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Name: David Bucket

Age: 37

Appearance: Tall and gangly, receding hairline with a few touches of grey, otherwise brown haired.

Years with the CID: 8

"I've cleaned up worse, you won't find anyone better with a mop and very few with a dustpan and brush. Criminals are terrible at cleaning up after themselves, it's a pain really."

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Name: Ryan McCain

Age: 38

Years in the CID: 17

Personality: Previously known for being rough around the edges and louder than needed. Ryan is now known as the gruff-yet-calm guy on the force, who always manages to pop in and bring arguments to a halt. Ryan being around simply means a calm atmosphere, because while he doesn't say much like he used to, when he does talk, everyone listens. Ryan has 2 cases (one from pre-employment) that drive him, and has been known to show his anger only when those cases (or similar conversation) are brought up.

History: Originally decided to join the force in order to gain access to the tools to solve a murder case that was never officially solved, but after 11 years of case study, the rage spawned from the mystery changed his personality and approach to his duties, and led him to nearly losing his badge on several occasions. 3 years after putting the hunt in hold to keep his job, Ryan's loose cannon ways resulted in a family of 4 being shot by a common street burglar. This traumatized Ryan, and drove him to calm down and lay down his gun and set out a new goal, to avenge this family's death and solve that one driving case by vastly improving his negotiation skills and minimizing the use of force. Ryan doesn't talk about the early case unless absolutely necessary.

Edited by Elieson
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