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[From hack to indie] Path of the Midnight Sun

Alfred Kamon

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I wonder how many here regret or will regret having ever uses hellios too much.

Myself being one of them because I did not fucking see that coming

Okay I lied, I had a hunch when Fa mentioned wine being given to her by Hellios but I didn't think he was the big deal.

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I wonder how many here regret or will regret having ever uses hellios too much.

Myself being one of them because I did not fucking see that coming

Okay I lied, I had a hunch when Fa mentioned wine being given to her by Hellios but I didn't think he was the big deal.

I had Hellios reach level 20 on Fa at the end of chapter 8. Probably a sign that I shouldn't be trusted with earlygame prepromotes

Chapter 8's atmosphere was amazing.

Edited by Alg
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...you could recruit the other two bosses in chapter...2?

shit i didn't even know that, how did ya do that

Talk to Menmus with Faratrass, and kill Tirado.

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As one more thing, I never got the Link Arena chapter..I got Chapter 8 and my cursor is forever stuck on the right. Might wanna get that looked at.

That's already listed under "known issues", and it turns up in other hacks on occaison. It's tied to the autocursor. Simple enough to bypass - press "L" to move the cursor to the next unit. If you've got autocursor on, you'll need to do it at the start of every turn. If it's off, you only need to do it on the first turn.

Oh, and when people mention the "Link Arena", they mean the game's multiplayer function, available through the main menu under "extra". Although you can only do "you vs. computer" matches on emulators.

Edited by Wayward Winds
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Needless to say... my full party.














Benched the two rookies. I only liked Sae.

More or less benched Black Pony and Crisptoh

Still pissed that Weiss didn't cap str. ~.~

...It appears Rya is, like every archer in GBAFE, not entirely worth the EXP investment. Everyone's levels seem very low here.

Edited by Siuloir
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Ah, why does Ceapana only have 6 move when she has a horse? Seems fishy that an old exorcist can keep up with a horse :/

Well, at least she has the second move ability to hit and run I guess...

Q: What does the Wonder Pupil/Recruit/Savage rebel promote to? i didn't pick them as I was unfamiliar with those classes :/

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Well, seeing as everyone's uploading stats...


Of course, Hellios' stats are from the beginning of Ch. 8, but then I never used him past Ch. 2.

Cristoph was, as Alfred said, praying to the wrong god and being hit by everything, so he got dropped back in Ch. 6, and Djambo turned out much better than Garion. Cattleya's strength is still iffy (unlike Ceapana, who clearly can gain it), but just try hitting her! Rya, well, when you realise Big Eye/Mogalls count as flying units, works pretty well. And she still did well against most other enemies for me, despite that lacklustre strength.

As for Ceapana's move - I think troubadours have 6 move even in vanilla FE (one less than more combat orientated (non-promoted) mounted units). And I'm certain that bishops, as a promoted class, have 6 move (as opposed to a 7 move valkyrie or a 5 move priest/monk). So Alfred hasn't actually changed anything in that department.

Edited by Wayward Winds
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Wow.. Hard mode actually is fairly tricky, especially when you want to find all those lovely events.. x3

Loving the music - every tune is just plain awesome! Where is the title screen one from?

Graphics are also beautiful, although on my screen the status background took a bit to get used to due to the lower contrast with text.

Overall, simply amazing. I heartily recommended this to all my FE fan friends as well ^^


[spoiler=Glitch in Chapter 2] Beating Tirado on the Last Turn by attacking him will trigger Cattleya to appear twice - no kidding, there came two of them and both said the same thing. ...I am playing the second 1.0 version, though, so that might be already fixed.

Ah, I forgot to say... prepare yourself to get glitched in chapter 7. D:

From the reports I've received, that *often* (if not *always*) happens on Hard mode.

It's really not that hard to patch but if you can't learn to do it yourself then you can just download my pre-patched ROM.

LOL you troll

But some chapters don't use the world map. The examples I can think of; Ch. 5x follows on from Ch. 5 with no world map between, that monster filled fortress on Eirika's route leads straight into Caer Pelyn, and the ghost ship of Ephraim's route leads straight into Landing at Taizel. I'm fairly sure Jehanna palace goes straight onto Eirika's version of Scorched Sands as well. Basically, two consecutive chapters at a location, something that also happens in the Tower and Ruins. Could this method be used for more chapters, perhaps hijacking/repurposing excess Valni/Lagdou/Skirmish levels if necessary? Or is it strictly limited to those particular points in the campaign?

