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H2 Marth & Bow Users Run

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Recording tools are abit of a pain. I use the recording tool on Desume and the first few moments are so laggy. Which you can clearly see in the vids lol.

Yeah. I could tolerate the lag in smaller chapters. But tough chapters like the Dragon ones (c11 onwards) are so frustrating to play with lag ;/ especially when I miss a crucial attack and die before a save point, making me have to redo everything >_>

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Yeah. I could tolerate the lag in smaller chapters. But tough chapters like the Dragon ones (c11 onwards) are so frustrating to play with lag ;/ especially when I miss a crucial attack and die before a save point, making me have to redo everything >_>

Understandable. Although, i don't find the Ch. 11 lag to be as bad as the Ch. 2 lag.

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Good news. Found a way to record without the horrid slowdown from Hypercam. Hypercam was set to skip a few frames. Now the vids are looking actually good. I'm in a dilemma though. I really dont want to redo c11...so can i just narrate what happened? lol

Edited by BASEDRyan
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Sometimes you just gotta rerecord (Damn Ryan getting crits when he's supposed to weaken enemies)

B-but...oh man. I guess I'll redo it welp. And yeah, its annoying. I blame his high skl and sniper crit bonus ;/

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[spoiler=Chapter 11 Part 1 for realz]

It's better now, though it still skips some frames ocasionally. Let me know what you all think. Didnt bother adding audio.

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While the frame rate is not the best and there's no audio, it's still much more watchable than the last video.

Glad it's at least watchable. Hope it's entertaining too though...

[spoiler=Chapter 11 Part 2]

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[spoiler=Chapter 12 Warren Arena]


So bulky. Also, spd is nice.


His highest growths proc.


So def based. I also gave him the new desert Speedwing. Hope I dont regret it...


He got a robe, one of the 2 energy drops and a dracoshield. Giving him some levels so he can take care of himself.


I like how Marth has a very high change of getting 4 stats in the arena <3

Also gave an Arms scroll to Warrior Jake so he can use Silver. Sold some stuff like Dragonpikes and stuff I cant use.

Come @ me Chapter 12

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Things still seem to be running rather smoothly Gordin blank level was so SAAAAAAAAAAAD

So saaaad ;/

Norne's was sadder. She's the weakest of the bunch!

And PKL, part 4's video is the same as part 3's.

Yeah. Norne is looking like she might be benchworthy! Oh and thanks for letting me know that, I guess I didnt copy paste Part 4 right :P. Ill fix it now.

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Not only does Norne get a blank level up, but Jake also steals her kill. Being Norne is suffering.

Not anymore!

[spoiler=Norne gets some exp and Chapter 13 Part 1]


Decided to train Norne to promotion in the Drill Round. She decides to get a good level that somewhat redeems her last ones but not quite. Still a long ways to go.


I'm ok with this


A little bit of str would help...


Yes, like that


At least she's fast


Str issues, i like that she can double already though.

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