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Spriting Request


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I am back and starting to come back work on my project. However, I will need a spriter or two to help me with sprites. Most importantly, I need someone who can make wings, since one race in my game is specifically known to be winged. So if anyone thinks they're up to it, pm me. For the most part, I have the base mug, I just need to known who can put wings on a few of them.

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lol doesn't have to be much of the wings, just enough to idenify the person as having wings. Like how Myrrh's has a regular for and a winged form. However she IS smaller...and the wings do need to be alittle big...:/ plus eagle or at least birdlike. Not like dragon wings. I can worry about the insertion if I can just get it sprited.

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So in other words; no one is going to bother spriting this if it will end up not fitting in the first place.

So unless you have a solution, good luck getting someone to sprite it~

Edited by Lassie
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no....I meant uh....I'm not very familiar with the term hackbox .______. I feel awkward now.... You wouldn't possibly be refering to the gret box would you? I mean, I'm not sure what's going on. Like I mean I'm not expecting there to be like FULL OUT WIDE WINGS. Maybe folded behind the back, even if it's cut off, that's fine. I'm just really not understanding what you mean by not fitting in the "hackbox" :/

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Ahh, I see. And for it to be cut out on the corners alone would be stupid. Thank you for specifying it for me. If I find a variation of the "wings" I'll post them here, otherwise thank you for letting me know.

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Myrrh only works because she's absolutely diminutive. She has plenty of space to spare since she's a little loli with little wings, and they barely peek into the mug at all. If you want something as large as full-sized wings, you'd have to work them into the construction of original mug and play with the angles. Even then, it'd be kind of difficult to get things close to being relatively anatomically correct and in perspective; thus, you can't really just have a base and ask someone to add wings to it.

Edited by · j e a l o u s y ·
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Okay so I sprited one I'm pretty much okay with at the moment, and it fits in the hackbox. As crappy as they are, I still need this to work so would anyone mind adding some detail to the wings or fix them up from here:


thanks in advance to anyone who does.

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Shadow hmm I kinda of seem what you mean. I mean, I tried to go for a slight folded look but:

1. I'm not a spriter :(

2. I actually had more room to edit the wings than I thought, but I wasn't sure what perspective to make them from or so.

3. Couldn't decide where to start at all. They are really just a placing for the wings on the body that would fit in the box.

I wouldn't say it's coming out of his head though just because how much of the wings you could see stop there. Wings are big, not necessarily going to be at your shoulder to start. That honestly would look wierder for the picture I'm trying to make out.

This is just a placing for the wings to show there was room. But as far as making it work...I'm no spriter...so...:|

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Considering how there is no room to work proper wings in there, not even a spriter would be able to do what you're asking. There's no possible way to make it be insertable in the GBA while at the same time being proper looking wings.

Your purpose is to use it in a GBA hack.

You've stated this.

Then there's no point for a more experienced spriter to sprite a set of wings for characters if it's not insertable.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Zero hacking experience but it just seems like you really need to think outside the box if you want laguz-style wings.

Random ideas:

-Add extra wing mug(s) to the scene behind the main mug, or dedicate BG space to wing-people scenes

-Downscale your portraits to fits,

e.g.birdyHurr.png, but either the blink or the mouth is going to be lost, probably

- leave the wings out of the mug entirely and focus on emphasizing them in the BS/map sprites.

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You could also limit conversations to two people (not that hard, given that DSFE does this) and then load two portraits in different positions for each character--one for their body, the other for the wings. Of course, their stat sheets won't have wings in them, but hey, compromise.

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Couldn't he just have one where the wings are folded around the characters kinda like bat wings or something instead of bird wings? So that the wings look like a cape and hook together in the front. That way you can fit them in and make the details so ppl know ehat they are.

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Well I mean, I'm considering just having the mugs not show their wings. It may be a bit odd when they have wings in their map and battle sprites, but for the time being it's the only compromise. Also, these winged people aren't laguz. They are based off of a race called the Icarii from a book series ^_^

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Icarii? Never heard of 'em! (A descriptive reference would be nice though)

ziose0_birdmanEdit.pngWings across the chest, because arm wings are an interesting alternative.

[Edit: Blah pb+cache=fail]

Edited by Lenh
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