...Why am I even asking? Alfred would probably run out of text pointers if he wasn't careful...

I can expand the text pointers limit so that's not a problem.

However, the game crashes even under those circumstances.

I remember I wanted to remove the world map entirely when I started to hack I was too noob to make it work my own way

So I just passed from chapter 1 to chapter 2 without triggering the map events between them, but... that didn't work.

After chapter 1, there MUST be the world map events of chapter 2.

I still haven't tested with tower chapters but I think it's the same.

And, even if that wasn't the case, need I remind you that there's that obnoxious "Retreat" command there?

That would bring you back to the world map, breaking the game.

What i did is i had shiori keep luring him towards the river (he attacks in range) with judgement equiped which does 4 damage. I would run back and keep healing with mends while saai keeps chasing and attacking shiori who only does a max of 27 damage with the silver lance. So i lure him to the river, which since i didnt kill both lieutenants it would just tell me that i cant escape, so that way i can wall him off until he gets close to dying by shiori. Afterwards when his health is low he would go to the fort and i followed him with all three units. I used the power +2 item on weiss and gave him the klingensturm. After his health was high enough, i made him move one tile to the left of the fort since he cant go on hills/mountains. shiori was below him taking damage from the silver lance and countering with the judgement 4 damage and weiss would completely block him off by going to the fort and constantly attacking with the klingensturm doing about 11ish damage. I would keep healing with mends and elixirs as well. Then after i killed him i ended up with pretty much no weapons or anything to heal myself with lol. Luckily Saai had no elixirs. p.s. this was on normal mode

Well congrats man, you've just earned my deepest respect.

Because of crazy courageous heroes like you, I'll add an Elixir to Saai's inventory.

I think he didn't need that. Now I know I was wrong.

Needless to say... my full party.














Benched the two rookies. I only liked Sae.

More or less benched Black Pony and Crisptoh

Still pissed that Weiss didn't cap str. ~.~

[spoiler=party after chapter 8]Wow, such low levels. Did you feed all the enemies to Weiss and Puledra, perhaps?

Also, that Fa with only 10 Mag... Q_Q

But still, kudos for beating the game with those stats, man! (Y)

y u not use the trainees D:

Just played this through to the end of the first patch, which I believe is Chapter 7 correct? Anyways, I have to say, I'm VERY impressed. Not often do you see a hack of FE8 work this well and this smoothly. Dialogue could use a bit of work here and there, but that's just my own personal preference. Each unit, except a few who I will get to later, felt useful, and the chapters felt very creative and very doable. As a side note, nice job making use of the world map, using it more to your advantage than trying to find various ways around it. Keep up the good work!

Anyways, character thoughts below the cut.

Alright let's start off with Faratrass. As a unit, she's fantastic. I LOVE Dark magic, and it's very interesting to see a Shaman-style lord. Her growths seem to gear somewhat similar to Eliwood's, being all around good with a little less than desirable resistance. Other than that, she's a fantastic unit, able to double reliably and kill most things in one round. Character-wise, I'm a fan. She seems to feel very real, down to Earth, and after going through the trauma she does, her reactions seem natural, unforced. All around, good job! No stat shot because oops chapter 8.

Next up, the Warp Knight, Hellios

Again, no stat shot because lolololChapter 8. Anyways, he's..oh god he's the second coming of Seth I'm in love with the unit. Very rarely does he need to be healed, and when he does, it's because of unfortunate RNG shenanigans. Not much needs to be said for unit. Character-wise...Interesting idea with the half-brother thing, I'm just..ehhhhhh not a huge fan. I mean I like the guy, I just don't like the coincidence here. He seems cool otherwise though.

It's everyone's favorite Archer(oh wait she's our only one so far), Rya.


Bloody SF not wanting me to post pictures...ANYWAYS, Rya's a good archer. Interesting concept with the Elemental Bows, very nice. She's a fairly speedy and dodgy archer, with HOLY COW WHY DOES SHE HAVE SO MUCH RES. Seriously she has more res than my Andre! Mage killing unit. Very nice. She's cool as a character too. Take no crap Princess. Surprisingly savvy too. Good job!

