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Experimental FE9 Draft

Ema Skye

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Team Overview/Analysis:

Marcia: weak start due to BEXP and costs a few turns. But I suspect her flight will shave more in the end. Been wanting to use her for a while. Glad I finally got her ^^

Mist: Rescue saves a turn everytime you use it thanks to her 8 move. I hope she was worth sacrificing my earlygame though.

Tormod: Sieger and best @ combat out of the mages. Will be very helpful.

Makalov: Obligatory second mount and no one wants him anyway because he costs turns without Marcia. Still very bro and will save a few turns here and there.

Ranulf: Smiter for Marcia/Mist later on.

Haar: I suspect I can recruit him without any penalties or turn costs If I do it right. Secondary flier might be a bit redundant but I want more power in chapter 25.

Ulki: Drafted him purely for secondary objectives.

Devdan: I'll see if i can grab him without costing a turn. If not, goodbye Devdan. Tormod could use the support but Im not giving up dem turns for you.

Earlygame: 1/10 because Titania still exists.

Midgame: 8/10 because I actually have units.

Lategame: 10/10

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Analysis looks good to do. After all, I won't start this draft for a while. My picks could've been better, but I'm screwed either way. :/

ZM456: Kieran, Boyd, Ilyana, Lethe, Rolf, Elincia, Brom, Stefan

Kieran: Pretty much the MVP of my team and will quickly get to work right when he joins. His growths are competent, and he'll definitely use lances once he promotes. If only he had Elite/Paragon. :/

Boyd: Will help a lot in earlygame. Rescuing Ike is a bonus. Boyd never disappoints, so he's a fine addition.

Ilyana: Needed desert utility since I have no flier, as well as a siege bomber. I have high hopes for Ilyana, since she's gonna be quite busy. If only her SPD growth wasn't so unreliable. ;/

Lethe: Shove/Smite. Will be helpful. (Where do I get Smite again?)

Rolf: Picked only because of the need for earlygame support. I'm not expecting much out of him, but he could be useful. We'll have to see.

Elincia: It's a shame she comes so flipping late, but I needed a staffbot. Besides, A staves at base means Rescue staff utility, so her final chapters will be nice. (Where do you get the rescue staff again? ^^;)

Brom: I got Kieran, so why not Brom? His shoves will be useful.

Stefan: I dunno if I'll get him, since Ilyana will clear the desert (I hope) before Lethe would get to him. Oh well, he might be worth it if I decide to get him.

I lost, guys. :/ :P

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Prologue – 4/4

Nothing to say here.

Chapter 1 – 3/7

Let the randomness begin. I have to make sure I move Ike inthe right areas so I won’t risk getting him killed. After the boss was dead Imove Titania to the house to get the robe.

Chapter 2 – 6/13

After my second turn ended the enemies focus on Ike but hesurvived.

Chapter 3 – 4/17

It would have been 3 turns if Titania critical the enemyboss.

Chapter 4 – 3/20

This chapter was a total cluster ****. I had to make suresome enemy units retreat so they can heal and when the boss came into the fightI had Titania make the first attack and Ike finishes.

Chapter 5 – 6/26

I let Gatrie stay in front to gain some experience and then pulleverybody back to defend.

Chapter 6 – 6/32

I use Titania to rescue Ike so the progress will be faster.I manage to come through, nothing special.

Chapter 7 – 9/41

I moved Ike to the area where Mia is going to appear whileTitania does some killing. All enemies were defeated and I got all treasuresexcept for the miracle scroll.

Chapter 8 – 8/49

Too bad for Ike cause he act like a meatshielder instead ofa attacker.

Chapter 9 – 7/56

I was lucky that some enemies came to attack Lethe andMordecai. Mia is in a good level to not get hit at more than once.

Chapter 10 – 5/61

Titania rescues Ike to get him closer to the exit while Miacovers the rear. Also I got the counter scroll.

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Chapter 10 – 5/61

Titania rescues Ike to get him closer to the exit while Mia covers the rear. Also I got the counter scroll.

Chapter 11 – 7/68

I move everyone to the center area of the map towards the area of the arrival point. I had to make sure to damage the enemies enough so they can retreat to recover some health.

Chapter 12 – 9/77

HELL YEAH! After defeating the ravens, Mia has finally promoted. Now things will be easy.

Chapter 13 – 10/87

First turn I have Rhys shove Ike then Mordecai smite Ike toget to Astrid and re-recruit Gatrie. As some ravens began to get closer, I use Astrid to get the finishing blow on a few of them.

Chapter 14 – 5/92

I have Titania do alone to the west while the others headed to the boss. Again I have Astrid getting some experience and Mia was the one to deliver the last kill against the boss.

Chapter 15 – 8/100

Everyone headed to Muarim while my drafted units attack any enemy and all units dig up items in the sand. Mia was the one to get the most kills.

Chapter 16 – 8/108

I went straight to the boss and defeat him thanks to Titania and Mia. Also Gatrie promoted to his next class. I expect Astrid and Rhys to promote in the next chapter.

