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Quick question for outlines of mugshots


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I'm currently spriting mugshots for my first hack (not going as well as I'd hope. My first sprite seems to be a disaster) and I have a quick question.

How do you determine the colour of the outline of the sprite?

For example:

For Rutger: Here

His outline is (90,65,99).

For Hector: Here

His outline is (75,54,85).

How do you spriters determine the outline colour? I'm assuming pure black (255,255,255) is bad

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Uhm.. Spriters just use the default outline colour. xD

FE8 outline for FE8 coloured sprites, and FE7 for FE7 coloured sprites, FE6 outline for FE6 coloured sprites.

Seph, you ninja'd me... *Deathstare*


Edited by eCut
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wtf is this are you trying to be threatening or something

try harder, the fruit is more intimidating than you :D


Darn, this isn't good... Time to ban everyone to show how surious I am.

Sorry Kit, I am derailing your thread. xD

But yeah, uhm, if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask them!

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Ahh. I didn't realize that was a thing. I thought the outline colour was the different for each individual sprite.

You learn something new every day.

Also Seph, I thought about that but I'm going to edit it some more before I upload it.

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and your assumption is correct, pure black is bad. So are microsoft paint defaults/whatever defaults come with whatever program you're using.

Best to stick to in game mug colors until you get good enough to start making your own colors ~'3'~

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if you're using FE7 colors, use the FE7 outline color (most people in FE7 have near or the same outline color), and if you're using FE8 colors, use the FE8 outline. Stray away from FE6 o 3 o

Uhm.. Spriters just use the default outline colour. xD

FE8 outline for FE8 coloured sprites, and FE7 for FE7 coloured sprites, FE6 outline for FE6 coloured sprites.

Seph, you ninja'd me... *Deathstare*


Wait...FE6 outlines and DIFFERENT from FE7 outlines? emot-aaaaa.gifemot-stare.gifemot-gonk.gif

My life...is a lie....

Srsly though, my paint program often registers certain colors from mugs from FE6 and FE7 as being the same.

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FE6 and FE7 technically could have the same outlines. Same with a lot of their darkest skin tone.

I'd just use FE6-7 colors interchangeably, because there's really not enough difference in overall saturation to warrant that kind of complication. As a general rule of thumb, though, steer away from FE6. That shit's awful.

Edited by · j e a l o u s y ·
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FE6 and 7 do have the same outline, 88 64 96. Both the sprites in the first post aren't exact rips.

Okay, then the super huge compsheet should be relatively all right. Was afraid to say the wrong thing in case my sheet was wrong. >:

Edited by · j e a l o u s y ·
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Okay, then the super huge compsheet should be relatively all right. Was afraid to say the wrong thing in case my sheet was wrong. >:

Oh...ok. Cuz thats what i use (that super huge compsheet) and it always registered the outlines being the same color between FE6 mugs and FE7 mugs.

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