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Strunk plays Fire Emblem : Sword of Seals!


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Silly ZM, he can take Sophia to Lv.10/1 and have a healer. Same with Lilina. :P

Plus Sophia sucks and you should never use her ever... cept for this playthrough.

Dear dear Lucy, Lilina and Sophia are terrible. :P

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Hm i voted for Lilina.

I think Ellen may help too much, since she comes so early at the same time she doesn't steal exp. I mean, people made Roy solos with vulneraries before, and he will also have Wolt ''helping''.

Then there's Lilina and Sofia.

People think of Sophia because she comes so late ( Chapter 14 ) at lvl 1. But since this a run with only a few characters, the 4 who reach her ( well, idk about Tate ) will probably be so fed in EXP that they will ( probably ) overpower anything on the way and just weaken/tank enemies for Sophia to farm, no need for arenas, just time and patience.

And later she gets acess to Nosferatu while also being able to heal others.

Lilina also comes at lvl 1, but at a time your entire team is also weak. And only 3 characters available, making even harder to protect her . And she will need to fight, so exp at that point will be spread between 4 characters instead of 3, meaning you probably won't be able to just feed Noah all the exp after having Roy and Wold feed for 8 chapters.

Granted, she will probably help against armors and will be healing people much sooner than Sophia. She can heal others, but not herself without items.

That's my thoughts...

Edited by Lanko
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since this a run with only a few characters, the 4 who reach her will probably be so fed in EXP that they will overpower anything on the way and just weaken/tank enemies for Sophia to farm, no need for arenas, just time and patience.

And later she gets acess to Nosferatu while also being able to heal others.

Darn, you figured out my plan.

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Ugh. While I'd really be happy if you used Sue, I think you're going to need a healer ... with a staff rank. My vote goes for Ellen.

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Sorry, not gonna change the party now, when it took three pages to get everything settled.

As a side note to anybody reading this, I'm not going to be using a guide. Instead, I'm going to place my trust in all of you. If there's something coming up in a chapter, you guys can choose to tell me or let me miss whatever it is. I already have the info for the side-quests written down, but everything else is in your hands.

(To be official, the party is : Roy, Wolt, Tate, Noah, and Ellen.)

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[spoiler=Chapter One]

[spoiler=Before Battle]image.png

Can't we talk about this?




Wait, why did I come back here again? Didn't we already beat this game? Don't tell me I have to do all of that again.


Please don't be a war please don't be a war please don't be a war


Damn it!

Wait a second, I remember this guy...


THIS is the new bad guy?

When the hell am I, anyway?


Let me guess... son of Hector?


Doesn't necessarily mean I'm wrong!


Looking kind of old there, Eliwood.

While everyone else gets older, I stay the same as I've always been. Except the whole "nobody knows I exist" thing.


Hey, more people I used to know. Wasn't Hector supposed be dead in the future?


Okay, please don't make me control these people...!


Damn it.

How come war breaks out literally every single time I go anywhere?!


I swear, if anyone says "Order your men to lay down their arms" I am going to personally execute them.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second there. Eliwood is the greatest knight in Lycia? Really?

Either Lycia has really horrible knights or I missed a ton of important stuff.


You know you said something funny when even the evil people laugh.


Hey, I already used that joke. Stop stealing my material!!!


Now, to kill that guy, ransack the villages, and get some loot!


You'd think this would be all he'd need to hear before rushing in to save everyone.


I'm going to pretend this is what he says right after that.

[spoiler=During Battle]image.png

Everybody moves into position.


78% chance to dodge and Roy still gets hit. I get the feeling this is going to happen a lot this run.


Wolt gets the first level in the game. Unfortunately, he does not seem to have taken after his mother.


Roy moves into position to save this village without dying.


He also gains his first level.


Marcus, who should really be dead by now, visits the village and nets us some much needed funds.


We slowly but surely take out all of the enemy units that move, leaving behind a much more easily managed group.


Level three. So far, they're doing better than I expected.


