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FE2, forgotten?


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  • 2 years later...

Yeah, this game is BEGGING for a remake. It's generally not talked about because it's the black sheep of the series, being so different. Even FE8 borrowed a lot from and that game had good reception. I mean FE1 gets two remakes, and evem FE3 book 2 gets a remake but no FE2? It only seems fair.

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I've actually completed FE2 and was able to tolerate it much more than FE4 which I quit playing without finishing.

I liked the Villagers and how you got three of them at the start, really pushing for you to use them and the wide array of classes they can promote into. I also liked the magic system, especially with the wide variety of spells available. The reoccurring themes contrasting power vs. kindness (like with Alm and Cellica, Doma and Mila, Rigel and Sofia) was also quite neat when you really delved into it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gaiden is tedious and unrewarding. I've often criticized the poorly constructed expanses that constitute Geneology's maps, and this might be the only game in the series where that problem is even more pronounced. It's very easily the worst game in the series and probably the only one that's truly bad.

lmao no FE2 is great. How is it at all "bad?"

I finished both FE1 and FE2, and while they might be the worst in the series but they are fantastic games which just shows how amazing this series really is. Just so ahead of their time, IMO. Was there anything else like them on the Famicom or NES?

I haven't even touched FE4 - 12 but I assume they are good.

Edited by YoshiYogurt
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Famicom Wars was the only big thing like it before, with no real RPG elements. SRPG games became popular after Fire Emblem, with Just Breed being one of the last Famicom ones (and is very, very good--like Dragon Quest and Fire Emblem had a baby).

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I love FE2, it's fun and unique, and despite being a black sheep it's clearly influenced several future games, such as FE 8 and 13, and even the latest game (whose system of having weapons have no durability and instead lower stats the stronger was clearly influenced by Gaiden).

And it's a million times better than FE1. I can't get all the way through FE1 due to the godawful interface and the mess of an inventory system.

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I think Gaiden is the one game in the series that's due for a remake. I know people want the past FE games to be remade, but now that Nintendo brought Earthbound Beginnings to the Wii U VC, it's opened the possibility of other games being put together as well. Gaiden doesn't have the luxury the other games do, due to the fact it's mechanics are different enough, that it would be hard to generate interest in it. Plus, Gaiden has gotten a bit of love lately (the remix in Sm4sh of the basic battle theme, and the Witch DLC that'll be coming to Fates), so maybe it's a possibility.

All it really needs is a coat of paint in the gameplay mechanics, and a better looking story, and it's golden. (Funnily enough, I had a crude idea for an updated story for Gaiden sometime ago. If it was possible to get IS to take serious ideas from fans, I would've considered fleshing it out and sending it to them.)

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it definately needs to be to be way faster

Considering that 99% of us will be playing on an emulator, and any good emulator has a button that lets you boost speed, I don't really think that's a real issue today.

I LOVE Gaiden. It dared to be different, and doesn't have dagrons as a final boss. It's difference has been a curse, but in my case it is a blessing because it's that same difference that makes it stick out to me over the rest of the series and love it for what it is.

As for as getting on the VC, it IS on the VC for japan. Would love the US to do it, but unlike EB Beginnings, there isn't a translated file just waiting to be posted. They would also probably put it on the Wii U if they did, when I really want it on my 3DS.

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fe2 was probably one of my favorite emblem games, gaiden just kinda took a different approach to things than its older sibling. i don't quite know how to word it properly, but gaiden, obviously, did introduce new features than the first fe. some of these kinda just died out, so to speak, in later fe games. it was as if they never existed.

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I haven't played it, but having played 3, I'm not particularly interested. The game and its mechanics sound interesting, but 3 was painfully dated, and I would assume a game that came out earlier and on a more limited system would be even more painful. Maybe it'll get a remake; I'd like that.

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I haven't played it, but having played 3, I'm not particularly interested. The game and its mechanics sound interesting, but 3 was painfully dated, and I would assume a game that came out earlier and on a more limited system would be even more painful. Maybe it'll get a remake; I'd like that.

If you think 3 was dated don't bother with any of the famicom ones...FE3 is very nice after playing FE1 and FE2 back to back

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