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Ema Skye

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to use my handy dandy capture card to record this playthrough.

Have the first episode. Videos will be posted on a frequency unknown to me (read as: very erratically).

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Wow what an amazing Miccy level up!


Hope she continues doing that, also you using a dazzle like I have?

Edited by Jedi Of Connacht
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1-3 vid will come shortly, or so I hope. Just waiting on Youtube. It'll be edited into this post when it's done.

I skipped recording 1-4 because I did a test runthrough and got some amazing levels in the process (+Spe for Miccy and Ily, two Str procs for Meg), so I didn't want to reset or have a recording midway through the chapter. Unit stats will be shown at the beginning of the 1-5 vid.

Edit: 1-3

Edited by Loocy
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