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FE7 Personality Quiz: Lyndis' Legion


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Alrighty... so here is the FE7 Personality Quiz: Lyndis' Legion. It is the first installment in the launched series, as the other two were mainly tests. Personally, I hope you enjoy it. Please, feel free to leave suggestions. (I know most of you will anyway but I felt some might feel better about it if you have an invitation.)

Prepare to be wowified....

ONE MORE THING! The scoring is slightly different from most personality quizzes you may be familiar with. It is a good idea to keep a pen and a piece of paper handy if you don't have a very good memory regarding numbers. Here is how you calculate your score:

1. For every answer, keep track of how many points you got in each category.

2. Add up all the points in each category.

3. Whichever category you scored the highest in is the personality trait of the character you are most like in Lyndis' Legion. There will be a description following each personality trait at the bottom of this post.

The categories are: Moral; Devoted; Ladykiller; MIser; Timid; Quiet; Uptight; Loudmouth; Sneaky; Lone Ranger; Troubled; Good Actor; Passionate

4. You add one point for every category listed on the answer of the question, unless otherwise stated.

These categories are my interpretation of what the most prominent quality in each one is. Have fun! (or else)

1. Where are you found on a weekend?

a. With my friends. ( Devoted, Ladykiller, Loudmouth)

b. By myself ( Timid, Quiet, Lone Ranger)

c. Nunyabizniz ( Uptight, Miser, Sneaky)

d. Therapy ( Troubled)

e. Doing something I love! ( Passionate, Moral)

2. Are you often teased?

a. Yes ( Troubled, Uptight, Timid, Quiet, Miser, Lone Ranger, Sneaky)

b. No ( Moral, Devoted, Passionate, Good Actor, Loudmouth, Ladykiller)

3. If yes, why?

a. I hate people. ( Lone Ranger, Troubled)

b. I don't talk. ( Timid, Quiet)

c. I don't share. ( Uptight, Miser)

d. *Jedi Wave* You don't need to know. ( Sneaky)

4. If no, why?

a. Because I'll punch anyone who does. ( Moral, Passionate)

b. Everyone LOVES me! ( Loudmouth, Ladykiller)

c. Everyone LIKES me! ( Good Actor, Devoted)

5. Your face!

a. Excuse me? I didn't quite hear that! ( Miser, Passionate, Loudmouth)

b. Your face! ( Uptight, Good Actor, Troubled)

c. Don't say that! It's mean! ( Moral, Lone Ranger)

d. Haha! Funny, dude! ( Devoted)

e. ... ( Timid, Quiet, Sneaky)

f. Your mom! ( Ladykiller)

6. Which band do you like most?

a. Evanescence ( Troubled)

b. NSYNC ( Ladykiller, Loudmouth)

c. Fergie ( Good Actor, Passionate)

d. Mozart ( Uptight, Miser)

e. JoBros/Miley/Hannah (Timid)

f. None of these. ( everything else)

7. Quick! Pick a color!

a. Black? (Troubled)

b. Red! (Passionate)

c. Blue! (Devoted)

d. Yellow! (Miser)

e. Green! (Good Actor)

f. White! (Moral)

g. Purple... (Timid)

h. Clear! (Sneaky)

i. Pink! (Loudmouth)

j. Orange! (Quiet)

k. You were too slow! Now you have to make a sex noise! (Lone Ranger)

8. Where is your happy place most easily accessible?

a. Bank Vault (Miser)

b. MP3 (Lone Ranger, Devoted, Passionate)

c. With a friend! (Loudmouth)

d. In a book. (Uptight, Quiet)

e. Video Games (Moral)

f. Violent Video Games (Troubled)

g. Stage! (Good Actor)

h. Club! (Ladykiller, Sneaky)

i. On the floor of your local Wal Mart (Timid)

9. Favorite dog? (I don't care if you hate dogs)

a. Golden Retriever (Devoted, Moral)

b. Lab (Passionate, Loudmouth)

c. Chihuahua (Quiet -2, Timid +3

d. Wiener Dog (Sneaky, Good Actor, Miser)

e. Poodle ( Troubled, Moral, Uptight, Ladykiller)

