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Wow this game is hard o.O


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I just got it today from ebay. I'm on chapter 4 normal mode. Dang, they really made this game harder o.O Someone is almost dead-or dead every turn. Micaiah's HP is horrendous >.> My Edward is doing alright though.

Moldy Onions made me lol

Edited by AzNK890
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lol! don't worry too much about Micaiah.

she just needs to level up a bit. once she does, low HP won't even matter, since hardly anything will hit her.

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lol! don't worry too much about Micaiah.

she just needs to level up a bit. once she does, low HP won't even matter, since hardly anything will hit her.

Not really, she doesn't have a good dodge rate either, even late into the game. You should get her to use an Angelic Robe whenever you get the chance, she and


need them the most.

Otherwise, don't worry about training Micaiah so much, she gets a huge exp boost in the second to last chapter (of part 1). Be sure to give her Thani.

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Not really, she doesn't have a good dodge rate either, even late into the game. You should get her to use an Angelic Robe whenever you get the chance, she and


need them the most.

Otherwise, don't worry about training Micaiah so much, she gets a huge exp boost in the second to last chapter (of part 1). Be sure to give her Thani.

hmm..... that's weird.

My micaiah hardly ever got hit by anything......

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lol! don't worry too much about Micaiah.

she just needs to level up a bit. once she does, low HP won't even matter, since hardly anything will hit her.

I disagree

Micaiah's spd growth is pretty bad (35%) but she is almost guaranteed to cap mag, luk, and res fairly early, which is when you want to feed her some bexp to raise the rest of her stats. After that she will be a beast.

oh, and about the hard part, I thought so too on my first playthrough

keywords are: battle save abuse!

edit: gah! knife beat me to a speedy response :(

Edited by Myrrh
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i always do normal

maybe i am RNG blessed?

You probably are or you used a lot of stat boosters. But with 35% Speed growth, I doubt she's a good dodger. Most of her dodging skill comes from her high Luck, but that still doesn't help much with dodging.

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Nolan and Sothe make great shields, as said often around here, steal with Sothe for the experience, it's much better than killing for 1-2 experience. By chapter 7, if you plan on using Jill, make her a custom Iron Axe with maxed Attack and Hit and semi low weight (it's going to cost a lot for the funds you have, :x) and don't skip out or overlevel on getting Micaiah to 20 by Endgame, as she automatically promotes afterwards. (Well I found out the hard way, I had a level 20 Micaiah by chapter 7 LOL >_>, all that wasted experience to the..) you'll find out.

Edited by Will
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You probably are or you used a lot of stat boosters. But with 35% Speed growth, I doubt she's a good dodger. Most of her dodging skill comes from her high Luck, but that still doesn't help much with dodging.

i always save my stat boosters until the end, so that i won't waste them on a unit i won't use in endgame.

oh, and be prepared for part 2. there are so many paladins in that little part of the game that it gets annoying.

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part 2 also has some of the best units in the game

haar, nephenee and elincia to be exact

and you also have Geoffrey, Kieran, Makalov, and Astrid

too many paladins, if you ask me.

but not counting the classes, i absolutely loved this part.

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Well, Micaiah's chapters were rather hard, yes, but I got used to them fairly quickly and changed my strategies to be more careful. Actually, I kind prefer having a harder difficulty, as strange as it sounds. Of course, that could be because of the battle save. I doubt I'd have such a high opinion of it if they kept suspend. XD

Part 2 can be somewhat difficult, too. Especially the final. And how allied units do stupid things.

But yeah, Part 3 becomes much easier, but only when you're playing as Ike's team. When it switches back to Micaiah...well, let's just say your units had better be well-leveled by then, or you aren't going to do so well.

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Micaiah's chapters are the most difficult the first time around, but beware. Part 2 is harder. Part 3 and 4 get easier. But part can be a real pain, especially with the serious lack of healers.

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I'm playing through Normal mode (Japan's "Hard" mode). I just finished chapter 3-4. Things don't seem too bad so far. A few tricky spots, but I pulled through them.

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Part 1 is probably the hardest part of the game, mainly because all of Micaiah's people start off weak. Most WILL end up good though, so don't give up on them. Be sure to have several people premoted by the end of the part, I would recomend Edward, Nolan, Aran (he makes a great tank, but is often overshadowed by Neph later on), Jill and Illyana, but you can really use anyone you want. (DON'T believe what everyone says about Meg and Fiona!)

Volug can help early on, but try not to use him too much, he becomes next to useless later on.

Micaiah MUST be level 20 by the end of part 1, in case you didn't know.

I don't want to spoil anything, but you will be getting two REALLY uber character towards the end of the part. Don't overuse them, or the DB will really suffer later on, as they desperatly need the experience now.

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DON'T believe what everyone says about Meg and Fiona!

Trust me, believe us. If you're up for babying the hell out of either of them, then go for it. Then you can get a decent enough unit. But without all the babying and BEXP abuse that's better suited for the better characters in the DB, they're not gonna survive anything.

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(DON'T believe what everyone says about Meg and Fiona!)

Since it is your first game, I have to agree saying to not use them now, but in a later playthrough they are worth the effort, especially Fiona.

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