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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 27: War


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"Runes destroying us? What is the meaning of that?" Morgan asked the apparently groggy Stephanie, distracted from her initial purpose for the moment. She mentioned Damian- he seemed well enough at the meeting...

"Oh, I'm not trying to throw you out or anything," Charlotte apologized quickly to the strange girl. "I'm Princess Charlotte Eveline Lanvaldear of Jerdon, and yourself?" she inquired. Perhaps she's scarred from the demon attack...poor thing.

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"Destroy ...? Oh ... um ..." Stephanie paused to think, looking even groggier than before. "I was doing some research into rune magic. Damian seems to use it intuitively, however, that's still a terrible risk to be taking ... along with wielding both a holy lance and a crimson weapon simultaneously." After that, she started to look more and more awake and aware of her surroundings as she went on. "There really is no telling just what could happen. We know first hand that potent magic can be unleashed this way, still ... well, I will not say that I don't ... trust him, but I don't believe he fully understands what he may be getting himself into, here. I'm all the more worried since this sort of magic is apparently over his head. If I don't do the research and find out the pros, cons, ins, outs, and methods, who will ...?"

Meanwhile relatively close by, the conduit girl was having trouble addressing Charlotte's next question. A simple head shake or nod wasn't going to convey her answer at all. She would have to speak or something, but she had never done that before. She could understand just fine, but she had never tried it herself. Her mustered up a bit of courage and tried to speak. "Blergh-b ... neh ... ... noh ...." Well that hadn't gone as well as she'd hoped. This mouth was completely foreign to her. At the very least she had to make sure that Charlotte didn't think she had just uttered her own name and so rapidly shook her head to get that point across. Now what? Even if she had a name to offer, she wouldn't be quite sure how to say it, just yet.

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"I was placing confidence in Ixion that his methods would be effective. I suppose there have not been as many violent outbursts, but the side effects are quite extreme," Morgan conceded. "There will be little time to research such things however; we are leaving on the morrow to teleport to the desert. I am asking for you to accompany us- your ability to use a warp staff may prove of use," she stated.

She must have had an awfully rough time... Charlotte thought to herself with concern, as the girl seemed unable or unwilling to vocalize her own name, unless her name really was 'Blernenoh' or something. "Do you need anything to eat or drink?" she asked. She seems to understand me, but perhaps she is in shock- seeing demons in action may have that effect.

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"The desert?! And knowing you, this isn't a joke or something." Stephanie rubbed her forehead and tried to shirk off visions of her dying of thirst in a baking landscape. "Were it not the beginning of winter, I might have to refuse outright, but ... I suppose there is no one else ...?" (If I'm simply the group's first choice in situations like these, I'm flattered, but all of this travel is starting to take its toll on me ....)

The girl didn't think she was hungry at first. That was why she was just about to shake her head again, but then the hunger pains hit and she didn't know what to do. Talking was starting to seem extremely unhelpful, so she decided not to make so much as a peep until she knew what she was doing. Instead, she nodded to Charlotte. Yes or no questions were simple enough. Explanations were going to take some time.

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TISME Library

"It would be possible to use one of the staff users in our group, but they have no experience with warp staves as far as I know. You are the most reliable option and reliability is critical in this situation. You would be required to warp the demon army into a trap which would allow us to reach the Lord with significantly fewer demonic threats to worry about," Morgan said to Stephanie.

"Oh all right, I think I have something in my pack," Charlotte said, rummaging through her bag before finding a small knitted pouch tucked inside. "I think I got these almonds back at the Munktan estate...they should still be fine, take as many as you like," she offered, holding it out for the cloaked girl. Maybe if I feed her enough I can get her to talk eventually?

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TISME Library

"Warp demons? I suppose that's ... feasible if they hold still for a moment, but how am I supposed to warp away an entire army of demons ... and to a specific location from the sound of things? What have you people been up to while I've been studying here?"

She wasn't sure what almonds were, but if they were safe for humans to eat, she knew for certain she could eat them. She took the pouch reluctantly at first, but then began to eat a few of the almonds. They tasted well enough and so she kept eating them one at a time until the pouch was empty. Afterward, she turned the pouch upside down and held her hand out in the hopes one or two more would emerge, but she had been thorough the first time. It was completely empty. She couldn't eat the pouch and get much out of it, so she handed that back to Charlotte.

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TISME Library

"Ixion has provided a conduit," Morgan said, gesturing towards the cloaked figure near the library entrance. "She should provide you enough power to warp the demons away to where the allied armies should be waiting. A difficult task, but all the more reason to have a reliable staffer."

That was quick, she must have been quite famished. Charlotte managed to find some jerky in her pack and held it out for the girl if she was still feeling hungry. "So, are you from around here?" she asked, trying to sound candid.

