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Unloved souls.


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For a future playthrough (or set of playthroughs) I want to make a list of characters in Fire Emblem games who follow the following characteristics.

A: They often do not get picked because there are better alternatives.

B: They are not "bad"

C: They aren't Est types.

For example I would take Matthis and Bord from FE:11. They are worse then Abel/Cain and Cord/Barst and therefor almost never picked. If trained a bit however they will almost always be better then all the pre-promo's you get later on.


Wade, Lott, Dorothy, Treck, Noah, Barth, Geese, Bartre


Wil, Dorcas, Serra, Lowen, Wallace, Louise, Karel, Vaida


Garcia, Dozla, Rennec, Syrene, Seth


Brom, Makalov, Devdan, Bastian, Lucia, Largo, Ena


Aran, Brom, Lucia, Makalov, Danved, Kyza, Sigrun, Ena


Bord, Darros, Matthis, Roshea, Rickard, Maria, Tomas, Ymir?

Edited by Silith
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There is a list for the FE I played (I didn't bother with FE12 since there is only a few units more than FE11) of characters that are unloved or unused by most players (in my opinion).

FE 6 : Dorothy, Zealot, Wendy (We all wonder whygee_wiz_emoticon.gif) and Yodel (I think, I never saw anyone using him).

FE 7 : Wallace (not unloved, but almost never used), Lowen (?), Dorcas, Isadora, Renault.

FE 8 : I never really saw hated units, apart maybe for the Trainees. But I think it would be cool to see Rennac and Syrene in (real) action.

FE 9 : MAKALOOOV, Devdan (more unused than unloved), Bastian and Lucia, Largo, Ena and Naesala in the last chapter.

FE 10 : MAKALOOOV (bis), Meg, Fiona (if you use her you're my hero, she is really too bad), Lucia (AGAIN and she know why), Heather (but just because she's not that useful), Vika (idem), Lyre and Kyza (Laguz + They're between average and bad), and Ena again (who is here, but just for cheerleader usage).

FE 11 : Jagen, Wrys, Gordin, Bord, Darros, Rickard, Roshea, Vyland God, Wiendell, Bantu, Matthis, Jeorge, Maria, Midia, Dolph, Macellan, Tomas, Boah, Astram, Arran/Samson.

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The FE:8 trainees have the reputation of becoming really good when used so that makes them Est-status.

Lyre, Meg, Fiona and Astrid ahve the reputation of just being plain bad.

What I'm looking for are units that are decent or good but almost never used because there are just better picks.

Dorothy, Dorcas and Makalov are perfect candidates for this.

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FE6: Noah, Treck, and Zealot, definitely. Also Bartre.

FE7: Lowen, at least in the drafting community, has been getting pretty hyped, so I wouldn't say him. I would say Vaida, though.

FE8: Uh...I dunno? Probably Dozla?

FE9: Makalov's is probably the best example. Also, Devdan.

FE12: Bord, Cord, maybe Caeser and Radd? I have to play FE12 more. Maybe Minerva, too.

Edited by ZeeEmm456
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Dozla for sure in 8; he's great, just there are better picks. The aforementioned Rennac and Syrene are also probably fine, although the latter might be there too late?

Treck's a good option in 6. Maybe also Geese? He's alright, but is usually passed over for Gonzales or you don't use a Berserker at all.

For FE5, hmm. Ronan might just be "bad," but you could try Selfina or Robert. And Hicks! Most people would pass him up since you already have Brighton and he doesn't have Wrath, but he's perfectly solid. Maybe also use Glade; same class as Fin, has a leadership star like Fin does, not as good as Fin though overall. Also Fred, Amalda/Conomore, and maybe Trewd instead of Shiva/Mareeta and Ralph because Ralph. Even Shanam with scrolls is okay, but his bases are so low he's more of a bad character outright.

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Lyre, Meg, Fiona and Astrid ahve the reputation of just being plain bad.

What I'm looking for are units that are decent or good but almost never used because there are just better picks.

Well actually Meg can be pretty good, but she is a pain to train, the same go for Astrid, even if in FE9 she really lacks the strength and the durability required for the last few chapters in FE10 she is quite good (or at least good enough).

Maybe Minerva, too.

And Michalis, because he is badass and he only need some Godess Icon to become really good.

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There is a list for the FE I played (I didn't bother with FE12 since there is only a few units more than FE11) of characters that are unloved or unused by most players (in my opinion).

FE 6 : Dorothy, Zealot, Wendy (We all wonder whygee_wiz_emoticon.gif) and Yodel (I think, I never saw anyone using him).

FE 7 : Wallace (not unloved, but almost never used), Lowen (?), Dorcas, Isadora, Renault.

FE 8 : I never really saw hated units, apart maybe for the Trainees. But I think it would be cool to see Rennac and Syrene in (real) action.

FE 9 : MAKALOOOV, Devdan (more unused than unloved), Bastian and Lucia, Largo, Ena and Naesala in the last chapter.

FE 10 : MAKALOOOV (bis), Meg, Fiona (if you use her you're my hero, she is really too bad), Lucia (AGAIN and she know why), Heather (but just because she's not that useful), Vika (idem), Lyre and Kyza (Laguz + They're between average and bad), and Ena again (who is here, but just for cheerleader usage).

FE 11 : Jagen, Wrys, Gordin, Bord, Darros, Rickard, Roshea, Vyland God, Wiendell, Bantu, Matthis, Jeorge, Maria, Midia, Dolph, Macellan, Tomas, Boah, Astram, Arran/Samson.

