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Launch Day Plans

Crimson Red

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I work as a reporter and the police station I cover is right next to a Gamestop. Gonna write about some criminals, pick up my copy and play with some headphones. Can't wait to get artbook, I collect retro games and some new games, that will be a collectible. It's pretty much why I think the FE bundle is kinda of a buzz kill: a digital copy of the game? No thanks.

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I'll be walking down to Gamestop from my college, which would be no big deal since it's maybe a mile down the road, but it'll be in the snow so I'm hoping we don't get any more accumulation than we already have. Which isn't a whole lot still, but anything that makes the trip less annoying would be nice. After that, have to sit in class for about 50 minutes knowing it's in my bag. But it could be worse! From there, I'll either play it while I hang around, or head straight home to play it in peace.

That's the plan right now anyway.

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Update now that I've ordered my game:

Feb 4th: twiddle my thumbs all day, go to bed early

Feb 5th: What I said in my first post, lol

Local gamestop said that they weren't getting 'em in til the 5th. I can wait a day.

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So, I check the Gamestop where I placed my preorder to see when the game's available.

Surprise, surprise, they told me it was Feb. 5. But that's not all.

He also told me that the actual shipments would be received the week before release--i.e. next week-- yet the store is being ordered by the higher-ups to abstain from selling before the 5th.

This is despite the website (correctly) displaying the Feb. 4 release date.

I can't tell if all this is a deliberate move by Gamestop, or a mistake by someone working the database.

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So, I check the Gamestop where I placed my preorder to see when the game's available.

Surprise, surprise, they told me it was Feb. 5. But that's not all.

He also told me that the actual shipments would be received the week before release--i.e. next week-- yet the store is being ordered by the higher-ups to abstain from selling before the 5th.

This is despite the website (correctly) displaying the Feb. 4 release date.

I can't tell if all this is a deliberate move by Gamestop, or a mistake by someone working the database.

My Gamestop also told me they'd get them before the 5th (didn't specify when, just "earlier"), but wouldn't sell them until the 5th. So, I'm going to call later to see if they're doing a midnight launch for anything on the 3rd/4th, and then just go and show them that the official release date is the 4th. Figure it can't hurt, since I'll presumably still be awake due to the Super Bowl that night anyway.

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Aw, I hope that's not the case for me. I'll have to check the next chance I get. I could wait a day but I won't be able to go get the copy myself. And it won't be until late in the day. Not ideal but whatever.

Well, I guess that's another point for going the eShop route, haha.

Edited by B00TE
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Work (intern) -> Get home, start downloading the game from the E-shop, go play a match of indoor football while the downloading continues -> Get back home and play the shit out of it until deep in the night...

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My bundle is being delivered from Future Shop. I may or may not have my car to go pick it up, so I went with delivery. Hopefully it'll arrive on the 4th, but the 5th or 6th seems more likely.

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First, I'm going to lock my door. Then, I'm going to disconnect my phone lines and ignore any and all post. Then I will seal myself into my room and play the game.

Once people catch onto the fact that I have vanished, I'm going to throw a specially prepared puppet of myself out of the window of a nearby hotel, put on my specially prepared wax mask of a suitable celebrity and book myself into another hotel while the investigation into my faked death proceeds. I will then continue to play the game.

Once it becomes clear that I must announce my presence or be declared legally dead, I will hire a gang of thugs to beat me up and leave me unconscious on the middle of the high street. Here, I will be found and taken to hospital, where I will recuperate. While playing Awakening.

At this point, I will contact a lawyer and find someone to sue for my beating/the failure of the investigation to find me etc etc. I will then use this money to take an extended leave from University. To play Awakening.

So nothing much really, no.

I'm going to go buy the cartridge.

and I'm going to play it.


Step 1)Beg for remaining amount of money.

Step 2)Get the game from gamestop.

Step3)Run faster than Flash all the way back home and proceed to lock all doors and entrances into my room.

Step4)Play the game and lose contact with the outside world for about a month.

Step 5) Reemerged looking completely diffrerent.

It is amazing that there are so many fantastic fanatic fellow Fire Emblem 'ficionados!

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Get depressed when yanks are busy playing with their waifus while we are waiting to know exact date for EU release. And when finished with that get frustrated by the fact that release will be delayed again. Because that's what always happens.

I just wan to preorder it alredy...

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Get depressed when yanks are busy playing with their waifus while we are waiting to know exact date for EU release. And when finished with that get frustrated by the fact that release will be delayed again. Because that's what always happens.

I just wan to preorder it alredy...

Cry moar, your tears are delicious.

Seriously, though, I actually do kinda hope EU gets some news about the release, which is also hopefully not a delay.

And I'm totally not saying that because of Vincent. Nope.

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Wake up around 8:00am, go to class at 9:30am

Be in class anxiously waiting for it to end at 10:50am (1hr 40min until next class)

Leave class and go to GameStop, kind of a far drive from class (I don't give a f***, Awakening shall be mine!)

Arrive at GameStop, acquire the game (and art book) I've been waiting so long for!

Drive back for my second class at 12:30pm (So grateful that I have so much time between classes :D)

If I have time when I get back to school, I'll start playing. If not, I'll just wait until after class.

Go to class at 12:30pm until 1:50pm.

Shut myself in my room playing Awakening for the rest of the day.