The Holy? Axeman, Christoph!



In all seriousness, I like his character too. Hidden depths and all that. Also really, holy axeman? Yes please. Give me someone with more attitude than Libra and you have me sold.

Perverted Priest? You want em, we have Puledra


He's..average. He's an okay pre-promote, and your only light magic user until Shiori..who is already level 20. Oh boy. He's also your only staffbot and he's good at his job. Use him. Maybe your stats will be a tad better than mine. Anyways, characterwise...He's quirky and I love him and MONOCLE PRIEST GOGO

Trainee Numbah One, Andre


Right so I must be crazy since I seem to be the only person who makes Andre into a Mage. I was just never a huge fan of the Super Trainees in SS so...Yeah. Also he is amazing and oh my god Andre I love you but please get like two more points of defense. Also he's the pupil of Puledra. Suave kid he be. I hope he continues being as badass as he is because oh man.

The Turncoat Wyvern Rider, Menmus


..I was very very sad with how my Menmus turned out, so sad that I promptly benched him after one chapter. Used him for the sneaking mission of course but...Well..he turned out fairly bad for me. Just take a look at that speed. 5 Speed. Why. WHY IS HIS BASE SPEED FIVE?! He's so sloooooowwww. And his strength cannot justify it! Not nearly tanky enough at that speed. I love his character but...uuuuuugh he's so baaaaad...at least for me. I hope I'm just an anomaly here.

The Tricky Myrmidon, Cattleya


Well...She could be good? Maybe? I dunno. My first two levels with her were res only. And then mostly everything. Can't say much other than standard myrm shenanigans. Interesting recruitment. Very cool. Charcter-wise...she kind drops off the face of the earth after her recruitment. Kinda sad really. She seemed cool.

The Blind(ing) Light, Shiori

And now we come to you Shiori. No link because well...her stats are the exact same no matter what. Prodigy class and level 20 with Light Magic. She's a good unit, a tad on the frail side but fairly good. Character-wise..I have theories. I won't say them but I have theories. She seems to know far more than she should, and have far more connections than she should. Besides..Judgelight? That sounds...regal.

The Reformed Bandit, Garion

I have not touched him. At all. Give your axes to Christoph and sit on the bench good sir. He seems like a good unit though, more skill than Christoph to be sure. Character-wise, he seems like a smarter Gonzales from FE6. I like Gonzales. I like Garion. Too bad CHRISTOPH SMASH.

Trainee Numbah Two, Djambo(Unchained?)


He seems similar to Ross, but a tad weaker overall. Not a bad trainee to be sure. I'm going to send him down whatever isn't the Super Trainee line is if the other option isn't Fighter. I'm not a huge fan of Warriors. Regardless, he's a cool kid. AWESOME name too...Please tell me at some point in development of him there was a Djambo Unchained joke. You didn't miss that opportunity I'd hope.

The Pony Lover, Schwarz

Well...He got benched. Just..I dunno what happened. Just never used the Pony Lover. LOVE the guy though. Seriously he made me chuckle a bit. Maybe on another playthrough I'll give him a shot.

The White Knight, Weiss(I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE)


Well...to put it simply..he's god on a horse. Seriously this man is BEASTLY. If you aren't using him, what in the hell are you doing?! He's a cool cat character-wise too. ..I WANT MY PROMO ITEMS Q_Q

The Young? Troubadour, Ceapana


Ooohlala. Swordydour~ Very nice. I'm curious to see how you made the staves work? I assume the Stave level is tied to her Sword Level? Same with Magic and Strength. That's an interesting solution. She's a fairly good unit as well. The Wind Sword is a very nice gift for her. She's cool as lady too. I like her design a lot. ..Also seriously she's older than Fa? Wuuuuuut

The Thief on a Mission, Lepto Letruffe


Oh boy a Thief I LOVE THIEVES. Ahem. Anywave, he's a good Thief. Dodgy, hits hard enough to matter, and more importantly, comes with a Lockpick. And a C in swords for that lovely Killing Edge he wields oh boy oh boy oh boy! He's a cool character, with a good recruitment. Gives you an incentive to wait out the chapter a bit. Besides, who doesn't love a thief with a code of honour?

As one more thing, I never got the Link Arena chapter..I got Chapter 8 and my cursor is forever stuck on the right. Might wanna get that looked at.