Turns out the boss can't counter two range attacks, meaning Wolt is completely safe.


Unfortunately, Roy isn't as safe. One hit, and he's dead. I mean, he'd survive if I healed him to full health, but it's more dramatic this way.


Roy hits level four while dodge-tanking the boss. Kind of cool that he can do that at all, and even more so against the boss.


And Wolt finishes for his own fourth level. In case you couldn't tell, I'm trying to manage experience to keep them around the same level.


We seize- I mean, conquer- the castle and the first chapter is complete!

[spoiler=After Battle]image.pngimage.pngimage.png

Roy confirms everybody's alright and then we move straight on to the important stuff.


Roy, knowing that all parents die when their children go to war, says goodbye and sets out.

[spoiler=Personal Thoughts]So far, things are going well.

It doesn't feel that hard yet, but it's only the first chapter, so I have high hopes for the future.

I wish there were shops on the first chapter so I could pick up some more bows, but I assume we'll have some shops within the next two chapters.

I'm currently wondering if there's any kind of base shop. If so, that's going to help out a ton.

I'm also wondering who I should support together, so if you want, post some support ideas. I don't know if any of my party members actually can support together, so if what I said sounds completely stupid because of that, feel free to make fun of me for it.

As you may have noticed, I'm including a section of my own thoughts. If you don't feel like reading the ramblings of a mad man, you can skip this part from now on.

The reason I divided the chapters into sections is for the people that only care about either the story segments or (more likely) the levels gained. I'm hoping this will make everything more enjoyable for my readers.

'Till next time. Hope you enjoy.

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[spoiler=Chapter Two (Part One)]

[spoiler=Before Battle]image.png

Chapter Two : Start!


Hey, they're actually telling us where we're going before we get there.


You mean, he sent his son to meet with a bunch of hired guns that may or may not actually be working for the enemy, in a place that's right next to the enemy castle?

Yeah, sounds like Eliwood.


When aren't the castles here in chaotic states?


This doesn't look like a trap at all.


Because they don't exist. Things that don't exist can't be anywhere.


That's why Roy's a better Lord than the others. He not only doesn't instantly trust every random character that runs up to him, and he even blocks the enemy from getting to Merlinus.

It would be more impressive if this actually were an enemy, but still.


This is Ellen. Our brand new, one Magic healer. Well, that's better than a zero Magic healer.


Roy checks her health bar and determines she's not an enemy based on not having a red sprite.


Unfortunately, this isn't as impressive as it would be if the Marquess actually did anything.


Told you it was a trap. I was just thinking of the wrong person.


Yay, they found us!


Turns out Lords sound much cooler when they're actually joining the battles.

[spoiler=During Battle]


First, we visit the village and gain a fairly useful sword.


Roy gains a level by dodging, which is well known to be the funniest way to gain a level.


Wolt gains his levels the old fashioned way.


We set up a formation where Roy and Wolt can take out the incoming enemies while Ellen can heal with no danger.


Once everything one-ranged is dead, Wolt moves to the fort to take out everything else.

Also, there are way too many units for only being on the second chapter.


The enemy gets hurt and tries to run away.


Roy does not like that.


He does, on the other hand, like levels.


Knew there would be a shop soon! We buy three bows. That should be enough for a while. Roy has more than enough swords, so I'm not worried about him.


Wolt grabs his new bows and we're ready to go move on.


We use a similar formation to before, except with the addition of Marcus blocking a fort.


Wolt hits level six after taking out the first of the enemy units.


First, Roy managed to get hit twice, but luckily the fort helped avoid any serious damage, and second, nothing attacks Marcus. Ever.


Wolt has an epic duel with a random enemy archer.


Which he wins without taking any wounds, even though the enemy should have been able to hit at least once in four tries.

They're just trying to make it harder to level Ellen, I can tell!


They're so close experience wise, it's almost funny.


Roy finally gets hit... right as he levels up. Meaning he still only gets healed once.


...Or not! It turns out that one extra point of health means he can be healed again after all!


