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Genealogy of Fala PT

Zak Something

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Why genealogy of Fala? Because it's the best Japanese FE4 hack ever.*

For those who don't know, this is basically a hack that changes everyone into different people and junk. Except for a few cases, all the guys are replaced by girls and vice-versa, meaning that it's the males who produce children when paired in gen 1, and that there's gonna be a ton of girls. It's also Japanese only, so I have NO idea what's going on, but OK!

Chapter 0: Prologue!

Boring chapter is boring.


Oh goodie, peg. Knights at the start, what FUN!

Anyways, before running through with guns ablazin' let's see who our units are!


Alvis! The Alvis fanboy in me** says that this'll ROCK!

Also notice the neat sword! It's a C-rank, with 75 Acc, 12 Mt, and 8 Wt. Also it casts Elfire (or is it Elf Ire?) at range. I think I'll call it Vorpal!


Ida, the governor of Idaho, and the traitor to all things Freege!


Vaha, that one chick who rains fiery death down on you in Chapter 5 of Vanilla! Also might be a relative of Waha Kife.


Ardan, now with Prepromote powers! Unlike most of the other characters who are replaced with someone of the opposite gender, Ardan remained the same, meaning that it's possible to pair him with a guy and they'll have kids.***

Anyways, let's start!

I plan on only using characters I intend to pair in Gen one, so Ida ducks inside the fancy castle that lacks an arena for some reason. How lame.

Alvis didn't kill the 1st Peg. Knight because I wanted to have Vaha get some EXP. Turn End!


Oes noes, Lex got captured by YouShallNotPass111!!! Letz go guiz we haf 2 saev himz!

After the enemies moved in non-threatening ways, my turn started again. But what the fuck people came to halp!


Ethlin! And in this hack, she's not already taken! Fanboys rejoice!


Aideen! Darros's waifu favorite female character has decided to stop screwing around with magic sticks and to pick up bows instead!


Also she has major blood now.

After more moving and killing, it's turn 3! And MOAR people show up!


Azel! For some reason, he can use staffs now. Maybe he took the ability from Aideen when she quit.


Titillu! Now she's a prepromote! Remind me to keep her away from Ida. >_>


U.N. Olwen! Probably won't use her much, I dunno.

So after fighting my way down, I beat the 1st boss, who is Marty for some reason. Eh.

Seize, and...


Selphina! She decided to dump Glade and hover around Lex instead! Poor Glade...

A turn after that, some green unit came down for some reason. I look at him aaaand...


It's Sigurd! He's come to give Alvis the Bolganon! I wanted the Bolgasom... </lamejoke>

So Alvis, now brandishing his arm instead of a sword, blows up the rest of the baddies in fiery explosions. After beating the last boss of the chapter (some guy whose name I don't know and don't much care to find out), I seize the castle for victory!

*in my opinion.

**I DO legitimately like Alvis, wife-stealing and murdering tendencies aside.

***When you figure out how that works, tell me.

Edited by Zak Defender of Tinny
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Ethlin! And in this hack, she's not already taken! Fanboys rejoice!


This looks like a very interesting hack, and I hope you update frequently, man. :]

Edited by ZM456
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Oh no you didn't! As incorrect as you may be, I'll be following this.

Someone missed the little IMO. :P

Someone else should've made the IMO bigger. :P

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Oh no you didn't! As incorrect as you may be, I'll be following this.

Oh right, I forgot about the Shin patch. Sorry. >_<


This looks like a very interesting hack, and I hope you update frequently, man. :]

Once every day or two.

***Adoption! It's the only option!

Makes sense.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aaaand looooooooong time without an update. Shame on me.


Chapter 1: The Boy Who Lived

A lot of interesting stuff happened here. Stuff I didn't screencap because I'm an incompetent boob. And not the good kind of boob.

Also, please excuse the fact that the screencaps are JPG. I forgot to set my emu to save screencaps as PNG after reformatting. >_<

Arena bumming. Woooot...


The replacement for Kin-Meh-bois. Wasn't too hard to take down.


Ira's replacement. That's right, playable Eltie.

Turn 2, these two came out of YOU SHALL NOT PASS's castle.


Lex! ZOMG what a surprise!


Lara? Neat!

So everything was pretty much cake until I got to Gandalf.

Some stuff that happens around now that I forgot to screencap:

Azel getting Warp

Lex getting a Brave Axe


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that that's the Pugi Axe. He was critting my units left and right and uuuuugh. >_<

Anyways, with some RNG abuse awesomazing tactics, he fell.

After that, I had Azel Warp Lex over to castle-that-I-can't-remember-the-name-of-it-doesn't-help-that-I'm-playing-a-Japanese-hack to recruit Jamka's replacement:


One problem; the rest of the squad is all Peggies too. Lex Guard. Peggies suicide. Lex recruit Fury. Done.

Alvis crawls through the Forest of Forrests and.


Oh boy, it's Dierdre!


Also went ahead and had Lex warp Aideen over and had her run to the peninsula.


Holy fack it's Levin's mom!


Oooh, Brave Bow. :3

Right, back to Alvis and Diadora. Apparently, that isn't a Silence she's holding. Uhhhhhhhhh...

Right, guess we're doing this the unfun way.


It's Okay, she'll come back in the next chappie!

A long string of RNG abuse later...





*start of next chapter*



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Also went ahead and had Lex warp Aideen over and had her run to the peninsula.




Right, back to Alvis and Diadora. Apparently, that isn't a Silence she's holding. Uhhhhhhhhh...






That's a silence staff, it's just that sandima now has the same res as she has mag, so you'll need a mag proc if you want to cheese him.

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