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Heads up on ridiculous GOG.com deal this month.


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For those who needed even lower prices to buy many of the greatest classics and then some, most games are for 50% off, with daily deals for games going even as low as 75%.

For those who don't even want to pay for old PC games, here's a few more convincing arguments:

  • The games are completely DRM-free
  • They come with soundtracks, full manuals and lots of other goodies, more than in most Steam games in any case
  • The games are perfectly optimized for current computers, and even Macs for half the selection

Those great classics include:

  • (Heroes of) Might and Magic
  • Ultima
  • Fallout
  • Master of Magic
  • Master of Orion
  • Star Control
  • Rollercoaster Tycoon
  • Legacy of Kain
  • Giants Citizen Kabuto
  • Wing Commander
  • Deus Ex
  • Myst

and many, many more!

And the sale lasts until January 3rd. That's right, those who need to go jobbing after New Year's still have a chance.

Seriously, help me pick my games, there is just so much.

Also Duke Nukem 3D is for free!

Edited by Ike-Mike
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Thanks for the heads-up Mike!

I picked up Planescape Torment from GOG a while back for a neat price, but somehow it performed terribly. There was so much slowdown, it took the whole evening to walk out of the first area. My laptop probably handled The Witcher 2 with less slowdown, which was also basically unplayable. I never got to the bottom of what was going on there.

Ooo Syndicate and Alpha Centauri for 3 bucks

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Things I am so tempted towards buying that my wallet may as well already be forfeit:

-Evil Genius = $5

-Wing Commander 1-3: $6

-Kabuto: $5

-Syndicate: $3

-Alpha Centauri: $3

I am already over the $20 ALART level with those.

Things I am sorely tempted to pick up at the same time:

-Masters of Orion: $3

-Master of Magic: $3

-every Legacy of Kain game except the first god damn one, apparently: $12

What the hell these are here and on sale too:

-Bloodrayne: $3

-Bloodrayne 2: $5

-Hitman 2: $5

-Splinter Cell 1: $5

-La Mulana: $7.50

-Street Fighter Alpha 2 (what the): $3

-Guilty Gear Isuka (WHAT THE): $3

I think I need to find a way to not spend that much

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I have the urge to rebuy my childhood, and also to expand it at the same time

Starflight 1+2

7th Guest

11th Hour

All of Space Quest

All of Kings Quest

All of Quest for Glory

Lords of the Realm 2


My wallet hates you.

I may have to compile a list of games I don't know if any good and pester #serenes_forest for input.

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Today's 24 hour sale is ridiculous. It's 19 different choices of 24 hour sale, including what to my eye appears to be every previous 24 hour sale revisited.

Integrity, I need your input on the Might and Magic Madness bundle sale.

I need opinions from anybody on the Cyberpunk and Steampunk bundle. (I already own Deus Ex GOTY on Steam, haven't yet got around to playin it, but not The Invisible War, or any of the Thief games.)

I could maybe be talked into a couple others. Maybe.

I'm definitely picking up Belated Halloween Bundle.

I already bought the Quest for Sierra Bundle.

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That Might and Magic bundle is a massive stupid good deal, the best I've seen since the THQ Pack on Steam went on sale. If you haven't got the stomach to spend on it, I will buy it for you for Christmas if you give me an e-mail to gift it to.

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There's some really good stuff in that bundle. The Witcher II is an amazing deal at less than $10, for anyone with the PC to run it. FTL is worth it at $5, but might be less during the Steam sale in the Winter. And the Sierra bundle is a steal at $20 for fans of those games.

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This stuff looks nice, but ehhhhh I should probably not waste cash on it, it's like Russian Roulette since I have no idea what most of these games even are. Perhaps next year.

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