First of all, as Wayward Winds and Trent have already said, chapter 7 is *not* the last chapter. You still have to play chapter 8 and the Interlude.

Unfortunately we still haven't managed to fix the autocursor in chapter 8, so you'll have to move that manually by pressing the "L" button (should be "A" on your keyboard if you're playing the hack on pc).

[spoiler=chapter 7 team]I like those titles, man! :D Good job ahah!

I'm glad you liked the characters. ^^

I think you just got unlucky with Menmus, many people say he's really good.

Needless to say, I must boost Cattleya's stats a bit. She's not... very good right now. Some extra speed might help her double things with her Steel sword, and maybe some extra Res will make her useful to tank mages.

Thanks for the feedback! ^^

And lemme know what you think of chapters 8+Interlude. You'll be surprised, I'm sure of it.

Here's my entire party at the beginning of chapter 7:


She may not tank well, but she's turning out quite well, I'd say. She may not tank, but she hits like one.


I...may not have given him as much attention as I should have. Still, not all is lost. Stat-wise, he's really squishy, but he hits fairly well.


Not great, but she's good for ranged attacks. She is also a good magic tank. Maybe that's just my general like of archer units due to them turning out quite well talking.


Aside from low skill, Menmus is quite solid as a unit. Hits hard, accurately and can tank well. Granted, magic still tears him apart and he can't double well, but I'm sure a (INSERT NAME OF SPEEDWING REPLACEMENT) will fix him up.


I...may have overused Hellios. Still awesome, though, even if his level-ups weren't very kind (mostly just HP, one of Str/Spd/Def and one of Luck/Res.)


He's got a fair bit of health, which is good as he keeps getting attacked by everything. He hits hard and is fairly quick, but he's very inaccurate.


Oh god, even worse skill than Cristoph. How is it even possible for a peg to have such low skill? Still, good strength, spd and can even tank fairly well, though arrows tear him completely apart.


Good stats + heals on a horse. Nothing more needs to be said.


Oh god...the RNG was NOT kind to Weiss as far as level ups are concerned...guess that's the price for getting good luck with dodges in 5x.


I need to try and feed some kills to her to get her the remaining 2 level-ups. Shame she's so squishly, though...


THERE's the proper Jaigen prepromote. He had utility as the first healbot, but Ceapana officially benched him.


I may have tried using him more, but he doesn't have good speed and no resistance. Alas, I've got plenty of good axe-users at the moment, so, sorry Djambo.


I like myrms, but I know they're hard to use. Same deal here...she just can't deal enough damage without a killing edge (limited uses) or a steel sword (quite heavy). Which is a shame, I'd really like to use her.


Compared to Cristoph, he's got more skill and defence, but less strength and speed. I'll take the latter two over the former.

[spoiler=chapter 7 team]Wow, look at that Fa. More speed than Def? That's rare, she's supposed to be a magical Hector, and her growths are balanced accordingly. Good thing you got a special Fa on your playthrough. Makes everything more interesting. (Y)

Yeah, I have to fix Cattleya's stats asap.

Man, your Weiss got screwed pretty badly.

And I'm sure Menmus will enjoy some DEMON BLOOD (yeah, that's the speedwing replacement *chuckles*)

...It appears Rya is, like every archer in GBAFE, not entirely worth the EXP investment. Everyone's levels seem very low here.

I think he just got bad level ups on her. Rya's pretty good overall, and she's such a versatile unit especially in earlygame. Being able to hit both Def and Res is nice. Her Res is sweet too. Seriously, I tried to make her... at least better than every archer in GBAFE. Q_Q

Edit: ninja'd

@Wayward Winds: Wow, those stats. And those levels. Pretty good! :0 I wasn't expecting any less from you, tehehe

@Ancora: Super Trainees will get an extra weapon rank that no other unit would be able to get (for example, Andre will be able to become a Sage with Dark magic in lategame/postgame if he learns Dark magic through the Genius Pupil class. And with this, I've hinted what my new promotion system will be, sort of), but standard promotions will give them access to better caps and more useful weapons (Staffs for Andre, for example) in midgame.

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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Jumping on the stat train

[spoiler=Stats and Comments post Chapter 8]








Pretty clear who I focused my exp on, yes?

