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Launch Day Plans

Crimson Red

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So, I check the Gamestop where I placed my preorder to see when the game's available.

Surprise, surprise, they told me it was Feb. 5. But that's not all.

He also told me that the actual shipments would be received the week before release--i.e. next week-- yet the store is being ordered by the higher-ups to abstain from selling before the 5th.

This is despite the website (correctly) displaying the Feb. 4 release date.

I can't tell if all this is a deliberate move by Gamestop, or a mistake by someone working the database.

>Get job at gamestop

>Wait until shipment comes in.

>Slip one of those bundle packages out, and put my DSi in its place (to make up for weight)

>Put package back

>When the game is released, make sure I get the opened one.

>Play the game a week before its release date.


lol just kidding I'm too much of a scaredy cat to try something like that LOL

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1. Wake up and fire up my 3DS, then hammer the "buy" button on the e-shop.

2. Have a nice lunch and go to the only class I have that day.

3. Come back to find the game all downloaded and ready to play.

4. Spend the next week or more playing as much as I can.

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