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[FE6] "Are We There Yet?" Draft

Might Gaine

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Well, shit. One character I remember whom even I'm leery of drafting without an early healer, two others I vaguely remember, one dude who shows up at the very end, and some guy I can't even remember.

After remembering who everyone is, I suppose I'll pick Garret since the others either show up too late or are vaguely redundant because of Bors.

After Spiriter and Wind make their picks, the last two units will be free for everyone to use.

Since I'm set at least until chapter 8, I suppose I'll go ahead and start my playthrough.

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Registered. Gotta say, I didn't see that coming on account of he's the last guy to show up.

Wind gets to pick between Wendy, Douglas, or Cath. Well, technically, he gets to use all three since the other two will be made free units, so it's more like he gets to lock us OUT of one of those....

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Karel, because Karel

You are aware you just screwed yourself over, aren't you.

He was probably gonna be free due to jointime.

Eh then again the last two are going to be free and they're all scrubs derp but still.

Ok nvm I'm awake at late night torn apart between doing my FE6 draft and doing a portuguese assignment with a headache.


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Chapter 1 9/9

ROY SOLO GO. In actuality all Roy needs is to get 1 str and 1 spd and he can ORKO the majority of these guys so I go round the bottom and he dodges well I gave him extra swords and vuls because he will probably need them. He levels up once gets HP and Str the 2nd level he gets the speed he needs so he pretty much owns the rest. Critting the boss on the EP of turn 8 after I hit him. Making this 9 turns

Chapter 2. 9/18

Ward and Lot join the cause, Merlinus gets the armorslayer. and goes shopping. Roy heads down, Lot and Ward fight off the majority of enemies from the Forts. Then this happens



Also Ward helps Roy get up and he fights the boss. hitting him with an Iron Axe then he BRINGS DOWN THE HAMMER.

Chapter 3 9/27

Roy and Ward grab stuff from Merlinus. Lot heads up for Lugh, I had to manipulate enemys to chase merlinus away from the undrafted group of units.

Ward and Roy wreck stuff in their way Roy thankfully dodging because he is a bit of a glass cannon. Lot fights with his handaxe.

Roy uses some rapier on the cavaliers, Lot gets Lugh. Ward holds off enemies while Roy rushes the Throne room. Takes out the boss on the enemy phase and seizes.

Edited by Jediwaki Kuno
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Chap 1: Well, I get to use half my team to start with, so that’s nice, I guess. I trade the mounties’ crap to my other three units, then set those bastards off to the side where they’ll stay out of my way. I have Roy tank at a chokepoint so he can force the axemen to fight him mano a mano, while Bors and Wolt take the route to the south. Roy gets a decent LV up upon killing his second enemy. However, Wolt has a supremely failtastic moment and so needs Bors to rescue him, hindering Bors’ effectiveness at killing and making this take longer. Once Wolt can come back out and be healed, I hit up the village and start my trek upwards. Roy weakens a Fighter or two so Wolt can try and catch up. Bors gets a decent LV up. After his initial promise, Roy gets a few LV ups that are just average. Such a shame that he’s better in Smash Bros. Wolt’s doing even more failtastic than Roy so far, though. Speaking of, I have Wolt grind on the boss a little while before finishing him off and ending the chapter. 17 turns.

Chap 2: Wolt finally shakes off a little fail, although he’s still one of the worst Bowmen I’ve ever seen. Bors gets a pretty awesome LV up. Merlinus gets his worthless self killed. After the reinforcements (worthless to me, one and all) get out of my way, Wolt gets a decent LV up, casting off a bit more of his fail. Will he grow out of his Failtastic nature and become... competent? Only time will tell. Roy kills the boss, by virtue of being the only one who can reliably do more damage than he’ll regenerate. 16 turns.

Chap 3: I send Bors into the main area, while Roy and Wolt take care of the houses. By the time Roy – and moreso, Wolt – can catch up with Bors, he’s almost made it to the throne room, proving that poor move doesn’t mean so much when everything’s coming to you to die. Bors heads down to get the treasure, while Roy and Wolt aim for the throne. 21 turns.

Chap 4: Due to only having three units to work with, I have to be much slower than usual. I have Bors and Roy camp out near the start to deal with most of the enemies, Wolt helping out. I keep an eye out for the upcoming Pirates as well, eventually sending Roy to deal with them. Bors ends up killing Rutger. Turncount: 25 turns, on account of Bors having supremely shitty luck hitting Erik.

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Wow, I am so bad at this game... :/





Making a new file here...


At this point, I'm not surprised.




I have to solo 8 chapters with this guy? God damn it....


Thank you very much.




What? WHAT?


WOW. Really?


YES I GOT 5000


Not bad for your first level.


I'm going to need a lot of these...








Fine, good enough.


Turncount: 13


No you won't. Get on the bench.


If by knowledge you mean luring enemies away, I agree.

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What a troll.


HA. No moneys for you.


Don't want to be taking unnecessary penalties because of you colon3.gif.


... to the corner!










Roy's too greedy :/.


Turncount: 14

Also, I'm kind of confused about

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests.


1. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items and open doors and chests.

Does that mean that undrafted non-thieves can't use keys, or is this an oversight?

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Chapter 4 10/37

Roy, Lugh take the top bridge, Ward and Lot the bottom, I try to keep my axe fighters away from the sword cavaliers as they can't hit them worth a darn, Roy can One round nomads so he does. everything goes pretty smooth, Lot and Ward even dodged stuff!