Had no idea on how to recruit Sae'rah (I know how she's recruited now though), and I didn't bother to ask, so I just killed her

Oh, and I gave Cattleya the first Luckos Fang. Still didn't help really >:

I probably won't give Hellios as much exp on later playthroughs, but I won't be ignoring him completely; too useful XD

A few very, very minor problems that are more of nitpicks than anything:

- Faratrass and Shiori don't seem to make any noise when moving them on the world map

- The range number parameter for 1-1 and 2-2 are in a different spot compared to the original or "expected" spot


Basically echoing what everyone else said: everything about this hack is just fantastic. Keep up the good work~

Edited by Aura Wolf
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Is it much of a stretch to claim that "Weiss is most prone to getting RNG screwed"? Because it seems like quite a few people here (me included) are getting fairly mediocre Weiss'.

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Funny enough, I didn't have much trouble chapter 8.

I annihilated every reinforcements thrown at me by Fa, including the super one without breaking a sweat or save state. Then again. Hellios was level 20 by that chapter...teheh :P

I'll be fine. This is my play style. It never failed me once in all of my fe runs, sure it's viewed as worst, but it's pretty efficient. Also, I didn't shove exps into Weiss and the Pony Cleric, they leveled pretty hardcore in the side chapter that they showed up, (as in I destroyed every units save for the general with them, so they got pretty beefy)

In fact, Fa hadn't died once despite her weak stats. I manage all of my units very carefully... which is funny since I'm reckless all to the hell. Maybe I should join Kingdom manga life.

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for the person asking about ceapana and her 6 move, that's a weird thing in FE8, Troubadours have 6 move for some reason.

anyway, I just finished Chapter 6, and holy crap andre is amazing. He got amazing levelups everytime, lol

I'm trying not to use hellios too much cuz i want exp for my other units, I'll use him once the other catch up, though.

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Posting here to say I'm really enjoying the hack so far! I'm currently on Chapter 6, (playing with a friend watching over Skype) and I'm having a great time. The difficulty is a fair challenge which is a nice change from vanilla FE8 (I got a couple of gameovers trying to play the game like vanilla FE8), and I'm loving the story so far.

Putting the rest of my commentary in here since that's what the hack creator seems to want.

I notice some comments about Chapter 5 becoming tedious after a while, and that's something I could see for future playthroughs. Nevertheless, the satisfaction of figuring out how to solve it and get all of the items the first time was incredibly satisfying. I applaud that you tried to make a good stealth mission, my only complaint was that one house that gives you an instant game over. I went into it on the turn I managed to get up to that level of the town, so I didn't get Schwarz's warning beforehand and... wasn't impressed.

As for units, I think you've done a good job with Rya. So far her stat gains seem to be good for an archer, and her ability to hit res or def definitely adds some usefulness to her player phase. I do wish she had some form of enemy phase, but she's a good mage killer. Cattleya is... I just don't think she's worth the hassle. Her durability is terrible for a unit that has to fight at one range, and she doesn't have the offence to make up for it. I like how you've given us the trainees in a reasonable timeframe, making them actually worth using. Though reading what you said above about promotions, I can't decide whether to promote Andre to Mage or Wonder Pupil. I think I'll be stuck here for a while...

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for the person asking about ceapana and her 6 move, that's a weird thing in FE8, Troubadours have 6 move for some reason.

anyway, I just finished Chapter 6, and holy crap andre is amazing. He got amazing levelups everytime, lol

I'm trying not to use hellios too much cuz i want exp for my other units, I'll use him once the other catch up, though.

Yeah, I guess it is weird - I might check that on the original FE8

Well, your Andre is lucky, my one isn't great :(

I mean only 20 speed at level 10 after promotion but lackluster skill :/

[spoiler=Don't look unless you've completed ch 8]That Anna spoiler in the village :D

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Does the Autocursor glitch happen all the time on ch 8 or sometimes? Because I haven't had the issue, and I do have auto cursor on. (if it doesn't always happen, then nvm.)

[spoiler=Stats bandwagon] Not including characters at base (probably)


I like how Faratrass and Menmus have pretty much the same defensive stats

I don't remember getting Sae'ra to lv 10, it just... happened...

