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Chrom's Appeal


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I'm picking Chrom so I can have an awesome Lucina (and identical Morgan). I will make a female MU with +skl/-def.

Lucina will inherit Aether from Chrom and Magnificent Flame from MU and I plan on teaching her Royal Weapon, Astra, and Sword Expert. Then I'll reclass her to an Assassin so she'll have a max of 54 skill. Morgan will be identical except he can't learn Aether.

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Iir males get Aether and females get royal weapons

So mark gets Aether.

Altho Lucina with all classes :3

False. Krom x MU results in a male Morgan. Therefore, Morgan gets Royal Weapon.

I'm picking Chrom so I can have an awesome Lucina (and identical Morgan). I will make a female MU with +skl/-def.

Lucina will inherit Aether from Chrom and Magnificent Flame from MU and I plan on teaching her Royal Weapon, Astra, and Sword Expert. Then I'll reclass her to an Assassin so she'll have a max of 54 skill. Morgan will be identical except he can't learn Aether.

This is why I am pairing MU and Chrom on my second play through. It's practical (I can start supporting them immediately in the Prologue) and if applied right can create two OP Assassin babies. I'm doing +Skill -Magic personally because MU will be a mostly physical unit.

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To be honest, I thought marrying MU to Chrom might be kind of cliche just because they're both main characters in the story and I had my sights automatically Gaius at first (the fact that he's a thief addicted to candy was automatically cute to me), but after playing the demo and reading more information about just who Chrom is, I had to go for him because it would make the whole story a little more intense in my opinion and the simple fact that he grew on me over time.

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I know, right? ^^"

Anyway, this is amazing. X) I can't believe this little topic sparked so much discussion/controversy. You guys (read: fangirls) are crazy.

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I'm probably going to be playing with a male MU more than a female MU, to be honest, and after I pair MU with everyone once to get all supports, I'll probably just have a female MU marry Libra. I don't understand Chrom's appeal or why so many girls want their MUs to marry him. :| (Of course, I have not actually played the game yet, but anyway ...) I just assume that people want to feel "important" when they insert themselves into a story, I dunno.

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I'm probably going to be playing with a male MU more than a female MU, to be honest, and after I pair MU with everyone once to get all supports, I'll probably just have a female MU marry Libra. I don't understand Chrom's appeal or why so many girls want their MUs to marry him. :| (Of course, I have not actually played the game yet, but anyway ...) I just assume that people want to feel "important" when they insert themselves into a story, I dunno.

it's obviously all for Lucina

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I'm probably going to be playing with a male MU more than a female MU, to be honest, and after I pair MU with everyone once to get all supports, I'll probably just have a female MU marry Libra. I don't understand Chrom's appeal or why so many girls want their MUs to marry him. :| (Of course, I have not actually played the game yet, but anyway ...) I just assume that people want to feel "important" when they insert themselves into a story, I dunno.

I can't understand it either.

But then I thought about how much I wanted to marry Lucina and just considered the people who want to marry Chrom have similiar feelings towards Chrom as I have towards Lucina.

...Good god, I sound like a sap whenever I talk about this game.

Edited by Onestep
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  • 2 years later...

I know I'm a bit late but this topic actually forced me to finally make an account here - just to answer.

First, I find it very rude and insulting how some of you imply that the girls going for Chrom are simply doing so to be important, or because he's the prince and main protagonist and that's what the girl-herd wants, isn't it? Marry the important prince... Look, just because you don't see anything appealing about him yourself doesn't mean that girls who do are just a herd going for mainstream.

Second, I don't get where you see "generic sense of justice" in Chrom. I don't recall any Chrom moment where any sense of justice would play a role. There were many moments when Chrom accepted even potentially dangerous people (including MU) out if his trust and kindness (both quite naive but unquestionably genuine). There were moments when he chose the diplomatic way even though he would rather go and fight his way through or simply avoid the contact - all just to honor his sister's legacy. Both these traits prove him to be a very good person - kindness and trust being his significant traits and the ability to surpass his own needs for a beloved person is very honourable. Yeah, he never refuses to help anyone in need, especially mere helpless peasants. Is that where you see this " genereic sense of justice"? Because I see a desirable trait for a ruler. Chrom knows his position, he has accepted his responsibility towards his people and those who are weaker than him (even founded Shepherds as a "free time activity"!). If you think this is generic and cliché instead of admirable, then this world really goes to hell. I would aslo like to remind you that he made lots of mistakes - and was punished for them (war with Plegia). Sometimes he even got punished for respecting others and not forcing his own opinion through (Emmeryn's return to Yllistol). What I see here is ALL but a blunt character as you call him. (And I have merely scratched the surface of his personality).