Wolt takes out the mercenary and follows Roy into Level 7.


Ellen finally levels up! She also gains both Magic and Resistance, so yay!


Wolt can do absolutely nothing to the boss, so it's all up to Roy.


Roy, and his brand new Armorslayer, that is!


Three hits and even an armored boss dies.

Is it me, or is Roy getting a surprising amount of Resistance?


8 strength, 8 skill, 8 speed, 8 experience, and level 8

I like this.


We conquer the castle and finish the battle.

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[spoiler=Chapter Two (Part Two)]

[spoiler=After Battle]image.pngimage.png

We find some random girl Ellen knows inside the castle.


Slightly more dramatic than last time.


It's not like that's the title of the chapter or anything.


May as well. It's not like the game has any reason to lie.


And suddenly things get more complicated. I was hoping for a "kill everyone" option, not a "resolve everything peacefully" option.


Not technically an answer to the question, but okay.


He must see very well, considering how he never blinks.


Oh, yay, Hector. Because there's nobody I'd like to see more than Hector.


Fine, fine. I'll visit Hector. Maybe ask him why he's still alive.


Whatever. They'd still go even if I said no.

[spoiler=Personal Notes]This chapter also wasn't very difficult, but it was fun trying to make sure absolutely nobody else got any experience, what with Dieck's group appearing right in the middle of the enemy groups.

Roy and Wolt are doing well, and I have high hopes for both of them in the future. I feel I should probably start trying to give more experience to Wolt, considering he can actually promote, although I don't actually know when I get his promotion item.

It seems Roy and Wolt have a support together, and if nobody mentions anything, I think I'll start building at least a B rank between the two. They're both completely unsupported for now, though.

Since we're mostly set with weapons, I'm now slightly worried about more healing staves. The shop from last chapter didn't have any for sale, which doesn't help when your staff only has twenty uses, but I'm sure another shop will show up soon.

I don't really remember what chapter the battle preparations show up at, but I'm guessing it'll be around four, and no later than five. If not, I'm going to end up with way too many units on the map at once.

So far, I've been keeping absolutely everybody alive. Now, this isn't really supposed to be an anti-casualty run, but I could make it one if you'd like. Add even more unnecessary challenges to this thing!

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There's a base shop starting in Chapter 6, and yeah, you can buy bows in chapter 2.

I didn't see this post before making my own, so I'm responding now.

So there in fact is a base shop in this game. That's going to help a lot. Chapter six seems like a while away, but I'm sure I'll be able to handle things until then.

As you can see, I already found the weapon shop in Chapter Two, although I'm glad you mentioned it. I'd hate to have missed it. Wolt would very quickly run out of weapons, and what would I do then?

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i barely know more about fe6 than you do so take everything i say with a grain of salt

Roy and Wolt are your only two units that can support. Marcus can support with both Roy and Wolt as well, but I don't know when you'll be dropping him since Wolt needs some kind of protection and I don't think Roy can cut it until Noah joins...

Actually I do think people have done Roy/Wolt only early chapters before, but once it gets to chapter 4 or so I don't think it'd be possible without meat shields (if anyone has a link to something like that please show me!).

Your Roy is faring decently. I hope he gets some more speed though; you don't want him getting doubled by mercenaries and nomads! As for Wolt, I've never used him so idk.

Oh and the base shop sells you stuff at higher prices than you would pay for them if you went to an armory on the map so it'd probably be better to stock up at those places than to rely too much on the one at base ;o

Stock up on door keys and chest keys!

edit: Oh and Wolt is gaining exp at a good rate. You should get his promotion item at around the time he reaches level 20.

Edited by Momentai~
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[spoiler=Chapter Three(Part One)]

[spoiler=Before Battle]image.png

Chapter Three : Start!

Yes, this is going to be a thing now.


I remember this place. They were jerks. I bet they're still jerks.


What could be so shocking that they can't even possibly believe it?


That's... uh... not very shocking. It's not really shocking at all.


