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Cold Days


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20 days left until Cold Days, the 14th book in the Dresden Files, is released! Who's pumped? I know I am!

Fans, we should follow Charlie's example and change our names to characters from the series. Unfortunately there are like no pictures of anyone except Harry, so we can't really change our avatars and sigs...

I call Thomas.

Edited by Thomas Raith
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Fuck cold days, man. I think you're a chump if you live somewhere where the ambient temperature routinely goes below freezing. That might seem offensive now, but there's a good chance you'll agree with me after you move.

I hear Dresden is a bleak and depressive place right now, at least as far as the weather is concerned.

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Hey, Canada is not a place where chumps live. And I used to live in India, so yes, I know how it feels for the temperature to not go below freezing.

Dresden is in a kind of cold place right now, I imagine.

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I like cold days because I can pile on coats and hats and scarves and ear muffs and balaclavas and enough stuff that I can basically just lie down and fall asleep in it all. Gonna need a new coat soon, though, my favorite one has stuffing poking out a couple seams :[

I also quite enjoy hugs where lots of soft coats are involved

On TRULY COLD places: my (70-plus-years-old, super-wordly, anti-establishment, borderline-hippie, social super-leftie, generally awesome) 11th grade world history teacher told us about a winter vacation she took to Russia, where she and her husband were just walking along the street when some random lady came up to them and started yelling at them in Russian, and they were totally stumped until the lady pointed at the husband's ears. He had nothing covering them! He covered them with his hands immediately and they got inside shelter as quickly as they could, and sure enough his ears were turning blue, halfway to frostbitten already.

They bought him some muffs pretty quickly.

Edited by Rehab
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I want to know what will happen to Molly and Thomas. Also I'm curious to see if Harry and Murphy will do anything now that he's alive (probably not, but eh). Also do you think Dresden will be able to leave the position of Winter Knight by the end of the book, or not?

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  • 3 weeks later...


Has anyone gotten it yet, out of curiosity? I just found a copy online (yarrr I'm such a pirate).

I have it. Very good book, although

If Bob just up and ran, doesn't that mean Evil!Bob is still around?


I really wasn't expecting a lot of what happened.

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So I finished it a couple days ago, and yeah, I got to say that a lot of it was unexpected.

The name of the novel, Cold Days, sort of implied to me that the Winter Knight thing was going to be short-term, but the challenges that Dresden had to go through in this novel seemed to largely be focused around controlling and taming the powers of the Winter Knight. That would all sort of go to waste if he escaped the position any time soon, especially as he hadn't mastered it by the end (Maeve was able to seduce him fairly easily). And of course with Molly becoming the Winter Lady at the end, it doesn't seem likely that he'd leave his position even if he could, unless he could somehow get her out too.

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Well the only spoiler I read before I remembered I was reading spoilers was

About Bob running off. That makes me sad. I hope it's not because something or other. I put a lot of faith in that guy.

I remember that

[spoiler=Changes spoilers]

Changes ended on a cliffhanger with Harry kind of dying, but I don't actually remember what was going on in the series, except that. No, I really don't remember.

And I think that Harry was kind of leaning towards being more dark in the last couple books, even though the bad people in general are being more effectively evil. And the knight guy who is cool and nice and has a family either died or got injured and can't really fight anymore and now there's only one left.

So when I do read it it'll probably be great Every time a plot twist from 3 books ago is mentioned off-hand, my mouth will swing open in surprise.

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