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FE8 skirmishes


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How do I edit monsters in the skirmishes separately? Whenever I edit a monster, that tends to affect every single monster in the skirmishes, but theres no way to customize it from what I can tell. I want to make grinding inaccesible/really hard by putting Dracozombies that OHKO even 60HP units but so far, no luck.

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there's probably event data (or a chapter unit editor module) for the valni/lagdou chapters

for skirmishes iirc their monster event data is tied to the map they take place in

Edited by CT075
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Skirmishs units mostly use something called unit templates, which are similar to UNIT codes, but work differently. I think someone made some documentation on it, but I can't seem to find it...

Ah, here it is:


Edited by Nintenlord
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