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What you hate most about Brawl


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DK has good enough air moves to not be "helpless" in the air. His smashes are very fast for their power, his tilts are fast enough and have their great range (he's considered to have an advantage on Snake because of these), and almost nobody can be juggled past, say, 40% anyway.

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DK's too slow to get out these spikes and whatnot on time. Besides, Ike can counter said spikes and knock DK flying home to his momma. Some of Ike's strong moves are faster than DK's, and Ike can utterly destroy people if you can Back Air Rush them. It's fast, strong, and can kill at about 100%. And I've juggled past 40%, so it's possible. Just that with Ike, by the time the person's at about 50-60%, his ^Air should kill them. Which means they got wasted easy.

Edited by Zanryu
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Counter has terrible timing for Ike. It's his worst move. Its only uses are punishing slow, powerful moves that are already in motion and crewing up another Ike recovering with Aether. To spike with any character, you have to be a certain level of good or lucky. DK doesn't require more of that than anybody else does, and certainly not more than Ike. Downthrow while in cargo throw mode + downair = easy out for a lot of people.

Yeah, some of Ike's strong moves, say his tilts, are stronger than, I dunno, forwardsmash. But they certainly aren't as powerful, they certainly don't reach as far, and they're certainly all around worse than downsmash and upsmash. DK's power options are either faster and better reaching than Ike's smashes, or do more damage and are better reaching than his tilts.

Being juggled past 40% is more "they consistently screwed up enough while you kept your head in the air" than something unavoidable with a lot of people, certainly Ike. Is backair a good move? Yeah. It's fast coming out and it has power. But it has a fair amount of lag if shorthopped wrong, and it's certainly not a juggler kind of move. I don't see how that makes DK bad, anyway.

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I didn't say BAir was a juggling move, I was just mentioning that it was one of Ike's strong moves that came out rather quickly in comparison to other moves. Also, when I was juggling people past 40%, they weren't just sucking and getting caught, I was playing mind games with them. Like, short hopping to look like I'll go for up air, but fast fall and go for up tilt after their air dodge is finished, and I kept screwing with their minds after that. If you can play mind games, you can do the juggling easily enough. DK's easier to juggle because he's massive and won't go as far when hit, so he can stay juggled for even longer.

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DK is a pretty good character, people just haven't mastered him that well. The only reason why characters like Ike and Pit are considered cheap is because they are very easy to access with beginners. Usually, the hardest characters to master are DK, Samus, Ice Climbers, Bowser, R.O.B., Link, and the Snake. Theoretically, Snake is the best character in the game (he wins the majority of professional Brawl tournaments), yet no one calls him cheap. Cheapness=/=Accessibility.

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The only problem I have with DK is recovering from when you're below the stage... In other words, he doesn't because his vertical recovery is the worst in the game, plus his final smash isn't the best, but I don't mind anything else he's got

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Also, when I was juggling people past 40%, they weren't just sucking and getting caught, I was playing mind games with them. Like, short hopping to look like I'll go for up air, but fast fall and go for up tilt after their air dodge is finished, and I kept screwing with their minds after that. If you can play mind games, you can do the juggling easily enough.

Just one thing: That is, in fact, them screwing up.

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It's not entirely them screwing up. If you trick them and they fall for it, that's them being gullible enough to fall for it. It's really you just doing something better than they've done.

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They still had a way to get around it even while you were in the process of doing it, they just didn't ohdearlordIsoundlikethatguywhobashesBrawlbecauseitgotsnocombos.

Edited by Mac
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Wow, I completely forgot about that topic. O_O

Merge tiemz?

Old thread is old. So no. I just linked it because I'm too lazy to re-write that.

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I hate People that will not fight and will sit on the other side of the stage.

Personally, I enjoy messing around during the random Wifi matches. My person favorite past times there include committing suicide as Sonic (I HATE that Hedgehog) and crawling around as Zero Suit Samus. It's great when everyone else joins in!

Anyway, my main complaints consists of some of the English voice acting and Captain Falcon getting severely watered down. As far as the English voice acting goes, I almost turned emo when I first heard Lyn's voice. She's a teen girl, not some super tough amazon woman. So what if she has a sword? There's Pit, who's problem is more of word choice than his actual voice. Falco's voice is sort of annoying, but I'm beginning to get used to it. As far as Captain Falcon goes, they ruined the Knee, watered down the Falcon Pawnch (I prefer calling it that), and just slowed down his attack speed. They also watered down Fox a bit. It's also a shame they got rid of the advanced Melee techniques, but it didn't hurt me that much. I haven't learned to Wavedash effectively yet anyway.

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Personally, I enjoy messing around during the random Wifi matches. My person favorite past times there include committing suicide as Sonic (I HATE that Hedgehog) and crawling around as Zero Suit Samus. It's great when everyone else joins in!

Anyway, my main complaints consists of some of the English voice acting and Captain Falcon getting severely watered down. As far as the English voice acting goes, I almost turned emo when I first heard Lyn's voice. She's a teen girl, not some super tough amazon woman. So what if she has a sword? There's Pit, who's problem is more of word choice than his actual voice. Falco's voice is sort of annoying, but I'm beginning to get used to it. As far as Captain Falcon goes, they ruined the Knee, watered down the Falcon Pawnch (I prefer calling it that), and just slowed down his attack speed. They also watered down Fox a bit. It's also a shame they got rid of the advanced Melee techniques, but it didn't hurt me that much. I haven't learned to Wavedash effectively yet anyway.

Actually, I find the Falcon Punch much easier to land in this game.

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Actually, I find the Falcon Punch much easier to land in this game.

But it seems much more weak. I still like using Captain Falcon, but he doesn't have that same air of awesome he did in Melee. Still, if there's another Super Smash Brothers and Lyn appears, they better fix that English voice.

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People join in as Falcon when I play him in Anyone more often than they don't for me. It's awesome, all that move-showing.

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I also hate it when people spam Ness's and Lucas's PK Thunder. They'll hide away and just use that (I still kick their asses, though)

Edited by CGV
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