10. A hand comes out of your toilet. While you're on it. What's next?

a. Hump it. (Ladykiller)

b. Blow it to bits! (-1 Moral, Passionate)

c. Stuff it back down or flush. (+2 Moral)

d. Scream and run away. (Timid, Loudmouth)

e. ... (Quiet, Lone Ranger)

f. Wait until it touches you to drop the kids off at the pool. (Any category notl listed in this question.)

g. Scream "RAPE!" (Uptight)

h. Ha! I have diarrhea! (-2 to all categories.)

Now add up your scores.

If you scored highest in Moral, you are: Lyndis!

You are kindhearted person who will do anything for your friends and family. You will help to the point of harming your own self. But you do you find this bogging you down? Is revenge constantly on your sword-slinging mind? You should know that revenge clouds only the hearts of the misguided. Keep this in mind next time someone kills your parents.

If you scored highest in Devoted, you are: Kent!

You are a devoted person who is completely devoted to one person. You work hard, study hard, and train hard. You spend much time preparing a future that befits you. While this future will be undoubtedly bright, be sure to stop live in today for a few minutes, because when we look too much to the future, we fog the present.

If you scored highest in Ladykiller, you are: Sain!

You are a perverted wannabe romanticist. You follow not your mind, but your... *ahem ahem*. Learn to think with your head, and to stop hitting on every pretty girl you see, and you just may find the love that you so desperately seek.

If you scored highest in Miser, you are: Wil

Have you ever run away from home? Do you not like to share? Or are you just saving it all up, for some greater purpose? Make sure that purpose is a worthy one, because while hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, your family don't like it too much either.

If you scored highest in Timid, you are: Florina

Eek! A shadow! Run away! Yah, that's you. Stop being such a pansy! Life's too short to live it so scared all the time, so learn to make others afraid of you! Remember, physical violence is the only way to get what you want done. Or you could just bribe everyone. Hey, go ask a Miser!

If you scored highest in Quiet, you are: Dorcas

Most people are quiet because of a traumatic event, like Maya Angelou (read "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings). So what the hell happened to you? Seriously, you need to speak your mind. Or else those pesky Moral and Passionate people will speak it for you. We all know what that's like! (*cough* hitler *cough*)

If you scored highest in Uptight, you are: Erk

You may not be noble, but you will certainly show the world that you are just as good. With your fake Abercrombie and Fitch, you can rock the world. But maybe lose the cork in your butt, dude. Loosey goosey is the way to go. Because, honestly, no one likes a snobby prude.

If you scored highest in Loudmouth, you are: Serra

You talk alot, have the most friends, most of your daddy's money, most everything. You are loud, and are not afraid to voice your opinions. But, you know, perhaps it's best not to be too loud. After all, there are a lot of people who hear you talk, many of them not the people you would like to hear. Be careful about what you say and do. Many Loudmouths aren't, and for this reason, most of them are murdered.

If you scored highest in Sneaky, you are: Matthew

How many lives do you lead? One, two, three? It's okay- you're sneaky, so it doesn't matter how many. Just remember, the tangled web of lies we weave can very easily dissolve when even one thread is cut. Take care not to expose your secret Mexican family to the real Swedish one.

If you scored highest in Lone Ranger, you are: Rath

You're not one for talking. You were mostly all alone during your childhood, so you just talk in your head. After all, they can't hear what you say in there, right? wrong. You never know where a telepath is, so wise up! Besides, communication is the founding cornerstone of a successful relationship. Unless you don't want one. 'Cause it's totally cool.

If you scored highest in Troubled, you are: Lucius

While your character may be happy, you are probably punk, goth, or emo. Which is great, because they rock. Sort of. Anyway, I think therapy would be the best solution for your problems. Or at least meditations. Seriously; physical and mental illnesses develop when you let emotional issues go rampant.

