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Democrat or republican?



26 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you a democrat or republican?

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I'm not old enough to vote (17), but I find myself leaning more towards Democrat policies than I do republicans. I'd identify myself as a liberal even, bot not a super liberal. Moderate liberal would be the most accurate I guess, since I wouldn't be afraid to lean with the Republicans if they had a stance on something that I agreed with and disagreed with the Democrats about.

EDIT: Maybe it would be better to say that I just disagree with most Republican policy 120% of the time? Nonetheless, most democrat policy as of late I have supported.

Edited by DualSilverGunner
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Fuck higher taxes. And lol at all the ignorant obama supporters who got pissed when their 1st paycheck this year was cut.

Because, as we all know, the only reason taxes exist is to take advantage of the population.

Reducing them was absolutely not a contributing factor to the insane public debt that just so happened to start increasing greatly right after both major times they were reduced. No, sir.

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EDIT-Also, I hope I didn't sound too critical. I didn't mean, "Esau is not a good source" but "ppl don't seem to me good sources on why they vote." It is a snotty misconstrued usage of a sort of inversion of Thucydides's principle, that responsible citizens keep themselves up to date, and later responses/echoes of this principle and related ones.

No I am offended and I will go cry forever. D:<

I hate them both. But republican because they have better economic policies
Fuck higher taxes.

Don't you mean fuck higher taxes on specific groups? If you think the Republican party is all about reducing everyone's taxes you're a bit mistaken.

Though lower taxes don't necessarily correlate to a better living condition.

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