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So I just watched Breaking Dawn Part 2


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BD part 2 it's the truth I swear

I saw this clip *in a forest where this mountain lion/cougar whatever is doing this awesome shinobi/space jam jump where it's somehow roughly as high in the air as the roof of my house, Bella's watching it, then I think time slows down and her irises go red and she jumps at it from like half a block away and slaps it out of the air at the nadir of its jump, then starts gorging herself on it as soon as they land

Edited by Rehab
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BD part 2 it's the truth I swear

I saw this clip *in a forest where this mountain lion/cougar whatever is doing this awesome shinobi/space jam jump where it's somehow roughly as high in the air as the roof of my house, Bella's watching it, then I think time slows down and her irises go red and she jumps at it from like half a block away and slaps it out of the air at the nadir of its jump, then starts gorging herself on it as soon as they land

did you just fucking use nadir in a sentence

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the opposite of the zenith

what the hell is that

Also, Rehab, I didn't quite understand you're "so good it's bad" bashing on the movie. And I don't see much wrong with that scene where Bella preys on that cougar. I didn't like it, though, it was too violent.

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Something at its zenith is at its highest point, its prime, which is what I should've said as opposed to nadir, something's lowest point.

At the risk of your having intentionally misquoted me, what I've heard from a review it that it's not "so good it's bad," it's "so bad it's good," so ridiculous and in some ways out of line with most of the franchise that it's fantastically fun. It's far from bashing, it's about the highest praise I ever expect a Twilight movie or a Twilight anything to get.

I was talking about the Bella scene so much because I've heard from most people, justifiably, that she's a weak, annoying character with not a lot of redeeming qualities, and here she is in this movie eating a cougar holy shit this is dumb but at the same time metal as hell it's great

I'm basically trying to tell people that going by the review I saw, maybe, just maybe, they should actually consider seeing this movie, because it might actually be kinda fun. So I'm actually something like on your side here dud

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Knowing some of you guys it's often a choice between making a long post now or dealing with a misunderstanding and a bunch of posts later

Joke about long ass redacted

I see denial in your words Ein but I sense desperation, we all must have some ham now and then

Edited by Rehab
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As you say, Ein

What do you mean "you guys"

The whole friggin internet, sf, whoever has the (mis)fortune to be speaking to me

yknow. whichever applies. colon three

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Something at its zenith is at its highest point, its prime, which is what I should've said as opposed to nadir, something's lowest point.

At the risk of your having intentionally misquoted me, what I've heard from a review it that it's not "so good it's bad," it's "so bad it's good," so ridiculous and in some ways out of line with most of the franchise that it's fantastically fun. It's far from bashing, it's about the highest praise I ever expect a Twilight movie or a Twilight anything to get.

I was talking about the Bella scene so much because I've heard from most people, justifiably, that she's a weak, annoying character with not a lot of redeeming qualities, and here she is in this movie eating a cougar holy shit this is dumb but at the same time metal as hell it's great

I'm basically trying to tell people that going by the review I saw, maybe, just maybe, they should actually consider seeing this movie, because it might actually be kinda fun. So I'm actually something like on your side here dud

Oh ok.

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Are you just spouting bullshit and hoping for the best

They're really not that bad. They're comparable to most teen drama novels. There are hundreds just as bad or worse in any local Barnes & Noble. I've personally read worse vampire fiction.

And hey, at least it maintained its middling-to-mediocre quality. Imagine reading a series like Anne Rice's and getting all into Interview With a Vampire and The Vampire Lestat, and going from them to a shitty soapbox commentary like Queen of the Damned.

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They're really not that bad. They're comparable to most teen drama novels. There are hundreds just as bad or worse in any local Barnes & Noble. I've personally read worse vampire fiction.

And hey, at least it maintained its middling-to-mediocre quality. Imagine reading a series like Anne Rice's and getting all into Interview With a Vampire and The Vampire Lestat, and going from them to a shitty soapbox commentary like Queen of the Damned.

The problem is how fucking famous wankstains can become

It spawned a shitload of horrid works, and also people who ejy it unironically and believe it's amazing literature

And also kind of fucked over vampires in works of fiction for possibly the next few decades and that hurts becase im a cis-male demisensual otherkin vampire but not some sparkly-ass gay vampire

But hey. Honestly? I dont give much of a fuck

Twilight hate has become so totally exhausted by now that it's pretty much as annoying as fan gushing lol

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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I don't know man

Bella intercepts a mountain lion or sommink at least 20 feet in the air and eats. the fuck out of it in this movie

Because fuck wolves lions.

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The problem is how fucking famous wankstains can become

It spawned a shitload of horrid works, and also people who ejy it unironically and believe it's amazing literature

And also kind of fucked over vampires in works of fiction for possibly the next few decades and that hurts becase im a cis-male demisensual otherkin vampire but not some sparkly-ass gay vampire

But hey. Honestly? I dont give much of a fuck

Twilight hate has become so totally exhausted by now that it's pretty much as annoying as fan gushing lol

To be fair, I am easily pleased by most fiction and I'm a sucker for monster romance. Especially vampires.

And hey, Twilight can do whatever it wants to vampires. I s-still got World of Darkness... ;-;

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