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Army size for Thracia


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Thracia has been taunting me for the last little while, begging me to play it. Being my obsessive-compulsive, overly micro-managing self, I went to try and plan my army, like I always do.

I hit a bit of a snag, though. See, in other games it's fairly simple: use the best characters, up to the limit for the map/limit of your patience. But this one has that whole fatigue system that seems like it would come and beat me up pretty bad if I focused too much on too small a core of characters. It'd be pretty bad to get into a tough later chapter and have only Leaf available to fight.

The question(s) I pose is this: what's the optimum number of characters to raise in Thracia? Say, if the average number of characters you can field in a chapter is 12 (I actually don't know what it is; I couldn't find this anywhere), would raising 15 or 16 be the wisest choice? And while you're at it, any suggestions for good characters?

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Pay attention to the fatigue numbers on your unit list. It's better to have one guy sit out a chapter each than two guys sitting out the same chapter, especially if they're your healers. If you do get stuck, there are S drinks that can help you, at the cost of 1 inventory space going into the chapter. But really, if you pay attention, even the fatigue overload that comes with arena abuse can be managed.

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If it makes any difference, iirc you have access to about a dozen Knight Proofs before you get into the real endgame phase. So if you're planning on training units who will eventually have to promote, that should probably be your upper limit. However, Leaf, Linoan, and Lara do not need Knight Proofs to promote.

But yea it really doesn't make much of a difference who you use since you can fix most unit's problems with Scrolls or skill books, just make sure you have at least a couple staff users who can reach A staves or you're gonna have a bad time

Looking at this, you'll have about 15 slots on most endgame maps and 10-12 in the midgame.

Edited by Silvercrow
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I would recommend _raising_ like 9 at most, because you want to use some of the prepromotes in this game. For fatigue, if you're really afraid of fatiguing just try to envision how the map is going to progress, and whether you really need to deploy all you can if some of your units aren't going to do anything besides lag behind.

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