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It's official, I just watched Madoka Magica


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I loved it, by the way. However, I didn't know I would grow to like Madoka so quickly. I thought I was just going to be interested in Homura (which by the way, didn't catch my interest until the last 3 episodes), and not just those two, but you could say I liked most of them barring Kyoko (which I didn't particularly dislike, but found pretty "meh" anyways).

So yeah, it's been a really fun show.

...The sad part is that I took two years to finally start watching this beast, only to watch it all in ONE DAY.

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Well, imo (obviously), Homura is the best. I love her Mahou Shoujo fighting style (I actually LOVE her style). It's like an improvement from Mami's style, with top guns and all.

But yeah, I actually liked Sakaya. Her upbeat and stubborn attitude was really fun. To back it up, I appreciate her intentions behind her wish and I really sympathized with what she went through near the end of the series.

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[spoiler=(italics)heh(/italics)]The only one whose wish had anything to do with a boy dies in all the timelines even the good end

owned heh


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I liked most of them barring Kyoko (which I didn't particularly dislike, but found pretty "meh" anyways).

This somewhat surprises me. Somehow I was expecting you to say this of Mami.

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Just because she has big breasts (or actual breasts for that manner) doesn't mean I'll dislike her.

I actually have Mami as one of my favorites because I really like her mature, "older-sister" like air around her, and the fact that she could stay elegant, calm and collected most of the time around her juniors.

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Yeah, like, what the heck. Me, the guy who can barely watch one or two episodes a day...after that, I just started getting all geeky and looking stuff up on the weeky. @_@

Well, anyway...the part that made me shed a tear (as far as I remember) was the part on the end of Ep. 11 where Madoka and her mom have a talk and Madoka convinces her mother to let her go save Homura. ;~;

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So spoilers are allowed in here? Because I'm sure I'll be dropping many~

[spoiler=I guess just in case...]I really really love all the mainestest characters~ I don't hate any them =D

I love Sayaka she's so happy and funny and I feel like I mostly grew a lot of respect for her when I watched it a second time through. She tried to do all she could for the one she loved and she gave him up because she knew it would be a better life for him. She maybe not be 100% selfless but she tries to be and I really really admire that.

I felt a little sad to find out that all Mami's positivity was misplaced but I think it's better she died before she found out unlike the time when she did find out and she was so crushed that she started killing off everybody... Not that I blame her... But if I were her I would've given them a chance to talk it over rather than force it upon them =<

But yeah Mami's very pretty~ And she wears brown!! That wins me over easily~

Madoka's also a cute girl who just wants to keep everybody happy and is sympathetic~ She wants to keep peace and I like that in her =D

Homura does whatever she can for the one she loves and she put herself through a whole lot. She's a strong character. I have lots of respect for her! I find it completely understandable how she became as distant and aloof as she had.

I really like Kyoko! I like her character and the background they gave her. I feel sorry for her =< And she had to lose Sayaka so early... The poor girl ;n;

EDIT: Oh yeah and then there's Kyubey.... Honestly I don't hate him the way everybody else does. I feel like I can understand his position... and if he really can't contemplate emotion then it means he can't understand fully how much anguish he and his kind are causing. I do think it would've been nice if he did try to understand that people would prefer if he left them alone, but there's still how he needed to do that to keep the universe running.

(That was the idea right? For all I know I misunderstood the whole concept of what Kyubey was trying to do because I tend to do that a lot with anything~) I personally found it selfish (not that I blame them either though!) of people to want to prioritize people over a universe (if the universe is destroyed wouldn't that mean everyone just dies off anyway?) Maybe instead they should at least try to feel pride that they are risking themselves sustaining an entire universe...

And uh please tell me if I am getting the entire concept wrong x3

And yeah I cry so easily so I cried so much watching this too ;n;

Edited by Freohr Datia
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@Fre yeah that's pretty much it :D you didn't get anything wrong, I don't think...

[spoiler=episode 10...]...was madness

everything totally changed and revealed

and watching Homura try over and over and over and over again and persevering probably made me cry the most

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[spoiler=(italics)heh(/italics)]The only one whose wish had anything to do with a boy dies in all the timelines even the good end

owned heh


See: The real Little Mermaid.

Oh, and...

/人 ‿‿人\ Contract?

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Congratulations. You finished it in ONE DAY?! That must've been a hell of a rollercoaster ride.

The last few episodes had me crying and crying.

Well, I watched Angel Beats in one night... I just couldn't stop watching and ended to bed past 5AM

And Madoka is still better.

Congratulations !

Kyubei is still the best character, though.

Seriously, He's the author of some of the best non-action scene.

Now, if you dug the style, you can watch the other SHAFT Anime (The Monogatari series, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei,...)

And, by the same author, you have Psycho Pass that is actually diffused in Japan. And at Spring, he will makes an Anime series.

Butcher Gen is trully sadistic, but it is really talented. No doubt on this.

By the way, have you already watched Utena or Mawaru Penguindrum ?

Utena won't let you looks at car the same way again, that is sure...

And you can also watch Symphogear. It's pretty dumb, but it's a lot of fun.

EDIT : I watched again, and Sayaka is voiced by Ai Nonaka AKA Kafuka Fuura and Ichijou-san. She also had a role in Gintama.

Her voice isn't to recognizable here, though. She is less psycho here, mainly :B):

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See: The real Little Mermaid.

Oh, and...

/人 ‿‿人\ Contract?

OMG, I don't really remember the real little mermaid story, but once I read a book of fairy tales about mermaids, so many of 'em were so depressing. Like a lot of fairy tales.

I seem to remember a couple pretty happy ones though, or so they seemed to me at the time.

Is that smiley thing a mermaid face though???

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OMG, I don't really remember the real little mermaid story, but once I read a book of fairy tales about mermaids, so many of 'em were so depressing. Like a lot of fairy tales.

I seem to remember a couple pretty happy ones though, or so they seemed to me at the time.

Is that smiley thing a mermaid face though???

It's the ASCII representation of Kyubey.

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It's the ASCII representation of Kyubey.

Ah ya. I think I know what show you guys are talking about now. Thanks for the notice. Never watched it :(

Utena won't let you looks at car the same way again, that is sure...

Utena is one of the things I'd like to watch most, just because I've known it exists for a really long time.

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