Third (going a bit personal) - there are two reasons I got into Fire Emblem: My husband and Chrom (not the same person). My husband was the one who suggested me to try FE when I was bored and ORAS was still a month away. Chrom was the one whose design made me to really go and try a game genre that I always found very boring and unappealing. I was occasionally watching my husband play FEA when we were in Japan and the only thing that I recalled from those moments was the lvl up "clang" sound and the fact that Chrom looked handsome in the cutscenes, especially with his pissed face on. So I tried the game and the only reason I got over the first ten chapters was my desperate effort to S-support him before he gets to marry Sumia (I thought he would always marry Sumia if not S-supported with someone else and I really hate that shipping because if something is cliché and forced in FEA, it's Chromia). But I really got into FE turn-based style and look at me today, I own all Fire Emblems I could get my hands on. -- I believe Awakening lured a huge amount of fans to the franchise and sometimes their initial reason could be just as shallow as in my case - yet it resulted in devoted fans..

Fourth - and finally I get to the chrobin shipping atractivity. As a storyteller who even has a hardcover book published I can tell you that the FEA story where your MU marries either Chrom or Lucina is a whole different lvl from the plot where you marry any other face in the crowd. The plot is built primarily on two relationships - a genuine friendship and trust between Chrom and Avatar AND a great sacrifice and love comming from Lucina towards her father. These relationships get developed in cutscenes, they are made vital parts of the whole plot and gameplay. Unlike picking Frederick, Gaius, Lon'qu etc. where the only interaction comes from supports, if you pick Chrom (playing a female unit), you get interactions ALL THE TIME. You have the feeling that your ship is actually alive and that it plays its part. If you play as MaMU, the ChromxAvatar relationship makes you feel like the two of them are the best buddies under the sun, they would die for each other etc etc. If you play FeMU, Chrom and Avatar reach the same friendship and it feels very natural that it evolves even further. Then, the two of them being lovers adds an extra something to the plot. Extra emotions in many moments (especially during the final chapters) and even more emotions if you are an emotion antenna like girls usually are. Just an example of what I see there:

  • FeMU's struggles if she's good enough for Chrom, being an amnesiac so potentially dangerous - later even knowing her father etc. Simply put she can always feel like a black sheep.
  • How does Chrom feel seeing his future daughter wanting to kill his wife because this wife obvisouly killed him in the future past?
  • How does FeMU feel when she wants to leave the Shepherds because she considers herself dangerous? It's not just about leaving Shepherds, she want's to leave Chrom, too, to keep him safe - and baby Lucina as well!
  • How does Chrom feel about this? He sees his wife blaming herself all the time even though her tactics crushes the enemy even in the most unfavourable situations helping so many of his people? He continuously tries to convince her that she IS good enough for him, that she IS strong enough to not get manipulated. He would sacrifice the 1000 years future people just to keep her safe. Yet she still deals the final blow...
  • And I could go on and on and on...

As for the complaints about their C Support... I can really see how each of you explain it tendentiously depending on how you view Chrom. If you don't like him, then it certainly is a great insult and proof of his incompetency: he doesn't see woman in you even if you put your cleavage in front of his face, how humiliating! Bah... What I think was their intention to put in this support is this: Chrom has never met anyone like FeMU, or more precisely, any other woman like her. I believe she kind of puts her femininity aside and prioritizes her tactician task and being practical (she wears trousers and even though one build has the cleavage it still is pretty much unisex outfit that covers and hides the majority of the attractive parts). I believe the two of them have great synergy on the battlefield and also get along very well outside the battle being great friends in a way that Chrom would subconsciously expect from a male pal (usually your best buddy is the same sex). I believe he can get so caught in this relationship (which he maybe never had before, Vaike doesn't seem so mutual) that he leaves out the part that FeMU is actually a woman. And when she first addresses her as such (a lady to be exact) it is just so alien to him that he immediatelly says so without thinking (which actually proves me right, men do talk directly to other men with no hidden meanings). I think many of you put false reasons behind his words. For me this is actually pretty romantic because this is the first push for Chrom to start realizing that this best pal of his has something more to him her. I can imagine Chrom actually watching her a bit more closely studying this fact.

To finish my long rant: I have many favourites among FEA male characters, I would really love to marry them, especially Frederick BUT I cannot marry mu MU to anyone else than Chrom. I am literally unable to do that. It would downgrade the plot so much in my eyes, taking away so many juicy parts (marriage of Naga and Grima bloodline and such), that I can't even imagine playing that plot version after I've experienced the "enhanced" one. Not to mention that I cannot imagine Chrom and FeMU not falling for each other after what they went through together. After all that, how could he possibly settle with someone like Sumia? Umm... nope. :)

(I tried to figure out how to tag spoilers but with no success. Hopefully no one would dig this deep in the history without playing the game, eh)

Edited by Rihorama
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Wow I could clap for you, I can certainly see why people this FemAvatar x Chrom is overrated or whatever, but I certainly love Chrom as a character and I'm thrilled that someone more or less made an entire post explaining all of the parts that make him an excellent character, and why the relationship between him and the Avatar is so strong.

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