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Chrom's Appeal


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I like Chrom 'cause he's absolutely adorkable, not because OMG I CAN TOTES MARRY TEH MAIN CHARACTER GUY AND BE EVEN MORE IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT ASGFSDGHGMFGNHDBGFHNMFG. That and I love his daughter to bits. <3

That being said, I plan to let him marry his other choices first, starting with Olivia, because I want my FeMU to marry my favorites guys first (which there are a lot of, haha).

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Well, if I'd make a female MU I'd go from Krom as well for the storyline and optimization benefits: I'm a reader/writer first and a power gamer second :)

One thing I'd like to ask which might be semi off-topic however; why does female MU married to anyone but chrom only give one descendant? I used to believe every character in the game had a child associated with that person being married?

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Well, if I'd make a female MU I'd go from Krom as well for the storyline and optimization benefits: I'm a reader/writer first and a power gamer second :)

One thing I'd like to ask which might be semi off-topic however; why does female MU married to anyone but chrom only give one descendant? I used to believe every character in the game had a child associated with that person being married?

Because only the women have children associated to them, except Chrom and MaMu. So, MaMuxMost women (minus Tiki, Sairi, Flavia and spotpass women)=2 children, while only ChromxFeMU=2 children on the FeMU side

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I'm still torn on whether I go with Gaia, Riviera, or Chrom... for me the biggest appeals of Chrom are pretty much...

Since the only opportunity for a female MU to have two children is with Chrom,
I think big sister Lucina being a daddy's girl and little brother Marc being a momma's boy is just super cute

^ ..these! I want lots of kids, so that's already a big plus, and so are sibling supports! LucinaxMark's sibling support is really adorable. And I'm a sucker for daddy's girls and momma's boys. (on that note, aside from FeMU, the only other viable option for Chrom in my playthrough is Olivia for that reason, since Azure is also a mommy's boy. A Lord Princess and Dancer Prince!). If it weren't for Lucina though, I don't think I'd really be considering Chrom at all.

As for Chrom not noticing you were a woman... while I do fall into the line of thinking that it's respectful to never make assumptions about someone's gender and see them as a person before a man/woman first, it does read a little like.. um, like you were so insignificant in the army/ to him, that he never even paid much attention or even noticed you, ("Sorry. I've never looked at you carefully, but...say...you're a...woman." ) which is kind of a slap to the face... .__.

I've actually been leaning towards Gaia more lately than Chrom though. Honestly, his candy collection is really the only possible explanation for Mark's perpetually sugar-rushed personality... :p

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My first playthrough I think was Chrom x Avatar because it was so simple to do. Next playthrough I did Male Avatar x Sariya I think? And then Male Avatar x Tiamo and Male Avatar x idk who because I'm not that far in.

Chrom x Avatar is so easy because both are required to live in every chapter and they're both going to be in every chapter and Avatar is so broken. They also can finish the final chapter in 2 turns if they wanted to because of the Falchion's effective damage against the dragon, double bonuses, and the extra potential for a Dual Attack (something like an 80% rate). And Lucina ends up having every class available to her...

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I have like, zero interest in Chrom. Blue-haired justice boy - I think I've seen this before in FE. My opinions may change upon actually playing the game, but I kinda want as little to do with him. I'm angling for feMUxLicht, femuxLibera or maybe feMUxDonny myself. My FeMU's class is Cougar Lord. >_>

Though I plan to play on Lunatic, I'm not going to let that influence any of the pairings between major characters.

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I think many people will/ have pair up Chrom and MU because its the first time this type of thing is possible in the FE series. Sure its a bit cliche, but marrying the main character makes the player (in my opinon) feel more emersed and important in the storyline. Also, with all the implications and extras the Chrom x MU pairing allows its hard to resist. This pairing is practically canon if you think about it, regardless of how IS seems determined to point out Chrom belongs with Sumia. That's just what I think though.

I know that I'm going to do this pairing at least once for sure. maybe even more.

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My FeMU's class is Cougar Lord. >_>

Thank you for making me laugh.

I think many people will/ have pair up Chrom and MU because its the first time this type of thing is possible in the FE series. Sure its a bit cliche, but marrying the main character makes the player (in my opinon) feel more emersed and important in the storyline. Also, with all the implications and extras the Chrom x MU pairing allows its hard to resist.

I'd like to remind you that that MaleMUxLucina pairing get's pretty much all the same extras and bonuses, with regards to additional scenes.

This pairing is practically canon if you think about it, regardless of how IS seems determined to point out Chrom belongs with Sumia. That's just what I think though.

