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Strange hacking question


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Ok so I have a complicated question. What I want to know is this: How do I hack in characters into a FE7 hack that has no gameplay or storyline hacks - it will be used specifically for the Link Arena. Basically, I want to have several different save files with characters in it ranging from FE 6, 7, and 8 (and possibly customer characters as well).


One file will have 40 characters all of which I've designated who they are, what level, items, and even stats that each one has.

Another file will have 40 more, etc. These don't have to be in the same .sav file. They can be on entirely different battery files.

This would in essence enable me to have characters that I've personally used from different games fight against each other.

What I need to know is a run down on what programs I could use to do this, and maybe some help on how to do it.

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You'd have to load all of the units in each save slot, and provide the user with that save state.

Ok. Doesn't seem difficult. I personally have zero experience hacking games. Any way I could get a little more detail on how to do this? What program would I use? What tools would I need? Is there a specific tutorial that shows how to do this?

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The ultimate tutorial should teach you all you need. The tool you'll need is feditor to import face sprites, change character names/descriptions, and animations.

Checking out the hacking resources section should also help you out if need be, and you can still ask questions later.

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The ultimate tutorial should teach you all you need. The tool you'll need is feditor to import face sprites, change character names/descriptions, and animations.

Checking out the hacking resources section should also help you out if need be, and you can still ask questions later.

Thank you. I will get to learning on this. If I have further questions I will post them here.

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Ok so after a few days reading through the tutorial, I now know how to change FE7 characters in to characters from different FE games. I know how to edit their stats, classes, sprites, portraits, animations, weapons, details, ect. One thing I still can't figure out though (maybe I missed it?) is how can I have ALL of these characters at the outset of the game. I want to basically play through the first chapter and save to unlock the "Extras" option to get in to the Link Arena, and then be able to select from ANY of the characters, like a full roster you'd have at the end of the game.

Could I get some assistance or pointed in the right direction on this? Please and thank you :)

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Well, you could set yourself up with some custom events in the first chapter that loads all possible player characters, then run THE_END, which will take the player through the credits. After that, there should be a save with a cleared game, and the extras will probably be accessible. I've never tried this myself, but I don't imagine it's much more complex than that. If you're not familiar with events, try

or his written tutorial once you've got the hang of things. Further questions on event hacking should go in the appropriate topic.
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Ok one thing that has me stuck is the map sprites. The information in Chapter 61 of the above posted tutorial is not making any sense to me. I've searched like crazy for youtube videos or other resources online for help to no avail.

I just simply want to add a Map Sprite for standing and moving.

EDIT: To further elaborate, I'm trying to change the Map Sprite for the male Hero class in FE7. When I pull it up in Nightmare to get the graphics pointer, it gives 0x83BDDA4. However when I put this entry in to GBAGE, it doesn't show ANY sprites like he shows in the tutorial. It simply shows a red rectangle.

EDIT2: NVM, figured this out for now. Haven't had a chance to test it, gotta sleep.

Edited by ZivilynBane
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Quick question. When creating my event to have my characters load, how can I increase the amount of characters that can load? For example, I'm editing 0x06 Prologue. But there are only 4 characters in the prologue allowed. So how can I make it so that I can put more?

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Use custom events like Agro said :P

That's what I'm doing and I was not clear. What I was wanting to know was how to get this information in to a Chapter Unit Editor nightmare module. However after thinking about it, it doesn't really seem like anything I'd need at all anyways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK so I have every singlel character portrait from FE6-11. All I had to do for FE9-11 was use portraits from the characters page on serenes forest, resize, recolor to 16, and touch up. It's cheap but I'm no spriter, and most of them actually look pretty darned good. However, I have ran in to two problems that I have no idea how to fix and wanted to see if anybody could help.

Again, I'm only using these characters in the Link Arena. I have made characters for example like Haar, who is a Wyvern Lord yet wields an axe. When he enters battle on a map, the game simply skips battle cut scenes and shows the map battles (just like if you had turned battle animations off). Which is totally fine by me, since I can't seem to find any axe animations for Wyvern Lord, sword animations for General, etc. However, for some reason if this happens in the Link Arena, two very odd things happen. One, if the character dies, he gives his death quote. This is exceptionally annoying, and I've found no way to prevent it from happening. If anybody has any idea how, please let me know. And two, once the battle ends, the player controlled unit gains EXP (even at level 20 max). This at first didn't seem to pose a problem, because the exp still resets after every individual battle. However, there are certain matchups that cause 100 exp to be gained, and if that happens, the level 20 character then gains a level and it gets pretty glitchy. If anybody knows how to stop this from happening, please let me know. Note that I've already used the Character Editor Module in Nightmare to give the "Character Ability 4" option the value 0x01, which is "Opponent Doesn't Gain Experience." This actually works, however the game seems to calculate Link Arena points the same way as experience, and those Link Arena points are necessary for my purpose of creating this whole thing to begin with. So if I do it via that method, it gives no Link Arena points along with no exp points.

Any help, ideas, or brainstorming is absolutely appreciated. If this is in the wrong forum, please let me know and I'll be happy to post it somewhere else.

EDIT: Also, I'm wondering if anybody knows how to hack certain parts of the Link Arena. All I need to know is if it is possible to have 32 teams instead of 10 teams saved. Help me please, lol.

Thank you.

Edited by ZivilynBane
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  • 2 weeks later...

No word on this? All I really need to know how to do at this point is the first part of the previous post.

Again, I'm only using these characters in the Link Arena. I have made characters for example like Haar, who is a Wyvern Lord yet wields an axe. When he enters battle on a map, the game simply skips battle cut scenes and shows the map battles (just like if you had turned battle animations off). Which is totally fine by me, since I can't seem to find any axe animations for Wyvern Lord, sword animations for General, etc. However, for some reason if this happens in the Link Arena, two very odd things happen. One, if the character dies, he gives his death quote. This is exceptionally annoying, and I've found no way to prevent it from happening. If anybody has any idea how, please let me know. And two, once the battle ends, the player controlled unit gains EXP (even at level 20 max). This at first didn't seem to pose a problem, because the exp still resets after every individual battle. However, there are certain matchups that cause 100 exp to be gained, and if that happens, the level 20 character then gains a level and it gets pretty glitchy. If anybody knows how to stop this from happening, please let me know. Note that I've already used the Character Editor Module in Nightmare to give the "Character Ability 4" option the value 0x01, which is "Opponent Doesn't Gain Experience." This actually works, however the game seems to calculate Link Arena points the same way as experience, and those Link Arena points are necessary for my purpose of creating this whole thing to begin with. So if I do it via that method, it gives no Link Arena points along with no exp points. Any help, ideas, or brainstorming is absolutely appreciated. If this is in the wrong forum, please let me know and I'll be happy to post it somewhere else.
Edited by ZivilynBane
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