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Chapter Value for "Fin" screen?


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Hey guys,

I'm currently in the process of making a hack for Ragefest Gaiden, and I'm almost done! I was just wondering if there was a way to make the game take you directly to the "Fin" screen at the very end of FE7 after finishing a chapter.

Normally, I'm accustomed to using MNCH and then the Chapter value under ending events in the event assembler. Is there a specific chapter value for the Epilogue or even directly for the "Fin" screen? Thanks so much!

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Really? That's the code then? So MNCH THE_END will work? My apologies for being stupid if I'm completely missing the point, but you'll have to spell this out for me haha.

Edited by Jay007
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If it's FE7 and Lyn's Mode, yes.

Check the "Obscure Hacking Tips" thread. It has obscure but useful stuff like this.

Also, the epilogue chapter isn't really a... chapter, so to speak. Oddly enough there are some hardcoded "chapter" values (beyond 0x43, idr which ones and don't feel like looking the up but it might be in the OHT thread) that have the "chapter name/title text" for the Epilogue, Trial Map, and No Data chapter (IIRC) but my guess is the game is hardcoded to handle those differently.

Some code somewhere can probably take you to the ending in general but actually manipulating various parts of it is complicated (granted if it's a small hack you likely won't have to worry about this but what little I know should be, once again, in the OHT thread).

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