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North American release: Feb 4, 2013, EU release: April, 2013


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First of all: Those people have nothing to do with company decisions. So don't call them stupid. I understand why you are frustrated, but there are other reasons for delays as well. One being the British English translation, which is handled seperately from the American English one (although they most likley communicate with each other during the process (maybe not, looking at Shadow Dragon)). The delay could be entirely the British team's fault, for all you know.

Aside from that, there are games that were not translated. Take Pokémon Conquest as an example: It was released in Europe, but only in BeNeLux, Italy and Great Britian. Am I pissed because we never got it here? No, I am not. 2 months are really not much, so I really don't see why you are insulting other people because you think that it may could be their standard's fault that you get the game 2 months later.

There were some Dutch translations for less text-heavy games as well, and I was not complaining that a possible delay could be their fault. So it's not even true that everything is kept in English. Maybe you just envy those that get the games in their native languages. I dunno.

Edit: Oh, there is a reason for a collective release throughout Europe as well: Many, many Germans, French, or other European countries would import in a heartbeat (no region lock, mostly no customs because of EU) meaning that the sales of dedicated versions of the game would decline.

Please refrain from using fallacies, that your did something one way concerning this topic doesn't mean I did/should do the same.

Don't take everything so literal, take it with a grain of salt, I'm not really in a hurry to buy Awakening at all [as in, most likely won't even get it]. I really thought it was quite easy to see from the context that I was blaming Nintendo's country-specific branches, and not the entire country itself. If I would have blamed the entire country, would it also mean every person would buy the game?

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear with my context, but I didn't really deem it necessary to name every single nintendo department.

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The only thing who deserves blaming is that freakin' region lock :/

Amen to that, sir.

Actually most games released here in the UK still use the American English spellings... :dry:

Really? As in, Nintendo games? FE 7 and FE 11's are different from America's version though, pretty sure of that at least. :/

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Awakening is coming out on my birthday?! Why do I have to be poor and have no 3DS? ;-; Hopefully I can convince my mum to get it for me, 'cause regardless of whether or not I own a 3DS I'll be damned if I don't try to get the game ASAP.

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Awakening is coming out on my birthday?! Why do I have to be poor and have no 3DS? ;-; Hopefully I can convince my mum to get it for me, 'cause regardless of whether or not I own a 3DS I'll be damned if I don't try to get the game ASAP.

Hey you celebrate 4 days earlier than I do.

Hooray for Fire Emblem Month-ers!

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I pre-ordered this game the DAY its NA release date was announced XD

Now I've been counting down the days on my blog and on Facebook (its annoying the hell out of my family but my friends think its hilarious)

55 days left :'3

Im hoping Gamestop will have a Pre-order bonus (there isnt mention of one yet but you never know).

Im hoping for some decal for my 3DS XD (like the sticker kind they game me for my PSP when I got Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep)

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I preordered the game at Gamestop last month since I was really eager to preorder it.biggrin.gif A preorder bonus would be awesome.

It would indeed, even if Fire Emblem Pre-order bonuses would be a weird concept. What would they include? Dragonstones? Master/Change Seals? Official Art?

At any rate, this is going to be quite nice. I would also love to see a Fire Emblem 3DS XL, even if that would take a miracle to happen.

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It does suck for the UK but some who are impaitent (me) made the choice to import

but then again im not trusting nintendo as first they said 2012 then i read june now its april

it zelda twilight princess all over again

so until i get a concrete release date like the USA im sticking to the weeb version of the game

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June was a placeholder by some game website, and I'm pretty sure it was a rumor. Don't blame them for everything :p

very valid point but they seem to not really care for more hardcore titles more for milking the mario franchise like micheal bay ruined transformers making it meer explosion and product licence fanservice

so in truth unless its mario nintendo couldnt give a damn!

Edited by Hirokaski
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very valid point but they seem to not really care for more hardcore titles more for milking the mario franchise like micheal bay ruined transformers making it meer explosion and product licence fanservice

so in truth unless its mario nintendo couldnt give a damn!

That's not really true to be honest. In Japan they cared enough about FE to give it its own 3DS its just that overseas FE isn't as popular. They do give Mario a lot of importance (he is their mascot after all), but they also give Zelda, Metroid, Kirby (somewhat there has been a influx of Kirby games lately), Pikmin, some more Nintendo only games I can't think of right now, and recently 3rd party games.

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Idk how long it's been like this, but the fireemblemawakening.com site no longer redirects you to Nintendo.com and now has a tiny bit of info about Awakening. Nothing new though.

Sorry looks like there's already a topic for it. Ignore me.

Edited by Keilis
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well preorder bonuses are usually something like a limited edition carry cases or a hard shell protector for the systm

i would want to go for the hard shell casing makes my system look more awesome

Edited by Hirokaski
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well preorder bonuses are usually something like a limited edition carry cases or a hard shell protector for the systm

i would want to go for the hard shell casing makes my system look more awesome

I would love the hard shell case to but i'd be afraid to use it XD I got a Legend of Zelda one for my 3DS when I first got it last year and all the decal on it has worn off T-T No more pic of Link on his horse T-T (so if the game comes with a casing as a pre-order bonus I would probably not use it at all. I'd probably keep it nice and safe unless they started going on sale XD)

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