If you scored highest in Good Actor, you are: Nils

You are a friendly, loveable, defenseless guy. Who would hurt you? Who would you hurt? But methinks the actor hides something underneath his mask of happy. Is there something you need to tell us? Are you an ice dragon???

If you scored highest in Passionate, you are: Wallace

High amounts of both nervous and abundant energy coupled with a steely will makes for one passionate person. To everyone else you are always on the go and headstrong. Possibly eccentric, too. Don't worry. Your heart is bigger than the axe you most likely wield. Make good use of it.

Man my fingers hurt.

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Well I got the following scores:

Devoted: 0

Ladykiller: 0

Loudmoth: 2

Timid: 3

Quiet: 2

Uptight: 2

Miser: 1

Sneaky: 1

Troubled: 5

Good Actor: 1

Passionate: 2

Moral: 2

Lone Ranger: 3

Gee, guess what I answered on the color question?

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1. Where are you found on a weekend?

e. Doing something I love! ( Passionate, Moral)

2. Are you often teased?

b. No ( Moral, Devoted, Passionate, Good Actor, Loudmouth, Ladykiller)

3. If yes, why?

4. If no, why?

a. Because I'll punch anyone who does. ( Moral, Passionate)

5. Your face!

e. ... ( Timid, Quiet, Sneaky)

6. Which band do you like most?

a. Evanescence ( Troubled)

7. Quick! Pick a color!

b. Red! (Passionate)

8. Where is your happy place most easily accessible?

e. Video Games (Moral)

9. Favorite dog? (I don't care if you hate dogs)

a. Golden Retriever (Devoted, Moral)

10. A hand comes out of your toilet. While you're on it. What's next?

d. Scream and run away. (Timid, Loudmouth)

4 Passionate, 5 moral, 2 Devoted, 1 Good Actor, 2 Loudmouth, 1 Ladykiller, 2 Timid, 1 Quiet, 1 Sneaky, 1 Troubled. 0 Everywhere else.

If you scored highest in Moral, you are: Lyndis!

You are kindhearted person who will do anything for your friends and family. You will help to the point of harming your own self. But you do you find this bogging you down? Is revenge constantly on your sword-slinging mind? You should know that revenge clouds only the hearts of the misguided. Keep this in mind next time someone kills your parents.

I got Lyn again.

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Devoted: 4

Ladykiller: 1

Loudmoth: 1

Timid: 2

Quiet: 3

Uptight: 0

Miser: 0

Sneaky: 2

Troubled: 0

Good Actor: 3

Passionate: 1

Moral: 6

Lone Ranger: 2

Looks like I got Lyn. Even though I'm more of a lone ranger.

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1. Where are you found on a weekend?

a. With my friends. ( Devoted, Ladykiller, Loudmouth)

2. Are you often teased?

b. No ( Moral, Devoted, Passionate, Good Actor, Loudmouth, Ladykiller)

3. If yes, why?

4. If no, why?

a. Because I'll punch anyone who does. ( Moral, Passionate)

5. Your face!

a. Excuse me? I didn't quite hear that! ( Miser, Passionate, Loudmouth)

6. Which band do you like most?

a. Evanescence ( Troubled)

7. Quick! Pick a color!

a. Black? (Troubled)

8. Where is your happy place most easily accessible?

b. MP3 (Lone Ranger, Devoted, Passionate)

9. Favorite dog? (I don't care if you hate dogs)

b. Lab (Passionate, Loudmouth)

10. A hand comes out of your toilet. While you're on it. What's next?

e. ... (Quiet, Lone Ranger)

+5 passionate

+4 loudmouth

+3 devoted

+2 ladykiller

+2 troubled

+2 lone ranger

+2 moral

+1 good actor

+1 miser

+1 quiet

If you scored highest in Passionate, you are: Wallace

High amounts of both nervous and abundant energy coupled with a steely will makes for one passionate person. To everyone else you are always on the go and headstrong. Possibly eccentric, too. Don't worry. Your heart is bigger than the axe you most likely wield. Make good use of it.

Not too bad, although I've always thought of myself to be pretty quiet.