Never be heard from again.

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I'll be waiting anxiously these next few days until I get my work schedule for that week.

If I'm not working, I get out of bed ~30 minutes before GameStop opens, shower, have breakfast, and drive out.

If I AM working, hopefully it's the early morning shift where I get out at 10, which I believe is when GameStop opens. If I'm working at another time, I try and stop off at GameStop first, if they're open and I have the spare time. If not, I'll have to grab it on the way home.

Then once I'm out of work, I play for the rest of the day.

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Pick it up at around 2pm on Feb 8, because that's the earliest date/time I am free to pick it up :( .


You're lucky that you don't have to wait 'til June... like I do. :'-(

Me? I... study diligently for AP US History, AP English Language, and AP Calculus... and the TORFL or whatever the Russian Proficiency Test for foreigners is called... and the SAT... THEN, on June 1, RIGHT AFTER I FINISH THE SAT, I quickly get home and download the game... and wait an agonizing 12 hours. (Internet probably won't be that fast...)

Then... I play the whole time I'm on the trip to Korea... and on the plane to Turkey... and on the plane back to America... and in America... and... I'll probably have played at least 60 hours by the time I'm done with all the traveling... which is, like, 2 whole months. :P (How inconvenient.)

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You're lucky that you don't have to wait 'til June... like I do. :'-(

Me? I... study diligently for AP US History, AP English Language, and AP Calculus... and the TORFL or whatever the Russian Proficiency Test for foreigners is called... and the SAT... THEN, on June 1, RIGHT AFTER I FINISH THE SAT, I quickly get home and download the game... and wait an agonizing 12 hours. (Internet probably won't be that fast...)

Then... I play the whole time I'm on the trip to Korea... and on the plane to Turkey... and on the plane back to America... and in America... and... I'll probably have played at least 60 hours by the time I'm done with all the traveling... which is, like, 2 whole months. :P (How inconvenient.)

Why not start the download when you go to bed for the SAT? Go to bed, forget about it, head to your exam at 8am, come out at lunch, head home to a downloaded game! Since you aren't downloading at launch, you won't have to worry too much about the frequent disconnection which occurs when the eShop has a hot new release.

Also good on you for doing your SAT earlier. Need time for those SAT IIs, eh? Gahaha!

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Why not start the download when you go to bed for the SAT? Go to bed, forget about it, head to your exam at 8am, come out at lunch, head home to a downloaded game! Since you aren't downloading at launch, you won't have to worry too much about the frequent disconnection which occurs when the eShop has a hot new release.

Also good on you for doing your SAT earlier. Need time for those SAT IIs, eh? Gahaha!

Or I could do that. :P The only problem is... what if the connection gets broken anyway. (That happens to me... It actually happened quite a bit with NSMB2... and that's only about 300 MB. :P)

Eh, I intend on taking the SAT once... but who knows what'll happen? Better safe than sorry... or so the saying goes.

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Going to spend the whole day working until 7pm . Going to asked my brother to pick up my game instead since he's on night shift. I hope I could get my game as soon as possible, I'm not going to pre-order since I live outside the US/Canada.

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Or I could do that. :P The only problem is... what if the connection gets broken anyway. (That happens to me... It actually happened quite a bit with NSMB2... and that's only about 300 MB. :P)

Eh, I intend on taking the SAT once... but who knows what'll happen? Better safe than sorry... or so the saying goes.

I mean the SAT IIs -- Subject Tests. A lot of universities require at least two, and even if they don't it won't hurt your chances of acceptance to have them. Also, true about the lost connection, but worth a shot anyway. Think of it as a bonus--expect it not to work so if it works, BONUS, and if it doesn't, you're not too let down because you kind of expected it.

That said, I'm not looking forward to the connection babysitting required to get all 800mb of this game on my system... At least I found out today that February 5th is a day off from teaching AND from grad school. Should use it to work on a final project presentation for Feb 9th, but realistically I'm never that productive. (So I'll trick myself into doing it on Sunday, Feb 3 instead.)

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Pray to god my Gamestop gets it.

Yo yo! Call them up, dude. I called two local GameStops to get some answers to my questions. I also further questioned the people at GameStop, when I physically went in store.


You're lucky that you don't have to wait 'til June... like I do. :'-(

Me? I... study diligently for AP US History, AP English Language, and AP Calculus... and the TORFL or whatever the Russian Proficiency Test for foreigners is called... and the SAT... THEN, on June 1, RIGHT AFTER I FINISH THE SAT, I quickly get home and download the game... and wait an agonizing 12 hours. (Internet probably won't be that fast...)

Then... I play the whole time I'm on the trip to Korea... and on the plane to Turkey... and on the plane back to America... and in America... and... I'll probably have played at least 60 hours by the time I'm done with all the traveling... which is, like, 2 whole months. :P (How inconvenient.)

Oh, high school. It's good that you're very studious :) . And why are you studying for AP English? I don't know what you would need to study for that class/test. I didn't study at all and got pretty high marks (well, in all modesty, English is my best subject). Are you shooting for the Ivy Leagues?

I'm currently at Uni, so yes---I am a lucky fool who doesn't need to wait til June! haha. I have 2 jobs+internship+class, so I too can get pretty busy (but, any rabid FE fan can make time for FE, can't they? ;D).

Edited by Lauren
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