saves all the turns.

Chapter 13 1/68

GG noob.

Chapter 14 7/75

Hey carlyle. Franz ORKO'd you.

Chapter 15 3/78

Sage Lute is awesome. Also, Fraaaanz.

Chapter 16 1/79


Chapter 17 1/80


Chapter 18 5/85


Chapter 19 1/86

Torch. Warp.

Chapter 20 1/87

Double Warp.

Final 1 1/88


Final 2 1/89

Warp. *coughs* ok nvm, no warp but everyone owned teh DK

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