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1. Where are you found on a weekend?

e. Doing something I love! ( Passionate, Moral)

2. Are you often teased?

b. No ( Moral, Devoted, Passionate, Good Actor, Loudmouth, Ladykiller)

3. If yes, why?

4. If no, why?

c. Everyone LIKES me! ( Good Actor, Devoted) [>_> I don't agree with this one, but there were no other options and I don't think I'd punch anyone in the face LOL]

5. Your face!

b. Your face! ( Uptight, Good Actor, Troubled)

6. Which band do you like most?

a. Evanescence ( Troubled)

7. Quick! Pick a color!

e. Green! (Good Actor)

8. Where is your happy place most easily accessible?

d. In a book. (Uptight, Quiet)

9. Favorite dog? (I don't care if you hate dogs)

a. Golden Retriever (Devoted, Moral)

10. A hand comes out of your toilet. While you're on it. What's next?

d. Scream and run away. (Timid, Loudmouth)

Devoted: 3

Ladykiller: 1

Loudmouth: 2

Timid: 1

Quiet: 1

Uptight: 2

Miser: 0

Sneaky: 0

Troubled: 2

Good Actor: 4

Passionate: 2

Moral: 3

Lone Ranger: 0

If you scored highest in Good Actor, you are: Nils

You are a friendly, loveable, defenseless guy. Who would hurt you? Who would you hurt? But methinks the actor hides something underneath his mask of happy. Is there something you need to tell us? Are you an ice dragon???


In a sense, I think it got me almost spot on...


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Hmm....I scored most in timid, so I guesst that makes me Florina. Somehow, I don't think this quiz hits me right on the dot...:D

Timid: 6

Quiet: 0

Lone Ranger: 1

Moral: 2

Devoted: 2

Passionate: 1

Good Actor: 2

Loudmouth: 2

Ladykiller: 1

Sneaky: 1

Troubled: 2

Edited by Fireman
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Hmm....I scored most in timid, so I guesst that makes me Florina. Somehow, I don't think this quiz hits me right on the dot...:D

Timid: 6

Quiet: 0

Lone Ranger: 1

Moral: 2

Devoted: 2

Passionate: 1

Good Actor: 2

Loudmouth: 2

Ladykiller: 1

Sneaky: 1

Troubled: 2

Only 1 in Sneaky? Madness.

And lol, Fireman is Florina. Maybe Florina is just a really good actor and actually goes around charging people at high prices for things? Idk.

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Here's my results

1. e

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. f

6. c

7. e

8. a

9. b

Devoted: 4

Ladykiller: 1

Loudmoth: 1


Quiet: 1

Uptight: 1


Sneaky: 1

Troubled: 1

Good Actor: 2

Passionate: 4

Moral: 5

Lone Ranger: 1

I got Lyn

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

1. Where are you found on a weekend?

a. With my friends. ( Devoted, Ladykiller, Loudmouth)

2. Are you often teased?

b. No ( Moral, Devoted, Passionate, Good Actor, Loudmouth, Ladykiller)

5. Your face!

b. Your face! ( Uptight, Good Actor, Troubled)

6. Which band do you like most?

f. None of these. ( everything else)

7. Quick! Pick a color!

h. Clear! (Sneaky)

8. Where is your happy place most easily accessible?

e. Video Games (Moral)

9. Favorite dog? (I don't care if you hate dogs)

b. Lab (Passionate, Loudmouth)

10. A hand comes out of your toilet. While you're on it. What's next?

b. Blow it to bits! (-1 Moral, Passionate)

Devoted: 3

Ladykiller: 2

Passionate: 4

Good Actor: 2

Miser: 1

Sneaky: 2

Lone Ranger: 1

Troubled: 0

Loudmouth: 3

Uptight: 1

Timid: 0

Quiet: 1

Moral: 2

If you scored highest in Passionate, you are: Wallace

High amounts of both nervous and abundant energy coupled with a steely will makes for one passionate person. To everyone else you are always on the go and headstrong. Possibly eccentric, too. Don't worry. Your heart is bigger than the axe you most likely wield. Make good use of it.

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