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TISME Library

"I suppose that makes sense ... sense enough, anyway. Ixion certainly likes to subvert magic whenever he can." Stephanie took a moment to take a look at this 'conduit' and was surprised to see that it was a person. Charlotte was with her too, but being a member of the crimson group, that didn't surprise her. Then, finally, something clicked. "Wait a moment. That person is going to provide me with enough power to warp an army? How is that even possible?" She knew the answer was some variation of 'Ixion did things', but asked reflexively.

Another yes or no question; good. The girl shook her head as she took the jerky and began gnawing on it. This tasted better than the almonds, so she tried to savor it a bit, but it was still gone in seconds.

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TISME Library

"She can channel the power of all the chimeras linked to Ixion, which is a considerable amount. I am slightly hesitant about the procedure myself as I did not design it, but placing our confidence in Ixion is our best chance for success," Morgan stated adamantly.

Is she a refugee maybe? But the demons attacked Ilyphina directly I thought...she doesn't really look like she's affiliated with the army. "When's the last time you've eaten?" Charlotte asked, managing to fish out a hard crust of bread from her pack and offering it. I might need to restock after this...

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TISME Library

"Well, I suppose if Ixion's disturbing machinations can be used for the good of mankind, then it isn't so bad," Stephanie relented. "Where did he find a girl to perform such a feat, though? That still has me worried. If he actually went and kidnapped someone for this instead of simply training someone, I couldn't stand for that."

It wasn't a yes or no question, but maybe she could at least imply her meaning by shaking her head again. She did this just before accepting the bread and eating it. The delicious jerky was not to be compared to it, but she was still hungry and was in no position to complain about what she was being served.

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TISME Library

"She was created for this purpose. I am unfamiliar with the process of chimera creation, but there is no kidnapping involved as far as I am aware," Morgan said to Stephanie.

"Um, I don't think I have any more," Charlotte said, searching her bag before closing it once again. "I can lead you to the dining hall for dinner when it's time if you like," she offered. She seems to reply by nodding mostly- perhaps I should stick to yes or no questions.

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TISME Library

"She's a chimera?! But she looks human! I don't ... I don't know what to say. Why must Ixion repeatedly do such distasteful things with his magic?"

The princess had apparently run out of food for her, but she didn't let the hungry girl down and offered to take her to the dining hall for more food. She nodded with a great deal of emphasis this time hoping she would take her there right away, bt then remembered that Morgan had instructed her to wait. Not sure how to reconcile this, she shook her head and then pointed to Morgan who was still speaking with Stephanie. She wasn't sure what else to add to convey her meaning and waited to see how Charlotte would react.

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TISME Library

"A human form allows the chimera to communicate and appear less suspicious to the common folk when traveling with us. I suppose Ixion could have made the energy chimera into the form of a goat or something instead, but its purpose is the same regardless," Morgan replied to Stephanie nonchalantly.

"Hmm...you know Morgan? Does that mean you'll be traveling with us?" Charlotte asked the cloaked girl, somewhat confused. I don't think Morgan would befriend a random refugee...has she been with us for some time and I haven't noticed her?

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This is where she was supposed to be, right? The attacks had left the walls of TISME in less-than-ideal form, which was more than enough for the girl to slip through. Staying in the shadows was second nature to her. She'd run off on her own more times than she could count, and usually didn't have to face the consequences of her actions.

The girl had hidden her face behind a veil, and the rest of her clothes were loose, and as plain as possible. She knew how dangerous attention could be, and she could afford to have none of it on her. Footsteps approached; she quickly ducked behind a pile of rubble. Perhaps one day, she'd have time to study at TISME. Right now, she had other things to attend to.

Mother, I'm coming for you.

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TISME Library

"So it's a disguise at heart? I suppose that makes sense as well. It's no less disturbing, but it at least makes sense. I was worried Ixion was just being arrogant and flaunting his abilities," Stephanie admitted. "I should have known better. He has a reason for even his most seemingly extravagant endeavors. Very well, I will handle your warping spells once again. I suppose it's only fitting; I've been involved quite a bit lately and we're nearing the end of this war with the demons."

The girl nodded at Charlotte's question, thankful that she'd asked in the way she had. That certainly made things easier.

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TISME Library

"Yes, we will either be victorious or die. Your assistance will make the odds of the former more likely. We will be leaving tomorrow morning, so you should prepare yourself soon," Morgan said to Stephanie.

"Oh that's...interesting," Charlotte replied to the cloaked girl, somewhat surprised. "Are you a skilled mage of some type?" she asked. I don't think Morgan would bring along anyone without fighting ability and she doesn't really look like a warrior...although maybe she's an assassin or something. That would explain the cloak and maybe why she's hesitant to give information? Charlotte hypothesized.