Silith specified units that are not bad but are often overlooked. It seems like every single person you named is one or the other.

To note: Dorothy, Wendy, Wallace, Bastian, Lucia, Ena, Meg, Fiona, Lyre, Kysha, Gordin, Bord, Darros, Rickard, Roshea, Vyland, Bantu, Matthis, Maria, Macellan, Tomas, and FE11 Arran are all bad.

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FE7: Serra (for some reason I feel like she's pretty much always regarded as pre-Priscilla filler), Wallace, Karel, Vaida

FE8: Gilliam, Dolza, Innes, Knoll, Syrene

FE9: Tormod, Makalov, Devdan, Tauroneo, Largo, Geoffrey(?)

FE10: Laura for long term, Heather, Makalov, Danved, Calill, Rolf (if you do transfers), Renning

Every other game I have no idea.

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Overlooked, but not bad

Dorcas- At least for anything not called HHM, he's pretty bro. Being able to ORKO-2HKO things and with some speedwings investment and all that. Also, he got hyped by Horace a little bit.

Bartre- Alright in fe7 non-HHM, but his speed base is his biggest problem. I guess he's borderline bad? In fe6 he's overlooked because of Echidna, but he's still pretty good.

Lott/Ward- Decent earlygame vs non-swordies, and Warrior promo gains +2 spd and all that.

Also bows+high strength helps with wyverns.

Noah/Treck-mounted, fe6, alright combat.

Lowen-Is being hyped by the drafters, and helps out alot while having decent combat and comes earlier than the Caelin guys.

Garcia-Kind of scorned by the newer players because of his speed, but I find that investing a wing+hero promo is the best thing ever.

Wolt- C bows when killer arrives and then promo gains.

Dozla-Come on, he's perfectly usable in fe8. Just give him a little love.

fe9 Makalov is pretty bro and isn't overlooked due to bexp and mount.

Also, Ranger!Gerik.

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Fiona's not bad its just her availability shoots her to hell.

Fiona's base stats are extremely horrible that not even a forge can make it better for her. Not to mention that every chapter she's playable she has a movement penalty. Her growths are great but that doesn't help her much

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Silith specified units that are not bad but are often overlooked. It seems like every single person you named is one or the other.

To note: Dorothy, Wendy, Wallace, Bastian, Lucia, Ena, Meg, Fiona, Lyre, Kysha, Gordin, Bord, Darros, Rickard, Roshea, Vyland, Bantu, Matthis, Maria, Macellan, Tomas, and FE11 Arran are all bad.

I think you're harsh, especially for FE11, okay most of theses units are bad, but they're not Wendy bad, all except Dorothy, Wendy, Lucia, Fiona, Kysha, Bantu, Tomas and Arran/Samson aren't good, but they are still usable without giving them boosters. I used most of this units and it wasn't a big deal really, of course there is way better and of course they're not good, but give them a try, they're not as terrible as we often think they are.

And for Ceasar I don't know if he is overlooked, since I always use him and for Radd, without reclassing he is pretty terrible.

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I wouldn't consider having an total Lord level of under fifty to be "doing badly" by any stretch.

Unless you just mean that he's a pain in the dick to get to.

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I think the whole premise of "not bad, but overshadowed/unloved" gets kinda blurry as it transitions into "relatively bad, but not unusable." If you can find a team that fits your purposes in every game, though, more power to you.

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The Wallace thing is more of a you can clear the chapter in 2 turns while recruiting Wallace means you need to take 3-4 more turns. (also wallace survivability as a green unit is iffy in the chapter he joins.(At least on HHM))

How about the Hawks in FE:9? I never used them but they seemed like weakers versions of Lethe/Muarim on wings to me.

Edited by Silith
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How about the Hawks in FE:9? I never used them but they seemed like weakers versions of Lethe/Muarim on wings to me.

If you pass on the whole laguz thing that make them almost useless half of the time without items, they're pretty decents. But if you already use some beorc fliers I don't think they are really useful.

How about fe9 Tauroneo? I rarely hear about people using him.

He is not that great but Resolve and his weapons rank make him at least decent, and he can even become good (but still inferior to Brom or Gatrie) if you are lucky or give him some boosters. In the same vein, Haar too is a "not bad but too late" unit.

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I think you're harsh, especially for FE11, okay most of theses units are bad, but they're not Wendy bad, all except Dorothy, Wendy, Lucia, Fiona, Kysha, Bantu, Tomas and Arran/Samson aren't good, but they are still usable without giving them boosters. I used most of this units and it wasn't a big deal really, of course there is way better and of course they're not good, but give them a try, they're not as terrible as we often think they are.

And for Ceasar I don't know if he is overlooked, since I always use him and for Radd, without reclassing he is pretty terrible.

Dorothy has use.

It's called wyvern chip.

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Wait why's Vaida on the list? She's basically Oswin with wings and A-rank Swords.

Probobly Because she doesn't cap things

TBH, Mounted Prepromotes are generally always useful. But this is a list of units that are kinda average.

TBH, this needs more Noah love.

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Wait why's Vaida on the list? She's basically Oswin with wings and A-rank Swords.

It seems she's generally overlooked because she's a lategame flier when you already have Florina, Fiora, and possibly Heath and Farina flying around. I mean, she's usuable off the bat, even in HHM, but it appears to me she doesn't get much attention. Even in drafting. (She's a good pick, especially when someone needs to fetch the warp staff and the other mounts are busy routing everything.)

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