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So Many DLCs for This Game?


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People might get butt hurt and call the whole 'Day one DLC' bull crap.

Well, Marth will probably be day one dlc, but I don't see it being a problem if he was free for us like he was for Japan. But day one DLC IS BS, no matter how you slice the cake. It just looks bad. "Here's your 40-60$ game! Now spend another 5-20$ on some DLC we made for you!"

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Well, Marth will probably be day one dlc, but I don't see it being a problem if he was free for us like he was for Japan. But day one DLC IS BS, no matter how you slice the cake. It just looks bad. "Here's your 40-60$ game! Now spend another 5-20$ on some DLC we made for you!"

Day 1 DLC actually isn't really bullshit because the developers probably had a different budget for DLC and just so happened to finish some before the game's release date.

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Regardless, it should follow the Japanese pattern closely enough, maybe without as many delays later on. Free Marth should be the only thing they offer Day 1.

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Day 1 DLC actually isn't really bullshit because the developers probably had a different budget for DLC and just so happened to finish some before the game's release date.

Yes and no. Because to me, Day one DLC falls into the BS category with the way it's presented or the price point of it. The price point is a slighty grayer area since you can judge a dlc's worth and (sometimes) wait for it to go on sale. The presentation, for me, is the kicker. I have no problem frittering away money for something that seems important or adds to my experience. But before I even pop the game into my computer, you're already trying to sell me more? It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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or they could slap some of it on there from the get go. I'm sure they'd get some of it ready for release at least.

Too much DLC at once=less sales. If you saw 5 DLC packs on the first day of release you would

A: Think the DLC is bad because there is so much of it leading to...

B: Not buying as much because of there being so much.

I'm sure nintendo will follow japan and trickle it out. That way it gives costumers the 'just one more' mentality.

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At least the DLC in this game has all been done after development and it is all new unlike some other companies that cut and lock content already on the disc and sell them.

True. But people who haven't been keeping up to date with the game and it's DLC might not know that and so see it as a profit grab if Nintendo releases too many DLC's too quickly.

But I doubt Nintendo will release it all in one go anyway. As people have already said, it'll most likely be released as a steady trickle across the space a few months.

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I'm suspecting (and hoping) the DLC will be released in volumes internationally, rather than individual releases. Either Spirit Talisman, KVK, RVB and LVD sets or a big "Other World Talismans" and "Path of a Grandmaster".

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NSMB2 DLC procedure has been to release several maps at once but keep them available for separate purchase. I see no reason why this would be any different.

Granted, you can also buy them in packs, but the packs are dependent on release date, not the series themselves, and you don't get a discount. Also, the individual items are "smaller" and cheaper, anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a jerk weeb whose power level is high enough to enjoy this game and not worry about localization bullcrap

Easy for u to say. >=o

Well, it really ALL depends on how the localization team feels. Recently, I feel like localizations have been more tolerable to Japan's... fanservice shenanigans compared to back then when censorship was usually the answer.

They should really include everything if Nintendo really wants everyone's money.

It'll then go hot at the press and that we at least won't have derping localization anymore.

I'm willing to bet people will throw at least as much money on the DLC as Japan has. The reception to this game really is at an all time high compared to other past FE games. I mean that storm from Reggie confirming localization after E3 was just amazing... it was trending on Twitter.

Indeed it was.

I still get the feeling that NOA hates Japan. For a while I seriously thought FE13 would be Japan and Europe only.

It wouldn't come to Europe either if America doesn't get it. ;):

Happened with FE12.

True. But people who haven't been keeping up to date with the game and it's DLC might not know that and so see it as a profit grab if Nintendo releases too many DLC's too quickly.

They'll learn to take it slow at a time!!!!!

But I doubt Nintendo will release it all in one go anyway. As people have already said, it'll most likely be released as a steady trickle across the space a few months.

Right. We want these to all get hot slowly to the press to get even more customers and MORE money, so it'll show Nintendo that we actually DO want these games!

Edited by Winona
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