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TISME Library

I wish you wouldn't say things in such an epic way, but you are right, I suppose. I will be ready by the time I'm needed," Stephanie replied. "Also ... should I not be introduced to this girl Ixion created to assist me?"

Said girl was contemplating Charlotte's question and decided her answer would be 'no', since she didn't think of herself as a mage of any sort. Still, though, after she shook her head negatively, she put out her hands as if she was holding a staff in front of her. Then she began pointing this imaginary staff at imaginary enemies and jerking the staff at them, once each, and then aiming at another imaginary one. It was the only way she knew how to describe the demon warping plan without using any words. She just hoped Charlotte didn't think she was contradicting herself about the mage question.

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TISME Library

"If you wish to speak to her, she is outside the library. Whether you are introduced or not is of little importance to me, but you may do as you will," Morgan said to Stephanie before turning to leave.

Charlotte cocked her head at the whatever actions the cloaked girl was miming. "Uh, you're not a mage, but you have a staff that shoots something?' she asked, confused.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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TISME Library

"Very well. Better to become acquainted sooner rather than later," Stephanie said, closing the various books she had been putting herself to sleep to and standing from her chair. Before actually heading over,s he took a moment to fix her dress and cloak a bit. She had been sitting idly for several hours.

Meanwhile, the very girl she was preparing to introduce herself to was struggling to communicate again. Before long, she gave up on the awkward imagery and began trying to say things again, particularly 'demon'. "Dyaenun ... deeeeemnun. Deeeeman. Deeman. Deemun. Demon. I ... wrwarp demon. I rwarp demon." Finally having pronounced everything correctly as far as she was concerned, she made the staff poking gesture one more time.

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TISME Library

"Oh, so you're the one warping away the demons? You will be very important in the battles to come then I think," Charlotte responded to the cloaked girl. So she can speak it's just...difficult.

Around this time, Morgan had made her way towards the entrance of the library, where Charlotte approach. "Morgan, may I ask where you found this girl?" she asked out of curiosity.

"She is a chimera created by Ixion to act as a conduit for the demon warping," Morgan answered curtly.

"Oh, um that's...nice," Charlotte fumbled around after this revelation. That might explain some of the odd behavior, but Ixion can make magically constructed humans now? The implications are...distressing.

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TISME Library

Morgan was useful; she explained things rather quickly and concisely, thought the chimera girl. Stephanie arrived soon afterward and introduced herself. "Hello there. My name is Stephanie. I'm just a humble priestess, but I'll be working with you to help warp away the demons. Do you mind if I ask your name?"

The chimera girl had no name to give. Ixion was a little pressed for time, which was was also why her attire was what it was. "Mam-... name. No. Name, no."

"Name, no? Very well, I suppose I won't pry if you would really rather keep it a secret," Stephanie dejectedly replied.

Suddenly the girl realized she'd screwed up the word order somewhere and shook her head rapidly. "No name! I ... rhave no name."

"Whaaaat?" Someone without a name was a completely foreign concept to the priestess, clearly.

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What's In a Name?

"Referring to her as 'chimera' or 'conduit' should suffice. She is the only chimera or conduit in our group so there should be no confusion," Morgan stated.

"She's a person, not a tool," Charlotte protested, frowning. "What would you like to be called?" she asked, turning to the chimera girl.

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The ruins of TISME gave the girl plenty of places to hide. She slowly worked her way across them, carefully concealing herself in the shadow of the rubble that littered the place. The shadows caused her memories to wander back to a time when she hid out of fear. . .and the first kind voice in her life that had coaxed her out of the darkness. She'd known happiness for a time. . .and had sought to repay her savior with ease. Instead, she'd caused even more trouble. She HAD to set things right! It had taken everything she had learned to get this far. The more practical part of her told her that her mother had died in the line of duty. Her heart told her that the faint rumor she'd heard would lead her to the most important person of her life. Her thoughts were interrupted by footsteps. She cowered in the rocks, and breathed a sigh of relief when they passed. She'd need to get into the building, but how? She found another pile of rubble, well off the beaten path, and ducked behind it. She needed time to think.

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TISME Library

Not having any idea, herself, when asked about her own preference in names, the chimera girl simply returned a blank stare to Charlotte. If shrugging helplessly was in her tiny arsenal of communication methods, she would have certainly used it then and there. Just standing there wasn't helping anything.

"Come now, Morgan, there is certainly no need to use either of those terms as a name when we can come up with something less ... 'artificial'. Even if you only see her as a tool, she's a living thing." (Besides, even pets have genuine names.)

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"One would think that an artificial title would be appropriate for an artificial being, but call her what you will," Morgan said indifferently.

Since the chimera girl didn't seem to be coming up with anything, Charlotte took it upon herself to start offering suggestions. "Well...since she's a chimera, maybe we can call her Chi? That's not a bad name I think."

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