Chapter 17-1 – 5/113

Mia and Ike headed to the north, Gatrie, Astrid, and Rhys stayed at the center, and Titania covers the rear. Mia killed the halberdier with a critical to finish the first part faster. And just like I said in the previous chapter, both Astrid and Rhys promoted.

Chapter 17-2 – 5/118

Mia and Ike headed to the arrival point and it was clear that the enemies were targeting Ike. So I have Mia get to the arrival point.

Chapter 17-3 – 10/128

Survival chapters mean one thing, rack up some experience. If I had to guess who became the MVP in this part, it would be Astrid cause I send her into battle most of the time.

Chapter 17-4 – 6/134

By the time the enemy reinforcement came from the starting point, I left Gatrie and Rhys to take care of it. The girls go towards Oliver and the others. I let Astrid get the final blow.

Chapter 18 – 12/146

This chapter took so long cause I left Gatrie behind to take care of the reinforcements but the ones with the range weapon were a total handful.

Edited by MJThom_2009
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Lucina: Jill, Mordecai, Calill, Nephenee, Zihark, Sothe, Lucia, Tauroneo

Prologue: 4/4


Ch.1: 3/7


Ch.2: 4/11


Ch.3: 3/14


Ch.4: 2/16


Ch.5: 6/22

lol defend

Ch.6: 6/28

Standard Ike+Titania clear

Ch.7: 6/34

Tits goes up into the bottom right room, and then out back down the other side. Ike goes up. Tits then stomps the rest of the map.

Ch.8: 8/42

lol defend

Ch.9: 4/46

Tits rescued and goes down to castle

Ch.10: 4/51

Mordy smites Titania who heads over to Neph's door and breaks it down in two turns (turns 2 and 3), then heads over to exit for 4 turn clear.

Edited by Lucina
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Lucina: Jill, Mordecai, Calill, Nephenee, Zihark, Sothe, Lucia, Tauroneo

Ch.7: 6/34

Tits goes up into the bottom right room, and then out back down the other side. Ike goes up. Tits then stomps the rest of the map.

Ch.9: 4/46

Tits rescued and goes down to castle

Ch.10: 4/51

Mordy smites Titania who heads over to Neph's door and breaks it down in two turns (turns 2 and 3), then heads over to exit for 4 turn clear.

These look like BS. Check your TCs again. Ike Titania duo of C7 in 6 turns? No way. 4 turns C9 is impossible without Oscar. And the C10 one looks extremely dubious.

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I completely agree with PKL, unless you're playing with random growths and your characters are getting really blessed...

Also, I havent given up on this. i'm just trying to cut down my backlog before I start playing it. If things go well I should start around the Holidays.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last of the chapters

Chapter 19 –3/149

I have everyone rush towards the boss. I took out the ballista guys up front first, then enemies coming towards us. Then I had Astrid kill the boss in one hit.

Chapter 20 – 4/153

Tanith rescues then drops Gatrie near the arrival point, then comes to picks up Ike. Gatrie OHKO's the boss and Tanith arrives.

Chapter 21 –10/163

I load upsome pure water ahead of time so I can use it for this chapter because of the sleep staff users. I left Gatrie to kill some enemies from behind and the others headed to the throne. Both Astrid and Mia take on Ena and defeated her.

Chapter 22 –3/166

I moved everybody except for Titania and Gatrie to move forward and shove the priests. After the path was clear, I moved Astrid to come in for the kill.

Chapter 23 –7/178

Trap holes and ballista are one way to piss me off. Tanith was the only unit I need to keep alive so I can rescue anyone foot unit and send them up front. When approaching a unit with a bow, I kill them first. I have Astrid not attack Petrine so she can attack first, then attack again, and Ike finishes it.

Chapter 24 – 5/183

I gave Tanith an elixir because I'm sending her to the arrival point while the others battle much of the enemies. I also let Bastian get some kills and I had Titania get savior.

Chapter 25 – 7/190

Uphill battles are a real pain. I have Ike, Gatrie, Astrid, Tanith, and Titania headed the west side while the other headed east. The enemy boss targeted Ike's group and the best thing was Gatrie took him out when he was on the verge of death.

Chapter 26 –7/197

I send everyone to the center and headed to the castle while Gatrie take the enemies at the south area. When the paladin enemies came I used Mia to fight them. And as for the boss I use Ike to weaken and Astrid to finish.

Chapter 27 –6/203

I thought I might need rescue but I didn't use it. I move everyone forward and ignore the pursuing enemies. I just take care the enemies up ahead including their boss and got the resolve scroll.

Chapter 28 –6/209

I had to use Tanith to rescue Ike to get to the other side of the map while the others take the long path. I had to make sure Reyson is transformed so I can vigor Ike and at least three units to get close to the boss. Titania killed him and Ike seized.

Endgame – 2/211

Tanith rescues Ike and moves far enough so Reyson vigors. Then Ena smites Tanith so she can drop Ike into Ashnard's attack range. On the second turn Ike Ike defeated Ashnard twice.

Top 5

5thGatrie: 90 wins

4thIke: 103 wins

3th Astrid:105 wins

2ndMia: 126 wins

1stTitania: 187 wins

Edited by MJThom_2009
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