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what age do you wish you were again?


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I'm content where I am.

Of course Kitty is right!! =D

I know which age I never want to be again though =o

Actually.... I guess the only reason I would ever want to be 17 again is so I could rewrite how it went

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I can't remember that well x3

So I guess the happiest I can remember is now~ But I even have valid reasons for that!!

I guess the only thing I can really remember is the time where I was sadfacest =<

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Actually.... I guess the only reason I would ever want to be 17 again is so I could rewrite how it went

This exactly, oddly enough X{

You can't go cold turkey on the pills in senior year you idiot you're taking like 4 different fucking kinds

stop it's going to take you 2 years just to not be catatonic anymore you dumbass

you could've had credits and maybe still some friends by now you idiot holy shit why did you have to throw it all away

you're going to waste 3 years, thousands of dollars and your college entry please


Edited by Rehab
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This exactly, oddly enough X{

You can't go cold turkey on the pills in senior year you idiot you're taking like 4 different fucking kinds

stop it's going to take you 2 years just to not be catatonic anymore you dumbass

you could've had credits and maybe still some friends by now you idiot holy shit why did you have to throw it all away

you're going to waste 3 years, thousands of dollars and your college entry please


Awwwwwww that sounds terrible ;~;

For me...

Well... if I had known that the one person in high school that didn't think I was boring and liked me would be an absolute creep, I would've stayed the hell away from him. Though even that part of being 17 was a complete joke... If I had known that one of the few people I considered a friend was going to suicide, I would've tried to stop him. If I had known that I would turn so bitter and give up on the religion (or just religion in general) that I (and my family) grew up with my entire life and start to think so negatively and even ruin myself, I would've avoided the things that contributed to that...

But I guess those are also just a part of growing up, anyway. I kinda wish they didn't all start to happen at once though =< And of course I still wish they never happened at all...

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