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Exalted Legacy: REQUEST TOPIC


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This is still going right?

Anyway, i decided to take a crack at Navarre...Sorta based it off of his bs fe appearance as well as the ds navarre for the outfit...Thought it'd be more fun to not go completely off of the ds appearance...


If changes need to be made (which i'm sure there will need to be) i'd like to try to fix them first if that alright. But if it's a minor fix then just go ahead i guess? if it's completely off well then at least i tried? XD

Looking forward to this (supports at last! Mostly soulless characters no more!)


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Aw...Poo...It was Blackavar wasn't it!!! (This happened before in a certain remake of fe4 a while back with a sprite i sent in...mine was admittedly worse but still...)

Oh well...Any chance you know of a way to get the updated sheet...so i'm not making attempts in vain? (Course navvare was my fav/ the only one i wanted to do...)

Thanks, and best of luck to you all even so!


Edited by Eriad
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Iiiii'm unsure if Arch wants to post it yet, but he'll update the OP as soon as he wants to.

also it was Lumi, she loves Navarre too much.

You could probably do Draug, Gordin, or Jagen. They're needed and no one has stepped forward to do them yet.

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Ok understandable...Any chance i can at least see the navvare mug that lumi did? Or was it just a time based thing that got mine immediately ousted (like lumi sent their's first)? If not, again i understand and i can wait! Just figured i'd ask.

No wonder nobody stepped up...they all suck... How much liberties can we take on making these guys? I get that we can't make gordin a chick or a viking dude but...Are we allowed to stretch things a bit or make them solely based on some version of them at some point?


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I'll let Arch or Lumi choose when to post the mug.

And you can take some liberties. As long as we can tell that it's the character. You could model the sprites off of their TCG art, their official art, some really cool fanart you've seen. Go nuts ~( ' 3')~

just don't go too overboard and make them look like they're a promoted unit unless they're already a promoted unit. I.E., make Gordin look like an archer, not a sniper.

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Alright, sounds good... waiting it is!

Well hearing that makes me slightly more intrigued with attempting them...Are those the only three or are there any others? (Or is it a case of needing them sooner than later or something like that?)

With the whole liberty thing...can they be aged a little? Or should they remain closer to their age now. (Sorry for making this 20 questions...)

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Oooh, does lack of mention of Ogma mean that someone has done him already?


*manly tear*


Alright, sounds good... waiting it is!

Well hearing that makes me slightly more intrigued with attempting them...Are those the only three or are there any others? (Or is it a case of needing them sooner than later or something like that?)

Needing them sooner than later. The only mugs Arch needs for the first chapter are Draug, Gordin, Jagen, and the boss guy.

With the whole liberty thing...can they be aged a little? Or should they remain closer to their age now

try your best to keep them at their age :P

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Needing them sooner than later. The only mugs Arch needs for the first chapter are Draug, Gordin, Jagen, and the boss guy.

Figured as much...Ill take a crack at gordin i suppose (Tommorow-ish though...:P, It's late here...)

try your best to keep them at their age :P

Oh alright...Gordin would be so much cooler if he wasn't so young...at least he's not ryan...

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First things first


I noticed that while looking through Dan's thread although Dan's probably ashamed of it since it's like almost two years old now but *shot*

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Oh hehe, right, Ogma doesn't come in til a bit later. Should have looked at the sheet. Freaked out a bit, sorry~ >w>

No problem.

Figured as much...Ill take a crack at gordin i suppose (Tommorow-ish though...:P, It's late here...)

Oh alright...Gordin would be so much cooler if he wasn't so young...at least he's not ryan...

That sounds great, best of luck!

EDIT: @Jubbs: yeah that Ogma is super old. I really doubt Dan would want it in this, or that it would even stack up to the quality we're shooting for xD

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The inclusion of those old school spaulders is pretty neat though~ Respect~~

I'm gonna keep going regardless of whatever though because I really need to get better at doing eyes taller than two pixels .-. And Ogma is cool anyways hff.

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  • 1 month later...

*Phoenix Down*

The compilation sheet has been updated, and it's still not...full. Far from it, in fact! Just like to remind everyone of the lowly beggar over here. Maybe I should start playing music on a street corner, or begging outside of a Walmart. I'll fashion a sign: "will beg for sprites!"

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if it looks anything like your avatar, I doubt it'll fit at all

as for you, Athena, great start to Astram, just two things. His hair could be a bit more yellow, and his eyes don't have the same ferocity that Astram normally has at least in his FE12 portrait. If you give those to things a look I'm sure his head'll end up looking a lot better. Still a good start!

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