Rya with all dat res is a nice mage killer

I hope the demon king doesn't possess Andre as a plot twist, at the rate he's going, we'd be screwed

I also found a skirmish that didn't give a game over after ending the turn, but I cannnot replicate it. (It was one with an Entombed on the map, I think, at Za'ha woods)

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Chapter 4 totally should have an alternate ending if you manage to find her before she stabs herself, especially on Hard mode.

The story and characters are all great! I was wondering about whether supports work similarly to FE8? I have yet to get any, but there's an amazing amount of various events to compensate, wow.

I also find your way of integrating the story into the world map very clever, "well done" for that too.

Edited by mmKALLL
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I just had a comment of mine +1'd on an Extra credits video. And it reminded me of this hack.

I can say you succeeded at this.

With what I played on Chapter 1 and 2...

It's difficult yes, but damn...

It's not punishing to the point of "wtf man"

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Ah, I forgot to say... prepare yourself to get glitched in chapter 7. D:

From the reports I've received, that *often* (if not *always*) happens on Hard mode.

LOL you troll

I can expand the text pointers limit so that's not a problem.

However, the game crashes even under those circumstances.

I remember I wanted to remove the world map entirely when I started to hack I was too noob to make it work my own way

So I just passed from chapter 1 to chapter 2 without triggering the map events between them, but... that didn't work.

After chapter 1, there MUST be the world map events of chapter 2.

I still haven't tested with tower chapters but I think it's the same.

And, even if that wasn't the case, need I remind you that there's that obnoxious "Retreat" command there?

That would bring you back to the world map, breaking the game.

Well congrats man, you've just earned my deepest respect.

Because of crazy courageous heroes like you, I'll add an Elixir to Saai's inventory.

I think he didn't need that. Now I know I was wrong.

[spoiler=party after chapter 8]Wow, such low levels. Did you feed all the enemies to Weiss and Puledra, perhaps?

Also, that Fa with only 10 Mag... Q_Q

But still, kudos for beating the game with those stats, man! (Y)

y u not use the trainees D:

First of all, as Wayward Winds and Trent have already said, chapter 7 is *not* the last chapter. You still have to play chapter 8 and the Interlude.

Unfortunately we still haven't managed to fix the autocursor in chapter 8, so you'll have to move that manually by pressing the "L" button (should be "A" on your keyboard if you're playing the hack on pc).

[spoiler=chapter 7 team]I like those titles, man! :D Good job ahah!

I'm glad you liked the characters. ^^

I think you just got unlucky with Menmus, many people say he's really good.

Needless to say, I must boost Cattleya's stats a bit. She's not... very good right now. Some extra speed might help her double things with her Steel sword, and maybe some extra Res will make her useful to tank mages.

Thanks for the feedback! ^^

And lemme know what you think of chapters 8+Interlude. You'll be surprised, I'm sure of it.

[spoiler=chapter 7 team]Wow, look at that Fa. More speed than Def? That's rare, she's supposed to be a magical Hector, and her growths are balanced accordingly. Good thing you got a special Fa on your playthrough. Makes everything more interesting. (Y)

Yeah, I have to fix Cattleya's stats asap.

Man, your Weiss got screwed pretty badly.

And I'm sure Menmus will enjoy some DEMON BLOOD (yeah, that's the speedwing replacement *chuckles*)

I think he just got bad level ups on her. Rya's pretty good overall, and she's such a versatile unit especially in earlygame. Being able to hit both Def and Res is nice. Her Res is sweet too. Seriously, I tried to make her... at least better than every archer in GBAFE. Q_Q

Edit: ninja'd

@Wayward Winds: Wow, those stats. And those levels. Pretty good! :0 I wasn't expecting any less from you, tehehe

@Ancora: Super Trainees will get an extra weapon rank that no other unit would be able to get (for example, Andre will be able to become a Sage with Dark magic in lategame/postgame if he learns Dark magic through the Genius Pupil class. And with this, I've hinted what my new promotion system will be, sort of), but standard promotions will give them access to better caps and more useful weapons (Staffs for Andre, for example) in midgame.

Rya's ability to hit RES makes her pretty useful in certain chapters (She's downright amazing in chapter 2), but maybe it's just me (and the few Ryas I've seen), she never seems to have great Strength. Her Speed and RES are really nice, though. Maybe I just have a dim view of GBAFE Archers. :) I also seem to have something of an outlier team because my Menmus had 4 SPD level ups in a row and I don't think my Weiss ever got less than 3 stats with a level up, so as always with Fire Emblem, YMMV.