No. See, it's an MU pairing. They might hint for one or two other characters who they might end up with, but they won't do that for MU. Because MU can be either male or female. Again, a LucinaxMU pairing get's all the same scenes, and as much as I like the MUxLucina pairing (and I do), I'm not going to call it canon just because of those.

Edited by Onestep
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Lucina is kinda my fav FE girl in the series so ya, I am a girl and gotta have blue hair, and I have am going blue hair, to blue is my fav colour, the support is funny, he is not bad to look, at I like him,

Mark and Lucina brother and sister support is so cute so ya, I am marrying Krom/Crome.

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I'd like to remind you that that MaleMUxLucina pairing get's pretty much all the same extras and bonuses, with regards to additional scenes.

No. See, it's an MU pairing. They might hint for one or two other characters who they might end up with, but they won't do that for MU. Because MU can be either male or female. Again, a LucinaxMU pairing get's all the same scenes, and as much as I like the MUxLucina pairing (and I do), I'm not going to call it canon just because of those.

....I see. Still the pairing's popular.

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....I see. Still the pairing's popular.

Well, definitely. I'm not going to dispute that. But Awakening is the one Fire Emblem game that really doesn't need 'canon'. I mean, look at FE12's MU. We still don't know virtually anything about him/her (except that s/he apparently got better at cooking at some point), despite the fact that Awakening is set in the future of Akaneia.

Even Katarina's dialogue in the DLC changes according to the gender of the MU you're playing to imply that FE12's MU was the same gender as the MU you're playing. So I'm pretty certain that FE are keeping everything about MU uncertain.

Sorry if I'm coming off as a little aggressive, but we had a whole rush of people asking about 'canon' a few months back, and I got a tad tired of discussing it seemingly without end.

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Well, I was originally planning on doing Ronku/FMU for my first playthrough, but then I found out Paris was a romancable option and now I'm making him my top priority. That, and I had a small crush on Ike for a short time when I first played Fire Emblem. Descentdant of the Hero of the Blue Flames FTW!! But enough of that! Aside from the obvious beast stats and skills inheirited by Lucina and Morgan, Krom/FMU is okay. Personally, I'm indifferent to the guy.

Edited by TheGrimoire
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The only problem with pairing with Paris is that he's gonna take forever to be unlocked. So you'll have to be patient to get him as a first PT pair. :p

Yeah, not sure who I'm going to support with until then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One more point I'd like to make on Chrom's inability to deduce MU(F)'s gender, before I derail my own thread even more. Yes, it's true that MU(F) can look like this.

But she can also look like this.

Yeah. What the hell. X)

(Btw, it seems someone can commiserate.)



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1a) That being said, this doesn't explain why most female players are choosing Chrom; in fact, it contradicts it. Since his personality is kind of bland (generic sense of justice FTW), I'm not sure what's keeping girls from their ideal types. I.e., a suave gentleman like Frederick, a cool loner like Lon'qu, etc. I suppose a lot of women like the "hero" type, but 90-95% is too great compared to females like Tiamo or Olivia, who are both relatively popular

Females pick him because he's hot. It doesn't really matter how generic his personality is so long as he looks freaking awesome. And his English voice is just so epically attractive. (And I'm speaking not only out of my own preference, but my two closest friends--who actually aren't on this forum at all, LOL.) I even think Chrom's voice is unfitting to his appearance, but it's just so awesome-sounding I'm willing to forgive it.

As for your assumption that most players are male--you forget one thing. There are lots of female players out there, who are more than willing to play fighting games. (If this weren't true, why would Pokemon have female players, and Smash Bros have Peach, Zelda and JIgglypuff?) To boot, Fire Emblem's running theme in most games (excluding Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon) are support conversations which lead to paired endings. Girls LOVE this type of stuff. Even a tomboy like me finds herself playing games where I can pair characters up and give them endings together. The presence of attractive guys drew me into the series---the romance and relationships keep me hooked. And I'm sure I'm not the only girl out there that's a geek over this sort of thing, LOL.

Besides if you marry Krom you get two children.

Edited by MagicLeafy
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Eh, Chrom seems boring and uninteresting to me. The only thing I like about him is that he thinks bears are normal animals to eat. As far as marriage is concerned, my female Avatar won't marry him for reasons above.

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I didn't see the appeal in him that much at first. When I heard that My Unit could marry anyone, I got excited about les yay-ing with Sariya, but it turns out that "anyone" meant "anyone of the opposite gender".

But after playing the demo, I knew that I was gonna end up picking Chrom. And from what I've seen, he's certainly much different than other FE lords. At the very least, he's a hell of a lot more violent than them.

And for what it's worth, I like the idea of My Unit being Lucina's mother.

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