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I did some calculations when I was bored, and I came up with Lucia's max avoid being 160 (170 is easy). Is this correct, or did I make an error? That is like.... godly. O_o

I looked at some other characters, but their avoid was still inferior. Does Lucia have the best avoid in the game?

If so, I am using her. :D

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Lucia maxes speed at 40 (+10 with easy mode goddess bonus and white pool) and luck at 35 (?). So we have 135 right there. Add Ike leadership, 150, Map affinity 155, good biorythem 165, A support with earth 210, plus terrain for (10?)= 220, not sure if bonds effect it.

Weapon triangle only decreases enemy hit rate, it doesn't increase the actual evasion, same with height.

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As far as pure evasion goes for Lucia:

40 speed + 35 luck = 115 evade.

Add in a double earth affinity support and her evade goes up to 160.

Things like high biorythim, terrian leadership and resolve can move her evade even higher.

Yes, Lucia can indeed be a dodging queen. Now if she just had better avaliblity and a better strength growth.

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Lucia maxes speed at 40 (+10 with easy mode goddess bonus and white pool) and luck at 35 (?). So we have 135 right there. Add Ike leadership, 150, Map affinity 155, good biorythem 165, A support with earth 210, plus terrain for (10?)= 220, not sure if bonds effect it.

Weapon triangle only decreases enemy hit rate, it doesn't increase the actual evasion, same with height.

geez. and i thought i understood math

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Lucia has Eddie edged out in the sexiness department, however.

i'm with you on that one. but i like using eddie in the game cuz you get him at the very start

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't usually do math for calculating best potential avoid....but my Haar and my Eddie like NEVER got hit...and when Haar DID get hit, it usually did little to no damage...Eddie would take some damage though...

But Lucia, in my opinion, wasn't worth much at all...Mia and Eddie had her beat for superior Trueblades, and Stefan would prolly be superior too if I actually used him for stuff after recruiting him...she is like the Swordmaster minus the amazingness...and that doesn't help me too much...even IF she could hide on a bush and never get attacked....


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