Merlinus grabs the Key from the Village, Clarine talks to Roy, and I set up a defensive position for Rutgers arrival. Undrafted Clarine thanks to Canto can talk to the weakened Rutger who almost killed Roy [Roy almost killed him too matter of fact lol] and get away



Lugh gets the Robe and some Axes for the Axe Bros


This Roy is turning out great


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Not anymore.


Sadly, yes.


I agree. We should just skip the chapter.


Changed some settings (as if anyone cared).




I didn't recruit him gee_wiz_emoticon.gif




I missed it, but it was STR, SPD, and RES.


Turncount: 13


Eh, who needs treasure. I DO D:

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Chap 5: Roy and Wolt go over by the gate to deal with the Bandits, while Bors goes the other way, where the Fighters and Nomads are gonna be. Wolt gets a kinda sucky LV up, Roy gets a decent one, Bors gets a REALLY shitty one (1 SKL only! I mean, he desperately needs it, but still!). Wolt later got a decent LV up, and Merlinus – in a stunning display of competence – managed to survive over six battles in a row without needing to heal. Bors goes to the Village and gets the Gant Lance. Roy gets a pretty good LV up, although he’s far lagging behind where his old man usually by the current LV, at least where I can remember. 24 turns. Roy kills the boss, but Wolt was actually helpful for once.

Chap 6: FINALLY, I CAN PICK MY OWN FRICKEN TEAM! First, Roy and Bors tank the group in the middle, then Roy and Wolt go up the left side while Bors solos the right. Not much goes on in the way of LV ups. 24 turns.

Chap 7: And this is where Shit. Gets. Real. To start with, I put everyone on a Forest, and then just spend a good while playing defense. Except Bors, I put him on the offensive since his DEF is high enough (16) that most of the enemy units can barely scratch him. For the first time in my life, Treck, Zealot, and Noah are actually going to be useful. By which I mean that, as neutral units, I can let them do whatever the hell they want and it won’t penalize me. Anyhow, Merlinus dies. Roy gets a decent LV up after that. 36 turns – a personal record.

I will post stats later.

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Chap 8: OMG THE CUTENESS IS GONNA - Ahem. I get the two cutest girls in the FE6 cast now. That's Lilina and Wendy, of course. I send everyone ahead in one group, and try to let Astol get the kills since he's around five levels behind everyone else. Roy will do most of the weakening, of course. After a few turns, the Pinkanoid Typhoon... okay, Wendy, since that'll never catch on.... shows up. Now then, let it be said that I love the stuffing out of Wendy, I really do. Let it also be said, however, that even I flinch at her LV1 stats and the idea of training her without any healers. Still gonna try, though, as per MG's FE policy: NO ADORABLE LEFT BEHIND! Anyway, Wendy's first few LV ups are very promising, since she gets good bonuses. Lilina gets a few LVs as well, and unleashes a double can of whupass on the boss - first she tells the traitorous ass to shut the hell up, then she electrifies him to death. 36 turns.

Roy: LV17.51, HP 31, STR 12, SKL 13, SPD 16, LCK 19, DEF 7, RES 6, A Sword, C Lilina, C Wolt

Bors: LV17.42, HP 35, STR 16, SKL 10, SPD 13, LCK 10, DEF 17, RES 4, A Spear

Wolt: LV15,71, HP 31, STR 7, SKL 12, SPD 14, LCK 8, DEF 7, RES 2, A Bow, C Roy

Merlinus: BASE

Astol: LV14.66, HP 28, STR 8, SKL 10, SPD 18, LCK 11, DEF 8, RES 5, C Sword

Lilina: LV5.18, HP 18, MAG 9, SKL 6, SPD 5, LCK 4, DEF 2, RES 9, C Anima, C Roy

Wendy: LV4.82, HP 22, STR 7, SKL 4, SPD 6, LCK 9, DEF 9, RES 1, D Spear

For Lilina, I'm going to be relying on that eventual A support with Roy. She's... 'competent' for her LV, but that support is definitely going to help her out a lot.

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Wow, didn't see that coming!


Undrafted units! My one weakness! NOOOOOOO!


Nothing like a good arrow-to-the-face level up (Those were the actual stat gains that I missed).




Got some Vulneraries.










Turncount: 19.

And MerlinusYoungSmile.gif got around 40 EXP for luring the bandits and watching their failed attempts at hitting :D.

EDIT: Fixed the images

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Chap 8x: I send Astol to the side since he has the most move, and everyone else heads up top. I let Wendy and Lilina focus on getting kills so they can catch up with everyone else. Lilina crits like nobody's business. 20 turns.

Chap 9: Fir and Shin die. Astol hits the south Village with Wolt. I get the Killer Bow. Pirate army gets flattened. Merlinus bites it. Bors promotes to General. 32 turns.

Roy: LV19.44, HP 33, STR 13, SKL 14, SPD 16, LCK 20, DEF 8, RES 8, A Sword, A Lilina, B Wolt

Bors: LV20/1.00, HP 42, STR 19, SKL 13, SPD 17, LCK 12, DEF 23, RES 7, S Spear, E Axe, C Lilina, C Wendy

Wolt, LV17.34, HP32, STR 9, SKL 14, SPD 14, LCK 9, DEF 7, RES 2, A Bow, B Roy

Astol: LV20, HP 33, STR 10, SKL 12, SPD 20, LCK 13, DEF 8, RES 7, A Sword

Lilina: LV12.48, HP 20, MAG 16, SKL 6, SPD 7, LCK 7, DEF 3, RES 12, B Anima, A Roy, C Bors

Wendy: LV10.08, HP 27, STR 8, SKL 7, SPD 10, LCK 11, DEF 12, RES 1, C Spear, C Bors

Merlinus: BASE

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