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Would someone be kind enough to enlighten me as to why there isn't a calculations page up for Awakening? Curious; it's been bugging me for quite a while.

Should we create a list of calculations? It seems like the calculations aren't known for absolute certain, but people have more or less figured out most of them. It would be a lot handier than trying to search threads and constantly re-asking in the "I just want to know one thing!" topic.


Found a few:

Attacking twice: 5 or more Speed than opponent

Attack Speed = unit's Speed

Hit = Weapon Hit + (Skill*3 + Luck)/2 + Weapon Rank Bonus

Avoid = (Speed*3 + Luck) / 2

Crit = Weapon Crit + Skill/2

Crit Avoid = Luck

Edited by Tsamimi
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From what I remember, we've empirically figured out the Exp formula; it matches up with FE11/12 as long as you properly take internal levels into account, and people have figured out how to do that, too.

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On the topic of calculaitons, does anyone have any idea on whether this game uses 1RN or 2RN for deciding if an attack hits? Low % hits and high % misses seem to happen more often than in other games, so I'm suspecting that this game might be using a 1RN system.

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