Well, I guess that would have been shocking, had it been part of the message, and not outside of the quotation marks, and therefore something they don't know.


Well, at least we'll get to kill stuff.


Oh, hey, it's Hector. Hi Hector. It's been a long time. How have you been?

What do you mean, "Help"?

No, I'm not here to help.

I'm here to watch.


Save it for your boss fight.


Who is that person, and where the heck did he come from?


We can't just start taking every random villager with us...


Don't bother trying to turn him down now. He's already turned blue.


It's nice to have someone that listens to me for once!

Now, are we done here, or are there more cut-scenes?


More cut-scenes.


Roy is very good at conversation.

[spoiler=During Battle]image.png

Thanks to the enemy soldiers actually being competent for once, we end up going on the defensive.


Luckily, Ellen is there to heal our wall units and gain experience.


Wolt hits level eight.


Those reinforcements are going to be a major pain.


Having taken out most of the soldiers, everybody moves down to form a new defense against the cavaliers.


Roy levels up...


Roy finally takes out his Rapier to do a bit of extra damage to the cavaliers.


And gets his very first critical hit on top of that.

That cavalier is screwed.


Ellen gains another level and another point of Magic, which is always nice.


Wolt is still keeping up with Roy.


Oh. Crud. We don't have any other staves. This could become a problem.

(This was going to be a picture of her heal staff breaking, but SOMEONE forgot to take a screenshot of it, so this'll have to do.)


Roy and Wolt start building their support.


Marcus visits the top village and recruits "Lugh".


Which for some reason causes more cavaliers to spawn. Unfortunately, I'd just started moving people out of formation. Urgh.


This side path is extremely helpful. I doubt we would've been able to survive at all without it.


Marcus visits the second village and gains a Mend Staff. This is exactly what we needed.

Luckily, no extra reinforcements appear after we visit the village. Although they're basically free experience, considering how easy it is to take them out now.


Ellen expends a couple Mend uses to heal and gain experience. She also gains another Magic point. Hopefully that'll keep happening.


Time to rush the castle!


Armorslayer is still useful, and Roy gains a nice level.


Wolt is agonizingly close to leveling up.

Unfortunately, Wolt can't actually injure the Armor Knights at all, so Roy's going to be soaking up most of the experience for the rest of the chapter.


Roy uses his Rapier instead of the Armorslayer while taking on the boss. That extra ten percent chance to dodge, plus the extra critical rate, make it a much better option.


Roy takes out the boss in three rounds of combat, thanks to a lucky critical. He also managed not to get hit, which is good, considering I couldn't really move Ellen to heal him safely.


With everything on the map dead, we conquer the castle and end the battle. Even though it was already over because everybody was already dead.

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[spoiler=Chapter Three(Part Two)]

[spoiler=After Battle]image.png

Yay. Maybe he'll give us money.


It's a good thing we have a healer with a fresh Mend staff then!


If you say so. I'll save the staff use for someone more important, like Merlinus or something.


Wait, what was that?




I'm fairly certain we're not equip to handle that type of thing.


Roy is freaking out considerably less than is necessary.


So now we get a ton of awesome weapons and money. That's what happens when you lead what amounts to the united force of an entire civilization. Right Hector?




Don't do this to me, man!



[spoiler=Personal Notes]This chapter was fairly difficult at first. I had to restart a few times because my formations didn't work out, but eventually I got everything down.

It was kind of challenging trying to keep everybody alive while also taking out the enemy units before they became overwhelming.

Still hoping to find an actual shop to buy extra staves with before chapter six, because even with the Mend staff, we're going to be running out of healing power soon.

Thanks to the Armor Knights, and especially the boss, Roy is now far ahead of Wolt. It's not easy kiling things when you have six strength, unfortunately.

Still, Wolt is doing fairly well. Sure, his levels haven't been the very best they could be, but he can double most enemies, and he still has a lot of room to grow.

I have absolutely no idea when I get any more usable characters, but I get the feeling this is going to be the full extent of the party for a while. They'll all probably be level 20 by the time somebody else shows up.

