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Problems implementing text.


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Hello all. After months of story-related research and character splicing for my upcoming project (Hopefully playable by 2014), I have finally tried to start on some of the more technical aspects, but even my first attempts to implement text has resulted in problems.


Looks fine, but then:


Ignore the dark text box and faded double portrait. I'm experimenting with something akin to steam-of-consciousness, and they're deliberate. The problem is the way the box itself looks, and switching it to white doesn't fix it. And it gets worse:


No idea what I'm doing wrong. I put [A] for the blue arrow key after every few words. It does go away after this, though, so I can't be doing everything wrong. It's probably something really basic that needs to be fixed, but I can't find anything anywhere about this problem, so here I am. As always, thanks in advance to everyone who clicked on this topic!

Edited by GreatEclipse
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You're, uh, putting a new line after the [A], right? Like this:

Testing. Testing. Testing.[A]
Testing. Testing. Testing.[A][X]

And not like this:

Testing. Testing. Testing.[A] Testing. Testing. Testing.[A][X]

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