You did do a really good job in presenting a really diverse spectrum of units, though, all of which are at least usable. (People seem to underrate Garion, too, but likely it's because Christoph is superhuman), add that to a diverse set of mission objectives and this has been a super strong showing, Alfred.

Edited by Siuloir
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Well. I played this game, specifically the prologue, and didn't beat the prologue. I also lost all interest in playing further, even if the rest of the game is a gold mine. For me the prologue failed on many different levels and I wanted to address those. (The later chapters look good, gameplay wise. My issue lies with the story, mainly.)

First off, after choosing a game mode, we get to see the FE8 cg intro that is in every FE8 hack. That's unfortunate but I ignored it.

Then, we get to see... this.


I just posted my Shatterlight vid two days ago for their chapter one, where I criticized their also-bad wall of text intro. However, the Midnight Sun into is in fact even worse. Not only is it this weird... recap wall of text... but it also breaks the third wall and simultaneously acts like a Dragon Ball Z "previous episode recap" thing. It's just bad. Cutting out the entire bit and replacing it with some dialogue from the main character and company that explains the world in a more fluid way would be preferable. You don't see FE7 starting with a recap of past events (Not counting the pre-title screen thing), we just cut to Lyn talking to the player.

After this, the player is greeted by...



Loling here. Queen Moonie? Really? Not only is that a hilariously terrible name, but when I think of Moonie I think of the goddamn moonies. Anyone who knows anything about history and has even faintly heard of them will think of them, and while it was probably unintentional, it does a bad job establishing any kind of serious plot. I can't take a plot seriously when the very first character we meet has such a silly name. Also, I'm ignoring the placeholder mug, but the fact that it IS a placeholder mug means that to a first-time player, you look like you're renaming an FE8 character to a silly name. This is lended credence by the images I posted in the first spoiler, where this is supposed to be an "alternate" FE8. That makes it seem like these aren't placeholder mugs, and that these are alternate characters in an alternate timeline. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?


I like this guy a lot. Good mug, looks like he's an intimidating villain.


Yawwwwwwn. Wall of text much?


Third wall, have 'we' heard of it?


I'm pretty sure this was the exact moment when I no longer took anything in the story seriously. Up until this point, my jaw was hanging open in disbelief, but this exact snippet was so jarring and bad that I lost all hope for the story. Nevertheless, I hoped that dialogue would be better and so I valiantly strove to keep playing.


Fa? Really? I tried to ignore Moonie originally when I played this because the name was so absurd that I was sure you'd never heard of the moonies before. Then I hear her called Fa, as in that one really important character in FE6 who was a main plot point. Not gonna go into this further, since I've already stated my intense dislike of Faratrass as a name earlier in the thread, but if you're gonna chop the name down to a nickname, "Fara" would be better here. That's all I'm gonna say on that point.

Also, Fara is quite the whiny annoying little protagonist. I feel no empathy towards her as a character, at least not in the prologue.



Did this story idea come to mind right after watching a Naruto marathon? The similarities are too great to be coincidence. (Also, "Hoikade" sounds an awful lot like "Hokage", just saying.)


Why are we having this plot exposition? Didn't we, the player, just get a wall of text about this only seconds before? If that wall of text didn't exist at all, this would be great. After all, it establishes the world in a better way and isn't some weird wall of text that we have to read through. Having both, though, is just redundant.




Two things.

1. Is this "The Price is Right"? LADY FARATRASS, COME ON DOOOOWN!

2. I've showed that screenshot to 4 people who don't play fire emblem, and all of them thought it said Fartass until I showed them a screenshot of her name later on. The red text makes it even harder to tell the difference. If Moonie didn't make someone stop taking the plot seriously, Fartass will.



I will give you some credit though. I love the soundtrack. The maps are good. The gameplay is challenging in a good way. I also thought after the initial scene with Fara and Moonie when we get down to the real plot, everything starting from the soldier attack is alright. Not amazing, very cliched, but alright. At the least, the writing is a bit more organic, if predictable. I'll give you that much. However, the first 5 minutes of the game are very bad and I felt that I had to point out specifics to exemplify my point. I'm sorry if this bugs anyone, but if nobody points it out, you can't improve.

Thanks for reading.

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