As for supports, I'm going to just give Roy and Wolt an A ranked support together. If, as stated, they don't have supports with any other units, it doesn't really make sense not to support them. They're always next to each other, and whatever stat gets boosted should help in battle.

Edited by Strunk
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You get your next unit in Chapter 7, I believe. That chapter will also be a great one for Wolt, due to the wyverns.

So it won't take as long as I thought. I'm sure both Roy and Wolt will be at least level fifteen by that point, so hopefully they'll be able to take out the wyvern in one go. Of course, there're all of the many other enemy units on the map to worry about, as well. I also seem to remember all of the cavalier units committing suicide during that chapter. I suppose it's going to be pretty chaotic, trying to kill the enemy, keep my own units alive, and also rescue all the new units. Sounds fun!

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If you want an explanation for why this chapter took so long, or why the quality is so horrible, check the "Personal Notes" section.

[spoiler=Chapter Four]

[spoiler=Before Battle]image.png

Chapter Four : Start!


It's not like we had any other choice.


More jerks!


What are the chances we'll get past this without being dragged into their problems?


On screen : A miniboss that won't actually be participating in this chapter, and a guy that should have died decades ago.


Why am I here for this? I don't care about gifts.


She? Girl? I thought it was a gift.


And who exactly is he talking to? Is he telling the ugly guy to go get his own gift? Seems kind of Rude.


Wait, is that the gift or the person bringing the gift?


People keep adding their titles onto their names all of a sudden. It's not as dramatic as you'd think.


Again, this could be taken two ways. Is he planning to fill in for her brother while playing with her, or was he hoping for her brother to show up instead?

Be more specific while being creepy!



This is the best line in the entire game.


Burn. Which is especially effective, because he's the one riding a dragon.


I really hate to interrupt, but can we get to the battle sometime soon? I don't actually care about you people.


Thank you!


I can only assume this means the chapter will take place in the castle, and we'll just happen to rescue her while killing everything around.




Seriously though, is he actually talking to somebody that's slightly offscreen? Maybe he's just insane?

[spoiler=During Battle]image.png

First thing we do is visit the village.


Next, leveling the units that almost leveled up last chapter.


These cavaliers really hate Roy.


And then pirates. They're going to try and destroy the villages and make an even bigger mess of the chapter.


A Heal staff recruits itself.


Roy moves down to lure the pirates away from the village.


Roy gains a level. I missed the screenshot, so settle for this nice stat screen instead.


Wolt gains another single point level.


More levels as we kill stuff.


We also recruit Rutger. Nobody cares about Rutger.


This is probably going to hurt later on.


Eventually, we take out everything but the last few enemies.


We also buy a ton of weapons and staves.


This is a great defensive position.


Another level for Roy.


And more healing levels for Ellen.


More villages! I don't care much for the sword, but the Angelic Robe should prove useful.


Boss time!

This isn't unfair in the slightest.


Wolt forces the boss to switch to his javelin and levels up.


And Ellen levels up healing him.


Roy gets the kill and levels up yet again, and then we leave.

[spoiler=Personal Notes]I actually finished this chapter about three days ago.

Then, my laptop decided to die. For now, I believe I've fixed the problems, although it's still not doing too well.

Why this is relevant is, I ended up losing all of the data for this chapter.

After spending a total of six hours trying to beat this chapter without a single unit dying, without anyone but Roy and Wolt getting a kill, and without any of the villages being destroyed, I lost all of it.

So, I got pissed, and basically said "screw you" to the game for a while.

Also, my "down" button isn't working well.

This is probably one of the most annoying parts to my laptop breaking, besides the obvious.

My buttons don't register half the time, meaning I have to constantly go back over every single thing I type several times to make sure every letter is there.

When it comes to Fire Emblem, do you know how annoying it is to do anything when your down button barely works?

Oh, and my original dialog was funnier. I can't remember any of it. This pisses me off more.

Anyway, enough with the ranting. The next chapter should be up in a reasonable time-frame.

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