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Change weapon triangle bonuses?


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at the moment i'm all tied up with unpaid stuff and homework

i'll look into it for you if you'd like but i can't promise any kind of timeliness

Edited by CT075
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I'll make it trivial for you guys:

0203a3F0 & 470 battle units data:

4: pointer to char data

4: pointer to class data

1: Level

1: Exp

2: unit data index

1: Turn status

//00 = normal

//01 = selected

//41 moved, but selected

//43 moved, grey


1: Hidden Status

//10 = drop item

//20 = Afa drops


//40 = Mani Katti



1: X position

1: Y position

1: Max Hp

1: Hp

1: str

1: skl

1: spd

1: def

1: res

1: lck

1: con

1: con bonus //not used, already factored in con

1: aid?

1: mov

1: 1st item

1: uses


1: 2st item

1: uses

1: 3st item

1: uses

1: 4st item

1: uses

1: 5st item

1: uses

1: Sword Skill

1: Lance Skill

1: Axe Skill

1: Bow Skill

1: Staff Skill

1: Anima Skill

1: Light Skill

1: Dark Skill


1: Status effect //5f??

1: unused

1: Support #1

1: Support #2

1: Support #3

1: Support #4

1: Support #5

1: Support #6

1: Support #7

1: Support #8

1: Support #9

1: Support #10

4: pointer to memory that contains B/W/L etc.


1: 3nd AI byte

1: 4nd AI byte

1: 1nd AI byte


1: 2nd AI byte




1: Equipped item after battle

1: Equipped item uses after battle

1: Equipped item pre battle

1: Equipped item uses pre battle

4: Equipped weapons abilities


1: read when checking weapon level and when writing new stats, 7 if using Runesword, 6 if wind sword, 5 if light brand


1: read when determining weapon exp

1: weapon triangle hit effect

1: weapon triangle damage effect




2: Attack

2: Defense

2: AS


2: Hit

2: Avoid

2: Battle Hit

2: Crit

2: Crit avo

2: Battle crit

2: 0x32 if has morph skill, 0x19 if has morph and enemy is boss, 0 if has morph and enemy has no exp ability

2: reads on writing stats back to unit data


1: new lv

1: new exp

1: ???

1: max hp change

1: str change

1: skl change

1: spd change

1: def change

1: res change

1: luck change

1: ???

1: 080293a4-a adds 1 to this.

1: stores 1 if weapon uses don't decrease? The amount of hits per battle?

1: ???

1: unused

1: unused


The format is:

Size in memory: Description

Every 16 bytes there is ------ to help counting offsets.

You really should learn to read the doc.

Edited by Nintenlord
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